how to deal

  • 网络千头万绪;初恋十五十六时;交易方式

how to dealhow to deal

how to deal


电影宝库_影音娱乐_新浪网 ... 人性污点( The Human Stain) 千头万绪( How to Deal) 绿巨人( The Hulk) ...


2003年,乔娜在美国拍了第二部长片--青春爱情喜剧《初恋十五十六时》(How To Deal),马上被视为最有潜质的新进女导演 …


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If you do not know how to deal with shyness, your attitude may be misinterpreted as a sign of rudeness or a lack of interest. 如果你不知道如何去克服害羞,你的态度可能会被认为是粗俗无礼或者缺乏兴趣的标志。
How to deal with these sudden disasters and manage efficiently has been a very important issue to every government all over the world. 如何应对危机并实施有效的管理,已成为摆在世界各国政府面前亟待解决的重大课题。
Wait, you might be thinking, these strategies don't tell you how to deal with your difficult relatives-they tell you how to behave yourself. 等一下,你可能认为这些策略并不是教你如何应对让你郁闷的亲戚,而是告诉你如何做到行为得体。
The instructor was trying to put students in an emotional situation and then taught them how to deal with it. 老师试图把同学们置身于一个令人动情的情境当中,进而教他们如何处理这种情况。
You're not always going to have step-by-step instructions or a model to follow that will tell you how to deal with it. 你并不总是会有一步一步的指导或者告诉你如何处理它、你可以跟着做的模型。
One of the major issues affecting nineteenth-century China was the question of how to deal with other countries. 的主要问题之一影响19世纪中国的问题是如何处理与其他国家。
One share-holder in Lasvesa quit the board recently. You know how to deal with it. Here is all the information. 拉丝维萨的一个股东最近退出了董事会。你知道该怎么办。这里是所有相关的情报。
Take a look at any list of new business books, and you're sure to see more than a few on the topic of change and how to deal with it. 放眼一瞥与有关商业的新书单,你一定会发现,不止一本会涉及改变和如何应对改变的话题。
There was chaos in the ranks and someone began to kick up a row. The high officer almost lost his head and did not know how to deal with it. 队伍一片喧闹,很多人开始起哄,首长也手足无措,不知如何处理。可是很快,战士们安静下来,静的想是死了一样。
Although he was physically stronger than the others, my peaceful friend did not know how to deal with the verbal abuse. 虽然我的朋友在块头上比他们大,但是遇上这种情况他却不知道怎么处理。
The proposal was the buzz among the assembled central bankers as they focused on how to deal with the next cycle. 这一提议正被聚在一起关注如何应对下一轮危机的央行官员们议论纷纷。
During this year. we have made many teachers angry with us. In fact I feel regretful for that. But I don't know how to deal with it. 在这一年,很多老师让我们气的不轻,其实我觉得很内疚,可是却又不知道如何解决。
We call this sort of interview "a stress interview" . Then when a stress interview come to you, how to deal with it? 我们把这类面试称为“压力面试”。那麽,当你遭遇一场压力面试时,该何如应对呢?
To understand guilt, its reason, its place in our lives, and how to deal with it, are essential to living a life for God. 如何理解罪,它的成因,在我们生活中的位置以及怎样处理,对基督徒的生活至关重要。
Owing to few experience, she did not know how to deal with this kind of things. 正是由于她太没有经验,她才不知道怎么处理
If you know how to deal with that, then you'll be able to handle problems of war and poverty and conflicts. 如果你知道如何去处理它,你将有能力解决由战争,贫困和纠纷所带来的麻烦。
You may feel that college life is boring. We do not know how to deal with the plenty of spare time. 中文翻译(我自己翻译的)你或许会认为大学生活很枯燥,你不知道如何处理这么充足的空余时间。
Public input disc technology poor, but he said: "I know how to deal with you, but I do not say. " 公输盘技穷了,但他说:“我知道怎么对付你了,可是我不说。”
This has been his preconditioning and is caused by his grasp of how to deal with a time that he understands as a linear sequence. 这一直是他的前提,这是由于他对他所理解的线性时间去如何把握造成的。
It is precisely because she was too inexperienced, she did not know how to deal with this situation. 正是由于她太没有经验,她才不知道怎么处理这种情况。
Now this society, not afraid of you having an affair, but has an affair you do not know how to deal with, this is terrible. 现在这社会,不怕你有外遇,而是有了外遇你不知如何处理,这才是可怕的。
I had become used to getting along with her bad and good points already; I knew how to deal with the bad ones and accept the good ones. 不论前一位侍者有多烂,但总会有一些优点,而且我也已经习惯她的优缺点,知道怎么取长补短。
Most importantly, she explains how to ask coworkers to be mentors and advisors, and how to deal with rejection. 至关重要的是,她还说明:如何要求同事担当指导者和倡导者,以及如何面对拒绝。
Cheating is considered as such a big problem in the American universities that how to deal with it has become a topical issue. 作弊在美国大学里被认为是一大问题,如何对付它已成为教师会议上的热点话题。
It was obvious that the Shi'ites were a force to be reckoned with, and we would do well to understand them and learn how to deal with them. 很明显,什叶派的力量不可忽视,我们应该好好了解他们,学习如何与之相处。
It's high time that he began to think how to deal with money. 他早该开始考虑如何与钱打交道。
Indeed, how to deal with China seems to be an abiding preoccupation of Asia's leaders. 确实,如果处理与中国的关系似乎成了亚洲各国领导人需要长期关注的问题。
It has been an urgent issue how to deal with the scientific research of a research-based institution and a non-research-based institution. 如何区别对待研究型和非研究型教学单位的科研地位,是一个急需解决的问题。
I think it's one thing to leave you at home, but it's certainly another to take advice on how to deal with your new bride. 我认为这是一件事,你留在家中,但肯定另一个就如何处理新新娘的意见。
Tells the parser how to deal with a specific binary file type, as well as provides a name and an external identifier for a notation. 通知分析器如何处理特定的二进制文件类型,并提供表示法的名称和外部标识符。