
美 [faɪl]英 [faɪl]
  • n.档案;文件夹;锉;锉刀
  • v.把(文件等)归档;提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案)
  • 网络文件名;文件菜单;案卷

复数:files 现在分词:filing 过去式:filed

file information,file claim,file report,file complaint,file suit


n. v.

1.文件夹;卷宗a box or folded piece of card for keeping loose papers together and in order

2.(计算机的)文件a collection of information stored together in a computer, under a particular name

3.档案a file and the information it contains, for example about a particular person or subject

5.排成一行的人(或物)a line of people or things, one behind the other


(in) single file

一路纵队;单行(in) one line, one behind the other


文件的上传,主要分为三部分内容,第一就是节点(node)的建立,第二就是文件file)的存储,最后就是节点与文件的关联。 …


档案编码结构订定后,可以同时实施在档案架的实体档案(File)编码,以及电脑主机内的电子档案(Directory)编码。之后并应订 …


锉字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 锉 cuò 锉刀file〗 锉工〖 filer〗 ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Field-of-View Mode 视角模式 File 文件;文件名 File Load 文件加载 ...


文件菜单File)下设置一对表格进行打印的子菜单 “打印(工资表)”,单 击该子菜单,将调用CMyGridCtrlTestView类中On…


美女上错身 S1E01 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... start: 开始 file: 文件夹 argue: 论证,争辩 ...


建设工程文件归档整理规范_百度百科 ... 2.0.10 建设工程档案( project archive) 2.0.11 案卷( file) 2.0.12 立卷( filing) ...

You'd have to make sure to bring the file with you, email it to yourself, or save it in a place you could get to it later. 你得保证文件带在身边,或通过电邮发送给你自己,或存放在以后你可以访问的某个地方。
The next three bits (shown in blue) represent your right to read, write, and execute the file, respectively. 接下来的三位(用蓝色表示的)分别表示您对该文件的读、写和执行权限。
Given the sensitive nature of the information in the keystore, even placing it on a shared network accessible file system is inadvisable. 考虑到密钥存储库中信息的敏感性,即使将它放在可通过网络访问的共享文件系统中,也是不妥当的。
When instantiating the FileInputStream, pass it a String describing the path to the Excel file to read. 在实例化FileInputStream时,向它传递一个String,用于描述要读取的Excel文件的路径。
Is typically used by compilers to determine how much space to reserve in the file when creating a delay-signed assembly. 通常由编译器在创建延迟签名程序集时用于确定要在文件中保留的空间大小。
Real name The name used to store a file on disk. For some file systems, this may not be the same as the name used by most file system calls. 实名:用来将文件存储到硬盘的名称。在许多文件系统中,实名同文件系统调用时用到的命名不同。
Tracking the versions of your file in a SharePoint library enables you to better manage content as it is revised. 通过在SharePoint库中跟踪文件的版本,您将能够在修订内容的过程中更好地管理内容。
A federal office worker finds a lamp in an old file drawer, and as he examines it a genie pops out. 一名工作人员在放文件的旧抽屉里了盏油灯,在他检查这盏油灯的时候,砰的一声妖怪冒了。
And I'd file my nails so they don't hurt you, and lose those pounds, and learn about football, if it made you stay. 如果可以把你留下,我会锉平我的指甲,这样它们就不会弄疼你。我会减肥并且学习踢足球。
Script your action to a query window, the clipboard, or to a file, or schedule it to be executed at a later time. 将操作编成脚本写入查询窗口、剪贴板或文件,或者将其安排到以后某一时间执行。
Download the archive file and save it to a location that will be easy to remember later. 下载归档文件并将其保存到便于记忆的位置。
You can remove the working updateSite file, or you can move it out of your working folder. 接下来可以删除工作updateSite文件,或者将它移出工作文件夹。
Under certain scenarios it is possible for a Word file to be modified in such a way that a macro could run with no warning issued. 在某些方案中,有可能会在不发出警告的情况下运行某个宏来修改Word文件。
Logs are written in a customizable format and may be written directly to a file or to an external program. 日志使用可自定义的格式编写,并且可以直接写到一个文件或一个外部程序里。
This online backup and file synchronization service seems to be a popular one among freelancers, particularly our readers. 这个在线备份和文件同步服务,在自由作家特别是我们的读者中似乎是最流行的一个。
A link is simply an additional directory entry for a file or directory, allowing two or more names for the same thing. 一个链接仅仅是文件或目录的一个附加目录条目,允许同一文件或目录有两个或多个名称。
For a certain screen resolution, a larger screen allows the user to see more of a file without scrolling. 对一定的屏幕分辨率,较大的屏幕可以使用户不必滚动屏幕就可以看见一个文件的更多内容。
Source control allows you to "roll back" to a previous iteration of a file to restore the status quo or to recover from an error. 源代码控制系统允许用户“回滚”到以前的文件版本,从而恢复以前的状态或从错误中恢复。
This was no accident. Mallory's program was designed to create the very file names most likely to be used by Tripwire. 这不是偶然的;Mallory程序的设计目标就是创建最有可能为Tripwire所使用的文件名。
The path attribute can be used to identify a specific file or child directory to which unique configuration settings apply. path属性可用于标识特定的文件或子目录,将对其应用唯一的配置设置。
This can mean generating a list of values to cross-check against records on file, but is usually beyond the direct scope of an SOA effort. 这意味着生成一系列的值,以对文件中的记录进行交叉检查,但这通常超出了SOA的直接作用范围。
Your Notes application will have to be able to access this ID file and password when attempting to encrypt and decrypt messages. 当要对消息进行加密和解密时,Notes应用程序必须能够访问这个ID文件和密码。
It is not the first time file-sharing software at Japan's police force has been used to compromise confidential information. 文件共享软件被违规用于处理机密信息这在日本警力系统已经不是第一次。
Many say the party's moderate leadership does not always reflect the views of much of its more hardline rank and file. 很多人说,复兴党态度温和的领导层并不总能体现出其中很多更强硬成员的看法。
Databases do not need secondary data files if the primary file is large enough to hold all the data in the database. 如果主文件足够大,能够包含数据库中的所有数据,则该数据库不需要辅助数据文件。
Linux has no concept of a "file extension" like legacy operating systems. Linux系统是没有文件名后缀的概念的,这一点跟传统的操作系统是不同的。
If the system depends on flat files, file backup procedures should not only be in place and documented, but regularly tested as well. 如果系统依赖普通文件,那么不仅仅要写好文件备份过程,放到在项目里合适的地方,用文档说清楚,还要经常地测试它。
The guy, I say, is probably at home every night with a little rattail file, filing a cross into the tip of every one of his rounds. 那家伙,我说,很可能每天晚上在家用鼠尾锉把身边的每一颗弹头上都刻上十字。
The fact that you cannot unmount a file system in either of these cases is one of the basic rules of computer systems. 在这两种情况下,都无法卸载文件系统,这是计算机系统的基本规则之一。
The helper file is empty: it's a place where you can put Ruby methods that you write and that you want to call from your view templates. Helper文件里面什么也没有:你可以在里面放入自己写的Ruby方法,并可以从视图模板中调用这些方法。