
美 [fju]英 [fjuː]
  • adj.几个;很少
  • adv.几个;很少
  • n.几个;几乎没有;(对“多数”说的)少数
  • pron.一些;很少人(或事物、地方);有些(人、事物、地方);不和…一般多
  • 网络更少;较少的;更少的

比较级:fewer 最高级:fewest



1.(与复数名词和复数动词连用)不多,很少used with plural nouns and a plural verb to mean ‘not many’

2.(与复数名词和复数动词连用)有些,几个used with plural nouns and a plural verb to mean ‘a small number’, ‘some’


few and far between

稀少;稀疏;不常发生not frequent; not happening often


Mathematics Glossary - 豆丁网 ... fair share 公平摊分 fewer 更少 fewer than 比……少 ...


八年级英语下册单词表_百度知道 ... paper 纸张 fewer 较少的 pollution 污染 ...


7A牛津英语单词表_已解决 - 阿里巴巴生意经 ... more adj. 更多的 fewer adj. 更少的 longer adj. 较长的认知词汇 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... stairs n. 楼梯 fewer a. 为数更少的 stalk n. 麦秸,植物茎 ...


人教版八年级下单词表_百度文库 ... less 较少;较小 fewer 较少的;较少数 pollution 污染 ...


19. C长时间坐着(就是坐的较多:more)的人死亡率更高,而根本不是修饰不可数的较少的(less),修饰可数的较少的few

China's milk disaster might have been averted , or fewer people affected, had China's leaders permitted journalists to do their jobs. 如果中国领导人之前允许记者正常开展工作,中国的毒牛奶事件有可能避免,或者不会有那么多人受到影响。
Or, to put it another way, fewer bad teachers. The obvious policy solution is more pay for good teachers, more dismissals for weak teachers. 最立竿见影能解决问题的政策就是给有资质的老师加薪,让没本事的老师走人。
Fewer Americans are ready to accept testing or other real or perceived threats to their privacy or individual rights. 很少美国人作好准备接受考验或对他们隐私或个人权益及其它真实的或能感受得到的威胁。
Morgan Stanley now is trying to redefine itself as a firm that advises investors and companies, taking fewer risks on its own balance sheet. 摩根士丹利眼下正试图重新为自身定位,将重点转向为投资者和公司提供咨询服务,降低自身资产负债表承受的风险。
The reserve control panel. It has fewer buttons, lights and levers, but it is still able to make the main operations. 备用控制面板。它的按钮、显示灯和操作杆都更少,但同样能够进行主要的操作。
SINCE 2006 Japan has had no fewer than five prime ministers. Three of them lasted just a year. 2006年以来,日本已经有过5位首相,其中的三位仅在任一年。
The advantage of the British system with its fewer opportunities to cast vetoes is clear when it comes to passing budgets. 英国政治体制中较少用到“否决票”的优势在通过预算法案时表现得尤为明显。
Fewer dead to leave their houses such was the intensity of the bombardment. 很少有死者因为爆炸事件的加剧而离开他们的家园。
And in laying it out I even determined that if I had designed it differently, the layout would have fewer holes in the board. 并奠定了它,我什至决定,如果我有不同的设计,布局将有更少的漏洞局。
At least there are fewer people being killed than were a year ago and fewer than might have been killed had things gone on as they were. 至少,比起一年前来,现在已经没有那么多人被杀害和将会被杀害。
That appeared to leave investors with fewer traders to take the other side of their orders. 这显然使市场中能接手投资者指令的交易者变得更少。
In such a day, in September or October, Walden is a perfect forest mirror, set round with stones as precious to my eye as if fewer or rarer. 在这样的一天里,九月或十月,瓦尔登是森林的一面十全十美的明镜,它四面用石子镶边,我看它们是珍贵而稀世的。
"I would rather see fewer foreclosures and housing prices bottoming out to decide that the credit crisis is drawing to a close, " she said. “而我宁愿看到更少的取消抵押品赎回权和房价的触底回升,以此来判定次级债危机走向结束,”她这样说。
Well, I just read in the news that fewer and fewer businesses ask their employees to work five and a half days a week. 喔,我刚看到新闻说,有越来越少的公司要求员工一个礼拜工作五天半。
Each time, the Chairman and no fewer than two members chosen from the panel will form a Tribunal to hear the appeals. 每次须由主席及从该小组中选出至少两名成员组成审裁处,就上诉进行聆讯。
When I visit these countries, I am amazed by how much they accomplish with far fewer resources - and how eagerly they embrace innovation. 在访问这些国家时,我发现他们在用最少的资源办最多的事,他们是迫切地想把科技带入教育。
Certainly, many part-time jobs are not the pick of the bunch. They tend to be low -pay, low - status and with fewer benefits. 当然,许多兼职工作不是最好的,它们往往是低薪,低层次,而且津贴较少。
It was facilitated, rather, by an increase in credit, so that now the average American family has no fewer than 13 credit cards. 然而,信贷却得到增长,而且极为便利,所以如今普通美国家庭拥有的信用卡数量不下13张。
In some smaller restaurants with fewer people dining, like the case of a couple of diners, the measure's adoption could be optional. 有一些小餐馆就餐人数比较少,比如一两个人、两三个人,可以有一些随意的情况。
That makes it easier to digest, so even though the stuff is no more calorific, the body uses fewer calories dealing with it. 即使加热过程并不能增加食物卡路里含量,身体也不会像消化生食那样消耗那么多的能量。
If your body is consuming fewer calories than it's expending, something's got to go (see God, "The First Law of Thermodynamics" ). 如果你的身体消耗更少的热量比它的花费,有什么地方去了(见上帝,他说:“热力学第一定律”)。
Analysts also noted there was an improved quality of the earnings in the first quarter, which had fewer one-offs than in previous quarters. 分析师同时指出,瑞银今年第一季度的业绩质量有所改善,一次性收入少于前几个季度。
He said the financial services industry would be-changed dramatically by the crisis, emerging with fewer competitors and more regulation. 他说,金融服务行业将会因危机而发生剧变,最终能留在业内的竞争者会更少,监管也会加强。
Also, if you do not wish to use the same number of containers in test that are in production, shorten the list and use fewer containers. 同样,如果您不希望在测试中使用与生产中相同数目的容器,就缩短列表并使用较少容器。
And you know, when you educate a boy, his family tends to have fewer kids, but only slightly. 而一个接受了教育的女孩,会强烈地倾向于少要孩子。
"Private equity firms are investing in fewer companies and able to take fewer out in public markets, " said Deignan. “私募股权公司投资的公司越来越少,上市退出的则更少了,”Deignan说道。
Feeling poorer and with fewer people prepared to lend them money, consumers are cutting back: witness the slump in car sales. 倍感贫困,无钱可借,消费者可谓如坐针毡,看看汽车销量的陡然下滑便知一二。
Arthur was worried about his heart. He went to his doctor for an examination, and the doctor told him to eat fewer fatty foods. 亚瑟很担心他的心脏。他去医生那里检查,医生告诉他少吃些脂肪类食物。
River Zi dulcimer the words are fewer, just a little bit teeny point chin, above all to turn circular to in walk. 江梓笙话更少,只是微微点了点下巴,率先转身向里走去。
There have been a few shock results this season that hopefully might mean the title is taken with fewer points than usual. 本赛季有不少冷门比赛,希望这意味着可以用更少的分数拿到冠军。