
美 [hɔnt]英 [hɔːnt]
  • v.(鬼魂)出没;(不快的事情)萦绕于脑际;长期不断地缠扰(某人)
  • n.常去的场所;消磨时光的去处
  • 网络常到;闹鬼;常去的地方

第三人称单数:haunts 现在分词:haunting 过去式:haunted

haunt memory


v. n.

1.~ sth/sb(鬼魂)出没if the ghost of a dead personhaunts a place, people say that they have seen it there

2.~ sb(不快的事情)萦绕于脑际,难以忘却if sth unpleasanthaunts you, it keeps coming to your mind so that you cannot forget it

3.~ sb长期不断地缠扰(某人)to continue to cause problems for sb for a long time


出字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 出名〖 famous;well-known〗 出没〖 appearanddisappear;haunt;dip〗 出谋划策〖 givecounsel …


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... hatch v. 孵出;策划 haunt vt. 常去;(鬼,魂)常出没于;(思想)萦绕; the upper hand 取得优势,占上风 ...


职称英语A级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... hatch v. 孵出;策划,图谋 n.孵化, 开口,舱口 haunt vt. 常去;(思想)萦扰 n.常到 的地方 hawk n…


张红岩TOEFL ... haul v. 拖曳,拖运 haunt v. 萦绕于心,常到 haven n. 避难所 ...


新版新概念第二册 单词表--koflfy ... ghost n.鬼魂 haunt v.(鬼)来访,闹鬼 furniture n.家具 ...


综合英语单词表(第二册下) - 豆丁网 ... hack n. 雇佣文人 haunt n. 常去的地方 hopelessly ad. 绝望地;无望地 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... limping adj. 柔软的, 易曲的 haunt v. 神鬼出没 funnies funniesn. 连环图画, 报上登载连环图画的版面 ...


怎样提高英语单词的记忆力?_百度知道 ... gaunt a. 憔悴的;枯瘦的 haunt vt. 经常去(某地);缠住(某人) saunter vi. 闲逛…

Such anxious ruminations seem to haunt much of our national commentary these days, even in the unlikeliest of contexts. 诸如此类的反思最近常常出现在我们全国性的评论当中,甚至场合都令人匪夷所思。
Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back to haunt you. 让我告诉你一些事:所有这些粗心的话最终会回到耳边。
I began to haunt art supply stores, as if somehow one could purchase what one needed to be an artist. 我常常去艺术用品商店,就好像多去店里就能买回一个艺术家的我。
I may not live long enough to see the crisis, but my soul is going to come back and haunt you. 也许我没法活到危机发生的那天,但是我的灵魂将会回来缠着你。
But one of Peng Si's beautifully evocative landscape paintings continued to haunt my mind for weeks until I finally asked if I could buy it. 但是彭斯的一幅优美动人的风景画­几个星期里一直不断萦绕在我心头,最后我问他,我是不是可以买下来。
however, some of the problems that were to haunt the postwar aviation industry had already begun to appear. 然而,困扰战后航天行业的某些问题已经开始慢慢浮现。
Recalling a tiny piece of the past is always difficult while tragic memories from it are always there, ready to haunt you. 总是取消一个极小过去是来自它的悲惨记忆总是所在那里的困难一会儿,预备常到你。
The theme of children was one that continued to haunt Jackson. 为主题的儿童是一个继续困扰着杰克逊。
Her sense of Mrs Penniman's innocent falsity , which had lain dormant, began to haunt her again. 她感到对佩尼曼太太无知与虚伪的那种厌恶在潜伏一阵之后又开始来纠缠他了。
Ben 'Finn' Finnegan: If we don't go after that treasure, it's going to haunt us for the rest of our lives and you know it. 本•费尼肯:如果我们不寻找宝藏,它会在我们的余生中留下阴影,你知道的。
Mr Walker is now a professor of English at a state college in Massachusetts, far from the streets he used to haunt as a thug. 沃克没有在他以往混迹的街头上成为一个恶棍,恰恰相反,现在他是麻省一所州立大学的英语教授。
The Brazilian star came back to haunt his former side just as he had done in a Real Madrid shirt when he scored at Barcelona. 巴西球星回归这一球场攻入了老东家的球门,就如当初身披皇马球衣的他攻入巴塞罗那的球门一样。
Ben Finn Finnegan: If we dont go after that treasure, its going to haunt us for the rest of our lives and you know it. 本?费尼肯:如果我们不寻找宝藏,它会在我们地余生中留下阴影,你知道地。
The spirit of a dead person, especially one believed to appear in bodily likeness to living persons or to haunt former habitats. 鬼,鬼魂死人的精神或灵魂,尤指被认为能以身体再现于活人身上或经常在以前的住处出现的。
But as I settled back into the local culture and its way of thinking, her words began to haunt me. 但当我重新融入家乡文化和思维方式之中,她的话开始困扰着我。
Those words may come back to haunt Obama as he showed off his own awkward dance moves with a group of Mumbai students on Sunday. 而当周六奥巴马在一群孟买学生面前展示自己舞步的时候,他那笨拙的身姿可能恰好把这句话回敬给了自己。
The sight of that wally hiding under a brolly at Wembley Stadium will haunt me for years to come. 那个在温布利躲在伞下的苏格兰人会让我恶心到明年。
Japan's decision not to go to the wall for its territorial claims looks expedient, but it may come to haunt it in the long term. 日本决定不为其领土要求而去碰壁(的选择)看起来是有利,但它可能存在着长期的深远影响。
During study in Italy he sketched Renaissance gardens, and these continued to haunt his expansive outdoor scenes peopled with tiny figures. 在义大利读书的时期他写生了文艺复兴的花园,这些景像之后就经常出现在户外延伸的场景里并有渺小的人物。
China's reliance on hydropower maybe be coming back to haunt it. The reason: in an age of global warming, dams are running dry. 中国依赖水电的步伐可能会受阻。原因是在全球变暖的年代里,水坝可能会逐渐干涸。
And one is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. 这要困扰我一辈子的
S. and parts of Europe, we let housing bubbles get out of control. That came back to haunt us big-time. 最糟糕的是在美国及欧洲部分地区,我们使得房产泡沫失控,随后这便成了一直困扰我们的麻烦。
Supposedly, the axe-wielding spirit of the husband continued to haunt this section of the road. 恐怕那个挥舞斧头的丈夫的魂灵现在还在这条路出没吧。
It was to be the start of a terror that would haunt the people here long after the eruption ceased, Lahars. 一种可怕的灾难开始了,在火山爆发后很久将一直困扰人们,它就是火山泥流。
He remembered it as though it were yesterday and knew it would haunt him until his dying day. 他想起的时候总觉得好像就发生在昨天,并且也知道这将伴随他直到去世的那天。
I looked once more down Sally's well, and this time there was nothing there to haunt me. Just clouds, clouds, then sun. 我有一次从莎莉家的井往里看。这次没有什么预兆。只有天上的云。云,还有,太阳。
Superstitions: Ghosts haunt theaters and should be given one night a week alone on the stage. 迷信:鬼魂出没于剧院,应该给他们每周留一晚的时间单独上台。
an old building may be demolished to make way for some development programme, or a new roadway may be constructed through a familiar haunt. 一幢老房子可能被拆迁,为一些的发展项目让路,或者,一条新道路要建,穿过一条熟悉的…
Elsewhere the ghosts of a married couple haunt their idyllic home and a film director is unknowingly making the worst film ever. 而在另外一个地方,一对已婚夫妇的鬼魂出没在他们田园诗般的家里,然后导演就在无意中拍了这部史上最糟糕的电影。
Chinese stocks suffered their biggest one-day fall in two weeks as concerns over the domestic property sector returned to haunt the market. 中国股市昨日出现两周来最大幅度的单日下跌,人们对国内房地产行业的担心再次困扰市场。