
美 [dʒen]英 [dʒen]
  • n.消息;情报;资料
  • 网络艮;创;发电机(generator)



n. v.

(gen)渐 归妹丰旅巽(xun) 兑(dui)涣节兮中孚至 学习 PS 3dMAX CAD Pro/E 请联系我 马甲是寂寞 [角落] [飞语] 发表于:1…

欢迎光临『约拿的家』 ... 启( Rev) ( Gen) 出( Exo) ...


急 青铝自备电厂考试_百度知道 ... GC 高压调门控制 GEN 发电机 GV (高压)调节汽门 ...


...并没有给基因下定义,只是尽量用我所知道的词描述它:基因Gen)分为DNA和RNA.是由磷酸(e.Phosphorsaeure),脱 …


石油词汇英语翻译(GH)--石油百科 ... GEN 产生 GEN 发生器 GEN 通用的 ...


“en”前面加一个字母组成的单词_百度知道 ... fen 沼泽,沼池 gen 情报 ken 视野,知识领域 ...

差的英语翻译,差用英文怎么说 - n词酷在线词典 ... (in worth) 低下的人 (gen) (expressing quantity,amount) 一公斤面粉 ...


约拿的家——研经释经 ... 启( Rev) 创世记 Gen 出埃及记 Exo ...

Maj-Gen Khattya was one of a number of casualties reported by hospital officials following an explosion and gunfire earlier in the evening. 在晚间早些时候发生爆炸和枪击后,卡迪亚少将是医院官员报告的多名伤亡者之一。
Seeing this, people considered Uncle Gen as someone and looked at him with owe. 众人一看,根叔还真有点料,立刻对他另眼相看。
Gen. Lorenz heard one of his lectures in late 2005 and summoned him for a full briefing about the insights that Go could offer. 洛伦茨于2005年末听过一场来永庆的报告,后又专门找时间让他向自己全面介绍了围棋能给人们带来哪些真知灼见。
Wang Gen as the founder of Taizhou School, whose theory "honoring of the body" is the most eye-catching part of his entire academic system. 王艮作为泰州学派的创始人,其尊身思想是他的整个学术体系中最为耀眼的一部分。
Gen. Stanley McChrystal told reporters at the Pentagon that the jamming devices had not hurt U. S. troops on the battlefield thus far. StanleyMcChrystal少校在五角大楼告诉记者们,这些干扰器至今并没有破坏美军部队的行动。
Gen MacArthur was urging Kennedy not to get bogged down in a war in a time, place and manner chosen by China or the Soviet Union. 麦克阿瑟恳请肯尼迪不要陷入一场时间、地点和方式由中国或前苏联选择的战争。
But how much longer is Gen Y going to be able to keep relying on their aging parents to make this possible? 但是Gen-Yers还准备使继续依靠他们年老的父母成为可能多久呢?
In a written deposition to the court, army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said he backed a full inquiry. 巴基斯坦陆军总司令卡亚尼(AshfaqParvezKayani)在写给法院的一份宣誓证词中说,他支持进行全面调查。
I believe that God created everything from the emptiness (Gen. 1), and He did not use the evolutional method to make a new creature. 我相信神是从空无中创造出万物(创1),并不用进化方式造出任何新生物。
It's possible, after all, that the baby boomers will hang on to power, keeping Gen X in a Prince Charles-like holding pattern. 毕竟,婴儿潮一代(babyboomers)有可能会紧握权力不放,让X一代和查尔斯王子(PrinceCharles)一样一直处于等待状态。
'It really intrigued me, ' recalls Gen. Lorenz, now retired. 'He made a whole generation of airmen think about the world in a different way. 现已退休的洛伦茨回忆说,他的介绍确实激起了我的好奇心,他让整整一代空军士兵用一种不同的方式来思考世界。
A week later, Maj. Gen. Park Chung-hee staged a coup, the beginning of his 18-year iron-fisted rule. 1周后,朴正熙发动政变上台,开始了长达18年的铁腕统治。
Pakistan's army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani has met US defence leaders in Washington as the two countries begin a week-long strategic dialogue. 巴基斯坦陆军总长在华府会见了美国国防部部长,两国开始了一周的战略对话!
Gen Abdel Fattah Younis was killed on Thursday en route from his command post on the front line near Brega to the rebel capital Benghazi. 周二,阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·尤尼斯将军在从指挥岗位返回班加西大本营的途中,在布雷加前线附近被杀。
Did not meet to this seasonal sole hubble-bubble of piece of a lot of urine is very urticant, how can ability treat Duan Gen? ? 没到这个季节脚掌就会张很多小水泡泡痒得很,怎么才能治段根??
The Pentagon is trying to encourage more transparency by the communist country and last month hosted a delegation that included Gen. 五角大楼敦促中共提高军事透明度,并在上个月接待了由中央军委委员徐才厚将军率领的代表团。
Childless, he trusted God to make of him "a great nation" (Gen. 12: 2). 他虽膝下无子,却相信上帝会使他成为「大国」(创世记12章2节)。
He said he was trying to ascertain whether a newly agreed hotline would give him the ability to talk to Gen Jing. 他表示,自己将设法弄清楚,能否通过两国新达成一致意见的热线电话与靖志远将军进行对话。
With the case of the Gizmodo iPhone, the answer is obvious: An engineer field-testing the next-gen iPhone left his prototype in a bar. 参看Gizmodo的Iphone事件,答案显而易见:一个实施下一代Iphone实地试验的的工程师在酒吧里面遗失了自己的Iphone。
Gen 46: 7 He took with him to Egypt his sons and grandsons and his daughters and granddaughters-all his offspring. 创46:7雅各把他的儿子、孙子、女儿、孙女,并他的子子孙孙,一同带到埃及。
Gen. John D. Stevenson listened, but did not believe her. "Madam, " he said, "Bedell's death was reported to us. " 约翰.D。史蒂文森听了她的讲述,并不相信。他说:“夫人我们已经接到了比德尔的阵亡报告。”
One of the plane's engines caught fire but the airports' firefighters were able to quickly put it out, Gen. Paez said. 他说,飞机的一个发动机着火,但很快被机场消防员扑灭。
Uncle Gen stepped up to give a hand, but he was chased out right at the moment since he was nothing but a loafer in people's eyes. 根叔自告奋勇说帮忙,旁人一看是吊儿郎当的根叔,就把他往外赶。
S. officials. Even in public, Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Kabul, has said the ISI retains ties with the Taliban. 喀布尔的最高指控官彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)将军甚至曾在公开场合表示三军情报局与塔利班保持着联系。
Gen Mohammad Daud Daud is one of at least six people killed in the attack, claimed by the Taliban. 塔利班发言人宣称,穆罕默德·达乌德·达乌德是这场袭击中至少六名死者中的一个。
So the paper point is often uneven month Gen produced in paper edge creasing paper begnawing. 于是在纸角不常不服月不脆而在纸边爆不收咬纸折皱。
Comparing it to the last-gen Kindle, it loses the QWERTY keyboard, as well as about an inch of height and a centimeter of width. 与上一代的Kindle相比,它没有了约莫一英寸高及一厘米宽的QWERTY键盘。
For iTV we believe that Apple will take a line at the Gen 10 Sakai facility and produce a modified version of the Amorphous TFT. 关于iTV,我们认为苹果将获取日本堺市的Gen10工厂以生产升级版非晶态TFT液晶屏。
Marketers who attempt to understand Gen Ys now will have the jump on competitors as this group matures. 试图去理解Y一代的营销者将要超越在此团队中相对成熟的竞争者。
The traits that they share are a sense of optimism and entitlement that Gen Xers can only watch and shake their heads in disbelief at. 他们的共性就是乐观态度和特权感,对此,我们X代人可只有观望和摇头而难以置信的份儿。