fly high

  • na.高飞;勇敢反抗
  • 网络起飞;飞得高;因为爱你所以没关系

fly highfly high

fly high


I'm A BEAR - 一只迷你熊的小小世界 ... 04. A Song for ×× 给××之歌 06. Fly high 高飞 08. decision 决心 ...


起飞(FLY HIGH)01A起飞(FLY HIGH)01B 起飞(FLY HIGH)01C 起飞(FLY HIGH)01D 起飞(FLY HIGH)02A 起飞(FLY HIGH)02B …


修订版上海牛津英语4A 各unit 词汇整理_百度文库 ... time 时间 fly high 飞得高 5. climb the trees 爬树 7. ...


...到90年代中期一直活跃在电影界,在2006年影片《因为爱你所以没关系》(Fly High)票房失败后,再也没有在影坛露面。


ef-a tale of memories... ... Shining wings filled with wishes 闪耀的翅膀充满了希望 Fly high,make it 展翅高飞,达成梦想 ...


每日雅思词... ... come hell or high water 无论如何,无论困难多大; fly high 飞黄腾达,兴高采烈; high and low 到处,各色人等; ...


电影搜索: 裴秀彬 ... 白瓷之人 / The Way - Man of the White Porcelain 飞翔 / Fly High /Fly Up 49日 / 49 Days ...


个人很喜欢亚东飞高高(FLY HIGH)的这个标题现在一次性看好像比较看得出甚麽 之前每个礼拜都有好几场... 也没有真的第一时 …

Huge amounts of ice particles from his skate blades fly high into the air and float back down on the entire rink, resembling a snow fall. 冰靴上的刀片划出许多雪白的冰屑,高高地飞溅到空中,然后像雪花一样飘落在整个溜冰场上。
A rough outline slowly came up to her dull mind in white glory, meanwhile, the passionate heart were to fly high in the universe. 迟钝的脑袋瓜里白色光辉磨蹭出一个大概轮廓,心情是正要翱翔于天际的热烈;
When finally the kite catches the wind and fly high above into the sky, it feels as if all my worries fly away as well. 当最后风筝到了风并且高高的飞在天空中的时候,那种感觉就像是我的所有烦恼也全飞走了。
I may not be able to fly high, I may also fall, but at least I can feel this world so closely, coz at least I once tried. 我可能飞不高,也可能跌倒,不过我至少能真正感觉这世界,至少我曾尝试过。
Fly high in a rainstorm like an eagle. Thresh about in a rough sea like a beach swimmer. 像老鹰在风雨中翱翔,像弄潮儿在海浪中搏击。
We would all like to fly high enough to avoid such restrictions and disciplines, but it isn't always good for us. 谁都想飞得更高,躲开限制和纪律,但有时那样对我们并不好。
After several months, one falcon could fly high in the sky, while the other was only staying on the branch of a tree quiet and still. 几个月过去了,一只猎鹰已能傲然飞翔,另一只却一直待在枝头纹丝不动。
When they see birds fly high out to the sea, they know it is a nice day, because birds don't like to fly out when it will rain. 当他们看到鸟飞到海上,他们知道这是一个美好的一天,因为鸟不喜欢飞到什么时候会下雨。
With parents and teachers' great expectation, I'm quite certain of my future and I'm sure I can fly high. 肩负父母及老师们的期望,我对自己的将来很有信心。我相信我会飞得很高。
You know it's time, when a spirit feel free and want to fly high. . . Doesn't enjoy fly solo? 您知道它的时候,随意的精神,并希望高高飘扬…不享有飞行独奏?
Helicopters able to fly "high and hot" (at high altitude, especially in summer) are in short supply. 直升飞机能“高飞且耐热”(飞行于高海拔,尤其在夏季),但直升飞机供应量不足。
It is spring again. The ugly duckling is bigger now. He can fly high up in the sky. He can swim faster than before. 又是一个春天。丑小鸭长大了。它可以飞得很高。它可以游得很快。
In so tall stone fly high rates at the moment, a great boldness of vision. 在如此高大的石头上凌空崖刻,气魄很大。
If that were the case, the rational move for him would be to spend, spend, spend, as long as his stock continues to fly high. 如果情况如此,理性的举措,他会花,花,花,只要他的股票继续高高飘扬。
Smoke and ash fly high in the sky, standing on the hill a few miles are clearly visible. 青烟和灰烬飞得老高,站在几里远的山包上都清晰可见。
In the film, groups of birds fly high above the sky and cross the way above snow, rivers, fields, sea and grassland. 在影片中,团体的鸟类飞行高度以上天空和两岸关系的方式以上的积雪,河流,农田,海上和草地。
I wish I was a bird. . . I could fly high in the sky. 我希望我是一只鸟…我能高高地在天空飞翔。
when they see birds fly high out to the sea, they know it is a nice day, because birds don't like to fly out ifit rains. 当他们看到鸟儿飞得高出大海,他们知道这是一个愉快的一天,因为如果下雨,鸟儿不太喜欢飞出去。
The pairs of butterfly wishes to fly high together in the bush, groups like dragonflies as stunt planes in the air contest. 看,一对对蝴蝶在灌木丛中比翼齐飞,一群群蜻蜓好象飞机特技表演那样在空中比武。
Only with him can my heart fly high. 只有和他在一起,我的心才能展翅高飞。
If you are blown in that direction, you will fly high into the air and see things that no one has seen before. 如果你被风吹到那个方向,你就会飞向高空,看到别人从未看到的东西。
Keeping going like this, you can fly high. 继续努力,你一定会有前途的。
Fly, fly, fly high against the sky. 飞啊,飞啊,飞上高空。
At 8: 00 on August 8 this great moment is coming, my thrilled, I would like to: Olympic rings flag was finally able to fly high in Beijing! 8月8日8时这伟大的时刻就要来临,我的激动不已,我想:奥运五环旗终于能高高飘扬在北京了!
For Ma and fellow racing fanatics out there, let's hope that the chequered flag continues to fly high! 我们衷心希望马汉华以及追随他的赛车狂热爱好者能够走的更远,飞得更高!
If you fly high up over the lake and look down around from plane, you will find the answer yourself. 如果你飞到湖的上空,从飞机上向下俯瞰,你就会找到答案了。
The spirit of Peaceful Olympiad and One World One Dream will surely fly high in the blue sky of Beijing and China. 奥林匹克精神以及来自同一个世界的同一个梦想必将在北京上空、在中国上空自由翱翔。
My kite is in the sky fly high. 我的风筝在天空中飞的很高。
If you open both arms to protect the angel, wildly and lonely you fly high, once you fall, you are sure to shatter into pieces. 你伸开双臂保护它,狂野而又寂寞地飞的狠高狠高,摔下来时,注定支离破碎,尸骨无存。
Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. 如果好天气要来,一些鸟儿会飞高,但是他们贴地面飞,说明有雨天或暴风天气。