
美 [ˈʌndər]英 [ˈʌndə(r)]
  • prep.根据;不足;小于;在(或到、通过)…下面
  • adv.小于;在下面;在水下;少于
  • adj.较低的;下面的
  • 网络在…下;在……下面;在…之下



1.在(或到、通过)…下面in, to or through a position that is below sth

2.在…表面下;由…覆盖着below the surface of sth; covered by sth

3.少于;小于;不足;比…年轻less than; younger than

4.由…控制(或管理、经营)used to say who or what controls, governs or manages sb/sth

5.根据,按照(协议、法律或制度)according to an agreement, a law or a system

6.在…过程中experiencing a particular process

7.由…造成;受…影响affected by sth

8.用,以(某一名字)using a particular name

9.在…项下;在(书等中的)某部分found in a particular part of a book, list, etc.


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... plant n. 植物 under prep. 在……下 they pron. 他们 ...


小学英语单词大全(含中文翻译)_百度文库 ... 与…相邻 next to 在…下面 under 在…上面 over ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... garden 花园 under 在…之下 tree 树 ...


七年级英语 上册的所有单词 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... drawer 抽屉 under 在...之下,低于 they 他们 ...


刘丽的语言学博客 - Lily - 网易博客 ... ag=act (音变 加t) (under) 不足 不够 - (stand) 站 - ...

The driver has the responsibility to assure the children under 14 cannot sit in the front seats, unless they fasten the safe belt. 但是司机有责任确保14岁以下的孩子不要坐在前排,除非他们系好了安全带。
The reservoir is under such pressure that it has forced tongues of molten rock up towards the surface, producing eruptions and earthquakes. 受板块压力影响,岩浆以岩舌的形式冲向地表,形成喷发和地震。
And, in the excavated "the right of a home" and "Where the mouth" and so Miss Jane, its almost all under the "Zi" how much the record. 并且,在出土的“右某家”及“凡口”云云吴简中,其下几乎都有“訾”多少的记载。
Bring the United States under the control of a powerful offshore super bank known as the Bank of the World. 使美国受控于一个被称为世界银行的国外超级银行。
It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico. 那是一座低矮的楼房,就像一个小疗养院,在门廊的下面有一条车道。
Indeed, the main reason for making Mr Medvedev president under Mr Putin's supervision was that it would preserve the status quo. 的确,梅德韦杰夫之所以在普京的监督下成为总统,其主要原因是这样有利于维持现状。
Professor Zhou said: 'This was a surprise because each form is usually created under different conditions. zhou教授说:“这是个惊喜因为每种形态通常是在不同的条件下形成的。”
vi users will love being able to type mail in KMail using a vi text-editor component (such a component is under development). vi用户喜欢使用vi文本编辑器组件(这种组件正处于开发阶段)在KMail中输入邮件。
Reported that the injured have been transferred to local hospitals for treatment. Cause of the fire is still under investigation. 报道称,目前伤者已被转移至当地医院中进行治疗。火灾的原因仍在进一步调查之中。
Living up to your potential is not crossing off everything on your to do list on time, under budget. 达到你的潜力并不是按照计划在你的所要做的事情清单上按时地划掉每一项。
Viewing a section of the spinal cord under the microscope, Cho was amazed to see that the spinal cord was completely dark. 在显微镜下看一个脊髓节,赵很惊讶地看到,脊髓完全黑了。
Hence his sending the absolute being soldier's absolute being will come to arrest white snake spirit, and crack down on her under a tower. 于是他派神兵神将前来捉拿白蛇精,并将她镇压在一座塔下面。
the heart beating under the spotlight as if it were an actor that knew that this could be its last chance to perform. 心脏在聚光灯下跳动,好像一个演员知道这是最后一次表演一样,
It believed that was a situation which had to be balanced properly, under a revision of the norm-setting activities in WIPO. 它认为这种情形应该通过WIPO准则制订活动的修订来妥善平衡。
Under the New Brunswick plan, how much can each worker make per week? 根据新不伦瑞克的计划,每个工人每周至少能挣多少钱?
He sat bowed over, his head between his hands, staring at the hearth-rug, and at the tips of the satin shoes that showed under her dress. 他弯腰坐着,头埋在两手间,瞪眼望着炉前的地毯和她衣服下露出的缎子鞋尖。
The agreed opinion was that cognitive behavioural therapy was an under used treatment. 与会者公认的意见是认知行为疗法使用不足。
The results show that adaptive algorithm is always better than the traditional static threshold operations under a wide range of conditions. 结果表明,在广泛的条件下,适应性法总是优于传统的静态阈值操作法。
The Windows Form starts running under Windows, just as if you had double-clicked its executable. 此Windows窗体开始在Windows下运行,就像双击了它的可执行文件一样。
The next day, he set up the trestle table we had bought under a tree, and there he worked with his shirt off, and singing. 第二天,他在树下支起了买来的工作台,卷起袖子,哼着歌开始工作了。
The boat went on without her and a few seconds later went down under the water. 那个小船没过几秒钟就沉到水底了。
A few days earlier, Yang gave birth in the hospital a baby boy, the baby is under observation and treatment time of the incident. 此前几天,杨某在医院产下了一名男婴,事发时婴儿正在接受观察治疗。
As you progress up the political ladder, to Baronies and higher, the focus changes to a broader look at the territory under your control. 随着你政治地位上升时,从男爵到更高层,那么您所控制的版图就会有所变化。
"The matter has been under consultation for the past two and a half years, " he says. “过去两年半,这个问题一直在磋商讨论之中,”他表示。
A year later, she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that she was the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. 一年之后,她在家门底下发现一张便条,是特迪留下的,上面写的是,她是他一生中最好的老师。
Under king Ur-Nammu, the city established itself as the capital of an empire that rivalled that of the Akkadian rulers. 在国王乌尔纳姆的统治下,这个城市自立为一个帝国的首都,用于对抗阿卡德的统治者。
The Company was incorporated as a non reporting company under the British Columbia Company Act on [month, day, year] under No. [number]. 根据英属哥伦比亚《公司法》,本公司于(年,月,日)根据条款[数]作为一个无须申报之公司而成立。
do not spray near the eyes and close your eyes when using hair sprays . watch tv under good lighting. 使用喷雾时应加倍小心,尖细的喷管口须远离眼睛使用喷发胶时,要闭上双眼。
Bankers said the growing amount of cash on balance sheets was likely to put companies under pressure to utilise it. 银行家表示,资产负债表上的现金日益增多,可能使公司再资金利用上面临压力。
IN A sleepy Wiltshire town preparations are under way for a sad sort of ceremony. 在维尔特郡一个寂静的小镇上,一场丧葬仪式正在筹备之中。