
美 [ˈfɜrðər]英 [ˈfɜː(r)ðə(r)]
  • adv.进一步;此外;更远;而且
  • v.促进;增进
  • adj.更多的;更进一步的;附加的
  • 网络更远的

第三人称单数:furthers 现在分词:furthering 过去式:furthered

further development,further expansion,further process,further career,further cause


1.(空间距离)较远,更远at or to a greater distance

2.(过去或未来)较远,更久远a longer way in the past or the future

3.进一步;在更大程度上;在更大范围内to a greater degree or extent

4.此外;而且in addition to what has just been said


go further

进一步说;提出更极端的意见to say more about sth, or make a more extreme point about it

go no further|not go any further

到此为止;不再传下去if you tell sb that a secret willgo no further , you promise not to tell it to anyone else

take sth further

采取进一步行动;把…向上级反映to take more serious action about sth or speak to sb at a higher level about it


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客户交谈英语 ... Cancel 取消 Further 进一步的,更远的. Preferential 优先的,优惠的. ...


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牛津英语8b单词表 ... culture 文化 further 促进;增进 force 强制 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... Lisymb 〈化〉锂 further adj. 更远的, 更多的, 深一层的 freshman freshmann. 新生, 大学一年级学生 ...


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Further integrating Oracle's and Sun's products seems to be one of the main reasons for the takeover. 看起来进一步融合甲骨文和Sun的产品是这次收购的主要原因了。
In the 1970s under Anwar Sadat, and with encouragement from his wife Jehan, women made further gains. 20世纪70年代,在安瓦尔.沙达特的统治下和他的妻子杰汉的鼓励下,妇女获得了更多的权益。
This article explains it a bit further, showing how each player reads, writes, and or executes runs a process in the paradigm. 文章介绍的比较深入,演示了范例中的每一个参与者如何来读、写或执行一个进程。
My team worked with a biotech start-up to develop a business model to fund further proof-of-concept studies of their fruit fly technology. 我的小组是和一个生物技术新创公司合作开发一种商业模型,以为该公司的果蝇科技进一步的理论证明研究提供资金来源。
They will likely continue to lag for at least a year, until the next phone comes out, and possibly further. 他们很可能会继续落后至少1年,等到下一款电话或者更久才会注意到这个问题。
But what is often the case, and a good explanation of often hinder us the most, because it gives us grounds to stop, no further thought. Mr. 不过事情常常是这样的,不错的解释往往对我们妨碍最大,因为它使得我们有理由停下来,不再进一步思考。
Microsoft further extended this idea by putting programs into a sort of menu mode as soon as you click once on any menu. 微软进一步扩展了这种理念,你在任何菜单上单击,程序就转换为一种菜单模式。
It also said the original consultation process had been "questionable and hasty" and called for further consultation on the issue. 它还表示,原咨询过程“有问题,而且太仓促”,呼吁就这一问题开展进一步咨询。
Tracker rates are likely to continue to gain in popularity amid speculation that the Bank of England may have to cut rates a lot further. 但是该贷款利率有可能会继续受益,因为市场预测,英格兰银行可能会在再度降息。
With net credit losses declining further, the bank declared that it had "turned the corner" , but remained cautious about its outlook. 由于净资产的损失进一步下降,该银行宣布其已“走出谷底”,但对自身前景仍持谨慎态度。
How much further China eases monetary policy is bound to reflect the leaders' views of how deeply the Chinese and global economy may slow. 中国的货币政策将进一步放宽到什么程度,这势必反映出中国领导人对国内和全球经济可能放缓程度的看法。
If they cannot be, then trying to pay will only shrink economies further, stopping them becoming viable. 如果还不起,那么试图还债只会令经济进一步萎缩,停止还债由此变得切实可行。
Like a genuine praise might stop them from trying to hoard the attention further. 像一个发自内心的赞扬可能使他们阻止进一步的想要吸引别人的关注。
Researchers at University College, London, are taking it a bit further. 伦敦大学学院的研究者正进一步的谈论它。
That, in turn, may lull investors out of any urge to do further research and exercise independent judgment. 如此一来,许多投资者就浑浑噩噩地意识不到很有必要进行更多研究和独立判断。
Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the general model system are further demonstrated by an example study. 最后,通过实例研究,进一步证明通用模型系统的可行性和有效性。
A No answer to any of the following questions indicates potential control weakness in the system which requires further investigation. 如对下列问题的答案是否,即表示该范畴可能有潜在问题,需作进一步调查。
The SEC did not charge any other individuals and said it did not plan to pursue further action against Apple itself. SEC并未追究任何其它独立个人,并声明并未计划采取针对苹果自身的进一步行动。
He took it gently apart, as far as he could fillet 3, 200 pieces with his pocket tool, and each time attempted to get further. 他用手头的工具温柔地把它拆开,有3,200个零件,每拆一个他都有再进一步的企望。
Further definition of the general concept of public interest litigation involves the definitions of public interest and litigation rights. 对公益诉讼一般概念的进一步界定则涉及到对公共利益与诉讼权利的界定。
Some of the more significant mistakes are discussed in their own sections in other parts of this book. Others are not discussed further. 有些错误会在本书的相应章节中进行讨论,有些则不会进一步讨论。
The United States central bank is prepared to take further actions to support the economy if conditions get a lot worse. 如果形势继续恶化,美国中央银行准备采取进一步的行动,支持经济发展。
I choose to have "western small tsinghua, " said the sichuan university as I continue to further study the best university. 我选择有“西部小清华”之称的四川大学作为我继续深造的最佳大学。
That was a clear trade-off: how much confidence is "enough" depends on the costs of further research and the benefits of extra precision. 这是一个明显的权衡问题:什么程度的信心才“足够”?这取决于在进一步研究的成本和精确度更高的益处之间进行取舍。
You further agree that you will ensure that this information is kept correct and up-to-date at all times. 阁下又同意,阁下将确保该等资料保持正确及更新。
Further research is needed to see whether the trend continues, and what might be driving it. 还需要进一步研究,才能判定这种趋势是否还会继续下去,其诱因可能是什么。
Not even the Depression, nor the long Victorian period of stable prices, induced the bank to go any further. 即使是大萧条时期,更不用说物价长期稳定的维多利亚时期,都没有让银行把利息降到更低。
Traders said the market could be set for further gains as earnings and revenues in several industries hold up better than forecasts. 交易员表示,随着数个行业的盈利和收入达到高于预期的水平,股市可能进一步上涨。
one has had to work so hard to get money, why should he impose on himself the further hardship of trying to save it? 已经作了赚钱而不得不这般辛苦的劳作,为什么还要把极力省钱这更苦的差事强加给自己?
So how much further should it rise? 那么,还期待它继续上升多少呢?