- n.形式;表格;形状;样子
- v.组成;建立;组织;产生
- linkv.成为;是
- 网络表单;窗体;形成
复数:forms 现在分词:forming 过去式:formed

1.[c]类型;种类a type or variety of sth
形式way sth is/looks
2.[c][u]形式;外表;样子the particular way sth is, seems, looks or is presented
3.[c]表格an official document containing questions and spaces for answers
4.[c]形状;体形the shape of sb/sth; a person or thing of which only the shape can be seen
结构arrangement of parts
5.[u](尤指艺术作品或文章的)结构,形式the arrangement of parts in a whole, especially in a work of art or piece of writing
健壮;健康being fit/healthy
6.[u]体能;良好的健康状态how fit and healthy sb is; the state of being fit and healthy
7.[u]表现状态;良好表现how well sb/sth is performing; the fact that sb/sth is performing well
做事方式way of doing things
8.[u][c]惯常做法;常规;习俗the usual way of doing sth
单词of word
10.[c]词形;形式a way of writing or saying a word that shows, for example, if it is plural or in a particular tense
学校in school
11.年级a class in a school
12.…年级学生a student in the form mentioned at school
take form
逐渐成形;渐渐发展to gradually form into a particular shape; to gradually develop