for all time

  • na.永久
  • 网络永远;穿越时空的爱恋;亿万斯年

for all timefor all time

for all time


有哪些比较动感的英文歌曲? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Hold my hand 执吾之手 For All Time 永远 Gone Too Soon 稍纵即逝 ...


科幻电影:最新科幻片、经典科幻片大... ... 红色星球 Red Planet 穿越时空的爱恋 For All Time 突然失重 A Sudden Loss of Gravit…


谁有含for的词组_爱问知识人 ... for all that 虽然如此,还是 for all time 永久 for better or worse 无论好坏 ...


Character - Chinese Character... ... 亿万斯年[ for billions of years;for all time;for aeons] 姿态万方[ imposing] ...


  时空迷情(For All Time)…古董金表搭乘神奇列车,即可返回中世纪  =============================================…


迈克尔·杰克逊讲爱情的歌曲_百度知道 ... i'll be there 我就在这里 for all time 直到永远 speechless 无言 ...


迈克尔杰克逊什么... ... 6.fall again 再一次坠落 7.for all time 所有时间 8.I just can't stop loving you 我仅仅无法停止爱你 ...

When I say I leave you for all time, accept it as true, and let a mist of tears for one moment deepen the dark rim of your eyes. 当我说我要永远离开你的时候,就当作真话来接受它,让泪雾暂时加深你眼边的黑影。
For all eyes and for all time, it is an expression of the ethics of the American soldier. 无论现在还是将来,它都是美国军人道德标准的一种体现。
It has brought you to where you are today, standing at the door of opportunity to ascend and leave duality for all time. 它把你带到你今天所在的地方,站在提升和永远地抛下二元性的机会门口。
You must celebrate this day as a religious festival to remind you of what I, the Lord, have done. Celebrate it for all time to come. 以后你们都要在这一日为我献祭,记住主为你们所做的一切,且永远庆祝这一日。
"To me, the China meeting demonstrated that United Russia wants to establish a single-party dictatorship in Russia, for all time, " he said. 米特罗克辛说:“对我来说,中国会谈揭示了统一俄罗斯政党试图在俄罗斯永久的搞一党专政独裁”
Far better, he said, to direct the profits toward a great educative institution that lasts for all time. 他还说,将利润投资于能长期存在的重要的教育机构将有意义得多。
We'd like to get you out of your mind. For a little time: for all time. 我们会在你意气风发之时给你当头一棒。
Looking for someone with eyes especially attractive, those who let me enchanted, looking for all time, reaching the soul. 有人用眼睛特别有吸引力的,那些让我着迷,寻找所有的时间,达到灵魂。
You are one of the Strongest Saints to have ever lived and can send people into other dimensions for all time . 我是最强大的圣斗士之一,可以把人送到其他空间…快递员!
For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will be there for all time. 现在我已选择这殿,分别为圣,使我的名永在其中,我的眼、我的心也必常在那里。
The attitudes of the banks, other lenders and capital markets to leverage have changed, if not for all time, for a considerable time. 银行、其它放贷机构以及资本市场对于杠杆的态度已经改变,即使不会一直如此,但也会持续相当长的时间。
Let the name of Moses be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of man, for all time . 摩西的名字,将永远不再被提起,永远从人类的历史和记忆中消失。
The trees died and dried, and then the sun came and scorched them, blackening the wood for all time. 树木慢慢死去,变干,而后阳光直射,将其烤焦,使它们变黑。
Love is like an eternal flame, once it is lit, it will continue to burn for all time. 爱像永恒的火焰,一旦点燃,便燃烧不止。
Democracy is not a mathematical deduction proved once and for all time. 民主不是算数上的一个推断,一次证明就不需再次证明。
This pursuit is in process forever, and education is an endless mission for all time. 这样的寻求永远在进行中,教育永远是一项未竟的任务。
He was not of an age of but for all time. 他不只属于一个时代而属于所有世纪。
To make you mine, for now and for all time, So tell me baby what I gotta do. 告诉我什么,开始我的东西做。
Also all people will speak of your infamy for all time and for respected persons infamy is worse than death. 而且所有的人,永远都会谈论你的恶名,对受人尊敬的人来说恶名要比死亡更糟糕。
Yes! Someone who's not only seen the Star Wars Christmas Special but loved it enough to mark his skin for all time. 是的!这就是热爱星球大战圣诞特别版的粉丝!不但爱看而且纹满了皮肤随时可看!
he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. 他终身都会是一头野兽了
In their quest to protect a timeless secret, they uncover a love for all time -- and a deadly duel of honor that risks everything they have. 在保护不朽秘密的过程中,他们发现了永恒的爱,而与之冲突的荣誉却威胁着他们所拥有的一切。
No one involved in computers would ever say that a certain amount of memory is enough for all time. 没有一个电脑界的人曾说过,存储达到某个量便一劳永逸了。
The dividing line is bound to change and cannot be fixed for all time. 两者的分界线注定会改变,一成不变是不可能的。
Moreover, the individual's ends are not really given, for there is no reason to assume that they are set in concrete for all time. 此外,人的目的并不真是既定不变的,没有理由假定,无论何时人的目的都是固定的。
Since no one can create negative karma all the time, no one karmically deserves hell for all time. 既然没有人能一直制造业障,就没有人会一直在地狱里。
What you give, Momo, is yours forever, What you keep is lost for all time. 所有你保留不愿意付出的,才是你永远失去的!
Having Jesus as your personal friend and companion for all time deletes any sensation of loneliness. 有基督作为我们个人的朋友和永远的同伴会消除任何孤独的感觉。
Bodhisattva prepare for any sacrifice for any one and for all time to release of all beings and get them real happiness. 菩萨准备为任何众生、在任何时候作出自己的牺牲,从而解脱所有的众生,并且给予他们真正的幸福。
Once a thing was created, it was valid for all time. Its value went not up nor down. 事物一旦被创造就永远存在。它的价值既不该被贬斥也不该被褒扬。