think about you

  • 网络见你;我的眼里只有你

think about youthink about you

think about you


我的眼里就只看的见你 (think about you)不论你在哪里,又做了些什麽 (everyday, in every where) 我总是注视著你


[03:00.70]我的眼里只有你Think about you)[03:02.09]어디 있던지 또 무얼 하던지(in Everyday in everywhere)[03:05.48] …

It's my turn now. I dare not to see you , to hear you , to think about you! Somebody hurt me. 轮到我了,我怕见你,怕听见你的声音,怕想起你!有个人,伤了我。
When you think about -- you know, creativity has a lot to do with causality too. 如果你仔细想想,你知道,创意也经常涉及到因果关系。
You know longer have to waste time worrying what other people think about you or trying to live up (or down to! ) their expectations. 你将认为生活在别人对你的期望中或者担心别人对你的看法将是彻底的浪费时间。
As you would that others should think about you , think you about them in the same manner . 就像其他人应当怎样看待你一样,你需要用同样的方式去看待他们。
Not to see you, my heart is the one one letter in the letter, write on your endless love, think you, stop to think about you. 不见你的时候,我的心就是一一封封的书信,写下了对你的那份绵绵爱情,想你,停不了去想你。
So those seem like two bifurcated problems, but I kind of started to think about, you know, what is obesity and hunger. 这看起来像是两个独立的问题,但我开始思考,肥胖与饥饿究竟是什么?
Do not forget about me 'cause I will forever think about you, and I cannot wait for you to see me again. 别忘记我,因为我会永远惦记着你们,我等不及再次让你们看到我。
But whether or not your sister likes the book, it may give her joy to think about you thinking of her. 但不管你妹妹喜不喜欢你送的书,这都可能会让她觉得你在想着她,这一点可能会令她高兴。
What do you think about you and me going out on Friday night? 周五晚上跟我出去约会怎样?
But it is all very well for me to think about you when feeling solitary. 但是还好寂寞得时候可以想你!
I will keep my fingers crossed (this should bring luck to you) and will think about you to support you during the test. 我要让我的祈祷(这应该能带来好运,你会想起你,来支持你在检查。
You were asking if i think about you? I might think about you to often (that was why i was worried yesterday). 你问我是否想你?我也许太经常的想你(这就是为什么我昨天很担心)
When I think about you, Dad, I think of your smile, of the times when you have been there to talk for a while. Happy birthday! 爸爸,每当想到您,我便想到您的微笑,想到了你和我闲聊的时光。祝您生日快乐!
I am trying to explain that I want you and that I need you and that I get lost in wonderful thoughts every time I think about you. 我总是想努力说明我想要你也需要你,每次想到你我总会在奇妙的想像中迷失自己。
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in m y garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。
You know I miss you I think about you when you're gone I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong I don't need to carry on. 我在思念着你,你不在的时候我一直在想你我想我在思念你,这没有任何不妥,我不想继续这样了。
I'll think about you all the time, and I'll write to you and send you a present from every port. 我会一直想着你,而且会写信给你,每到一个港口就寄给你一件礼物。
Every time I think about you, if I had a single flower, I could walk forever in my garden. 如果每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。
I think about you everyday. I shut my eyes and I can see your face in my mind. 我每天都在想你,闭上眼,在我的脑海里就出现你的样子。
concentrate on what you think about you. 試著將想法聚焦在你是如何看待你自己。
And I think about, you know, their roles, and about you have to like watch what your daughters look at. 我会思考,你知道,她们的角色,你也要试着喜欢看你女儿看的电影。
I used to read the Bible every night. Every night I used to think about you. 我每晚都读圣经,每次读都想到你
I say, "Moses he's just fine but he used to think about you all the time. " 我说,摩西很好,只是之前无时无刻不在想着你。
Papa, I'm so proud of you and I think about you every moment. 爸爸,我是如此地为你骄傲,每时每刻都在想念你。
Every day I think about you, and I yearn to see your smile. Though I miss you terribly, I can feel your love across the miles. 每天当我一想起你就渴望见到你的笑容,虽然我是如此的想念你,我仍可感觉到你的爱穿越千里来到我的心中。
However, after this last time I won't allow myself to think about you any more. 但这次是最后一次了,我不会允许自己再想你。
if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i would walk forever in my garden. 如果每时每刻想起你我都会拥有一枝花,那我就会永远漫步在我的花园里
If I h publishing a single flower for every time I think about you- I could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,听听句子。那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。
now i just say nothing. but i think about you. 如今我无话可说,但我却想念着你。
If I had single flower every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 如果每次想到你就得到一束花,那么我将永远在我的花园里徜徉