feel free

  • 网络随便;随意;感受自由

feel freefeel free

feel free


初中英语总复习_百度知道 ... fed up with,be 感到厌倦 feel free 随便... feel like 很想要 ...


lie to me 别对我说谎 第二季 第二集... ... realization: 认知,了解 feel free: 感到自由,随意 cooperate: 合作 ...


  导语:《Vogue》杂志德国版5月号时尚大片:感受自由 (Feel Free)这组名为“感受自由(FeelFree)”的主题大片,由超模梅格达 …


如果你能提供图画,请随意feel free ?)跟我联系 多谢 提问者对答案的评价: 您帮了我两次了,真想有机会认识一下,谢谢啦 …


free是什么意思?_百度知道 ... free from 使摆脱;免于;解放 feel free 随便,轻松 free trade [经]自由贸易 ...


简单的日常英语口语用语 ... Go ahead. 你请便吧. Feel free. 不用客气. Is this seat taken? 这里有人坐吗? ...


绯闻女孩Gossip Girl... ... Gothic Barbie 哥特式的芭比娃娃 feel free 请便 fall into place 水到渠成 ...


《实用高中英语用法... ... a village free of noise 远离吵闹的村庄 / feel free 尽管用,随便用 / free and easy 不拘礼节,轻松 / ...

Enjoy the information and feel free to call me to order your own samples of this delightfully delicious melt-in-your-mouth chocolate. 希望你喜欢这些信息,您随时可以联系我来预定自己的这种入口即化的美味巧克力样品。
Please feel free to ask any questions for further clarification, and hope to hear back from you soon. 请随时提出的任何问题作进一步澄清,并希望能听到你回来。
I tried to sort them by Act but I might have missed a few things left and right, feel free to point out errors in comments. 我尝试用关卡来排序,但是好像多少遗漏了一些什么东西,大家可以在评论中指出错误。
I will try to bring some more in the coming weeks but for now if you know of any please feel free to share the link with the rest of us. 在接下来的几周里我会带来更多。而此刻我希望您能在悦目之余抽暇将此链接与他人共享!
If individuality is appreciated, feel free to be a little more daring than you would be if you were a trial lawyer. 展现个性适合,那就放轻松,你可以比出庭律师的着装大胆得多。
Please feel free to look back to review as much as you want or continue to the brief qualifying test and registration. 请放松一下回顾刚才的内容,直到你想继续简短的资格测试并注册。
For now, feel free to browse and view what Taylor has experienced in just a few years while having fun singing and yodeling. 现在,免费浏览什么看法和感受泰勒在经历短短几年玩乐而唱聊。
Read through some of these questions, and feel free to leave one of your own for the future. 你们读一下其中的一些提问,也可自由提问。
To try it out, just visit our iGoogle gadget page. We welcome your feedback, so please feel free to leave a comment while you're there. 要试试它,只需要访Google小工具页.我们欢迎你的反馈,很高兴看到你在那儿的留言。
Here are the refreshments you want. If you want something else, please feel free to let me know. 这是您要的茶点,还有什么需要的,请尽管吩咐。
Feel free to leave out the times I wasn't at my best, or times that bring back painful memories (deaths of those I loved). 当我感觉不佳时,或者痛苦的记忆席卷而来时(那些我爱的人去世的事),尽管离开我。
If you know of another system - maybe one that is even available to the public - feel free to let us know in the comments. 如果你知道某一系统——或许甚至还对公众提供软件的——请随时正在下面评论栏中留言让我们知道。
Since we were undergraduates together I feel free to tell you what I think of your philosophy. 既然我们在大学时是同学,对于你那套高论,我也就直言不讳了。
Your guess is as good as mine, and feel free to comment here as to what you think will happen. 你的想法和我的一样好,请自由的留下你的看法关于你认为接下来会发生什么。
Zhao! In these three day, please feel free to ask me to help up in anything if so require! 在这三天里如果大家需要什么帮助大家可以找童趣一句一句的翻译我!
Please let us know what you think, and feel free to suggest related topics you'd like to see us cover in the future. 请告诉我们您的想法,并随意建议您希望我们将来讲述的相关主题。
But now that you know it's good for you feel free to indulge, the extra money you spend will be well worth the health benefits and taste! 但是当你知道了它会使你放松身心时,那你会觉得所付的额外钱就是非常值得的。
"This Year. . . " -New York City, here we come, baby! -Here we come, go look us up in Manhattan! Feel free to call first. “今年”…-纽约城,我们来了,宝贝!-我们来了,在曼哈顿找我们!请先打电话。
Thank you and feel free to ask any further questions about this project. 谢谢你,随时询问这个项目的任何进一步的问题。
Please feel free to let me know any of your requirement. 如果你还有什么需要,请跟我说。
Thank you for your time, feel free to ask me any question that help you making your estimation. 感谢您的时间,随时问我任何问题,可以帮助您让您的估计。
When writing to someone you know well, feel free to write as if you are speaking to the person. 如果写给你熟知的人,用语可以像平时说话一样。
Those are just a few ideas that I have come up with. Feel free to post some other ideas in the comment section of the ezine. 这些仅是自己所想的一些点子。我还在电子杂志的评论部分随意发表些其他的想法。
Feel free to drop me a link to an app that makes this sort of thing enjoyable, but I don't believe such a thing exists. 自如地给我一个线索让这个事情更加有趣,但我认为这样的事不存在。
I mean, I'm sort of lumping them all together, so feel free to break one off if you want. 我的意思是,我有点在把它们放在一起来说,你高兴的话可以分开来谈。
If any of you are interested in helping Lara build a small software module, please feel free to contact her with your credentials. 如果你有兴趣帮助她建立小型软件模块,请随时联系她,并提供资质证书。
Anyway, this is only my opinion. I'd like to listen to what you think. Please feel free to leave your opinions in the comments . 不过,这仅仅是我的观点。我很想听听大家的想法。请在留言中畅所欲言。
Ok, I got to go now. Feel free to call me if you need any help. See you later. 我要走了,如果有什么需要帮助的,打电话给我。再见。
Let me know what you think of the web apps featured and feel free to share your personal favorites. 告诉我您对以上应用的看法吧,尽管分享您的私人最爱应用吧。
Please feel free to contact me at any time if I can be of further assistance in helping with a smooth transition. 如果我能为实现平稳的工作交接提供帮助,请随时联系我。