
美 [ˈfjutʃər]英 [ˈfjuːtʃə(r)]
  • n.未来;将来;前景;前途
  • adj.将来的;未来的;将来发生的
  • 网络期货;今后;远景


bright future,future use,great future,brilliant future,immediate future
see future,predict future,build future,shape future,plan future


1.[sing]将来;未来the time that will come after the present or the events that will happen then

2.[c]未来的事;将来发生的事;前景what will happen to sb/sth at a later time

3.[sing][u]前途;前程the possibility of being successful or surviving at a later time

4.[pl]期货goods or shares that are bought at agreed prices but that will be delivered and paid for at a later time


in future

今后;从今以后from now on


新视线 ... 伊朗"> IRAN 大声展:未来"> GET IT LOUDER:FUTURE 莫斯科"> MOSCOW ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... furniture n. (总称)家具 future n. 将来 G game n. 游戏;运动;比赛 ...




新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... mink coat 貂皮大衣 第135 课 future 未来的 get married 结婚 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... far( 遥远的,远的); future( 将来,未来,前途,前景); grume( 凝 …


新目标八年级下册英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... predict v. 预知,预言,预报 40 future a. 将来的; prediction n. 预言,预报 42 ...


前_百度百科 ... [In front of] 面前;跟前 [Future] 今后,将来 [Before;Formerly] 以前 ...


初中EEC教材英语单词_百度文库 ... free adj. 自由的,空闲的,免费的 future n. 将来,前途,远景 gallery n. 画廊,美术陈列室 ...

I know it is bad for me and I'm trying to quit, but I'm still very healthy now, and I'm optimistic about my future. 我知道这样做对身体不好并且正在尝试放弃,但是我现在一直很健康,而且我对我的未来很乐观。
The technology guiding the future production and lifestyle is often breeding and growing in the strategic technology alliance. 引领未来生产、生活方式的技术经常是在战略技术联盟中孕育和成长起来的。
What I saw about you and your future moved me a great deal. 我有关你和你的未来见到的常常移动了我。
One eagerly awaits the American entrepreneur or politician capable of writing such a balanced, enlightened book imagining our future. 民众只是迫切的等待着一位美国的企业家或政治家有能力描绘出一幅平衡,启迪人的图景来想象我们自己的未来。
He said the nation must succeed for the safety of future generations of Americans. 他称为了未来本国人民的安全必须胜利。
I prefer to think of the future as a 'don't know', whereas before we thought there was no chance at all. 之前我们认定已经毫无机会了,但我宁愿认为将来是‘未知’的。
It will be interesting to see where Kanban leads us in the near future- question is how I will answer these questions a year from now. 看着看板方法引导我们团队走向何方是件有意思的事情,问题是我一年后如何回答这些问题。
But Li said he thinks, ultimately, Han will be able to end his contract with the South Korean agency and begin to manage his own future. 不过李律师说他认为韩庚最终可以终结他与韩国经纪公司的合约,开始掌握自己的未来。
Cutting down on aerosols by improving air quality means that the Earth will in future be less shielded against the sun's rays. 增进空气品质来消灭悬浮粒子表示,未来地球的对太阳光的防护就更少了。
As such, future problems are stored up in the form of shortages, greater dependence and an acceleration of global warming. 如果这样的话,未来我们将再次面临能源短缺,会更为严重地依赖石油,并导致全球变暖状况加剧。
If the user moves the timeline into the future, articles appear positioned at any point in time the text might have referred to. 若用户将这条时间轴移到未来的话,任何提到未来某一时点的相关文章就会显示出来。
But like Mr Sarkozy he seems ready to put future interests first, at least for the time being. 但是,像萨科齐,他似乎准备把未来的利益放在首位,至少暂时会这么做。
I can be an emissary to tell them that China has great people, a good environment and many young people are working for a good future. 我可以做一名使者,告诉他们中国有了不起的人民,有很好的环境,还有许多年轻人正在为美好的未来而拼搏。
If you do this right, two people will be happy with you and favorably disposed to helping you out in the future. 如果你做得够好,双方都会感激你并且愿意在以后的日子里对你提供帮助。
Action has just started out in overseas markets, and I look forward to hearing each of your views on our present and future projects. Action在海外市场方面才刚起步,我希望能听听各位对于目前和未来计划的看法。
However, Wells Fargo is still setting aside large amounts of funds to cover future losses from loans, although less than a year ago. 然而,富国银行仍然留出大量的资金去弥补未来的贷款损失,尽管数额少于去年。
With so much red ink still to be spilled, it may seem premature to ask, as this special report does, what the future of banking looks like. 在这么多赤字仍将继续出现的情形下,像这篇特别报告一样,询问银行业的未来会是怎样似乎还太早。
I thought she could be full of love for a puppy, not to mention her own kid. Wo must be a good mother in future! 我想,“我”尚且对一只小动物都如此的关爱,更不用说待自己的孩子了,将来她一定是位好妈妈!
But he added the resolution did not exclude "every possible" kind of operation, suggesting that special forces might be deployed in future. 但是他还称决议并没有排除“所有可能的”军事行动,他暗示可能将派遣特种部队。
But he also said the field was advancing so fast that the transplants may actually become a viable option in the not-so-distant future. 但是他说,这一领域发展很快,实际上移植可能在不远的将来成为可靠的治疗方法。
He said he was worried about the future. "You've seen what happened to Greece, what happened to Spain, " he said. "It will happen here. " 他还说,他对未来很是担心。“你也看到了希腊的遭遇和西班牙的状况,”他说,“同样的情况也会在这里发生。”
As Lack later explained, it was an advance against future royalties, "one of those accounting things record companies do. " Lack事后解释说,这其实相当于支付未来的版税,“和其它唱片公司的会计操作差不多”。
I have my eye on a couple of jobs myself and while I'm not ready to run this year, I'm seriously considering it as a future opportunity. 我已经为自己留意了几个职位,只是今年我还没有做好竞选的准备,我还是很慎重地把这看做未来的一个机遇。
In the future, a certain proportion of the company's profits will be specifically used for the operation of "Green Cross" organization. 未来,“十方建筑”将从其公司收益中每年按收益比例划拨专款支持“绿十方”公益组织的专业运作。
What is far from obvious is whether such a future will emerge under current arrangements and, if not, how the remedy can be achieved. 然而更加显而易见的是,之于现今的社会模式这样一种未来能否真正浮现出来,而且,倘若没有,这一解决方案将如何实现。
Of these, the last two are beyond the scope of this article and will be discussed in more detail in a future article. 其中,最后两个超出了本文范围,将在后续文章中详细介绍。
Already there had crept into her speech a halting lisping quality that though I did not know it, was the shadow of her future. 她的言谈中已经出现了停顿,口齿不清的现象,这就是她的不祥之兆,尽管当时我并不知道。
I do not know whether you've felt it or not that I seldom talk about study or my future plan with you. 其实你有没有发现,我和你聊天时一般都不涉及学习的事情,我也很少和你谈起我今后的打算和计划。
If I had met him twenty years ago, I too might have been very worried about Ronnie's future prospects. 假如我是20年前认识他,我或许也为龙尼的未来前途感到担心。
If you think your love of wine might outgrow your cellar, this company always makes sure it will be easy to add more space in the future. 如果你觉得现在的酒窖可能满足不了你对红酒日益增长的热爱,这家公司确保以后增加空间并非难事。