
美 [hɑrd]英 [hɑː(r)d]
  • adv.努力地;艰难地;费力地;猛烈地
  • adj.坚固的;坚硬的;结实的;难做的
  • n.〈英〉硬海滩;〈英俚〉(囚犯的)强迫苦役
  • 网络困难;困难的

比较级:harder 最高级:hardest

hard work,hard time,study hard,hard life,hard worker
hit hard,think hard,hard fight,hard take,hard save



1.坚固的;坚硬的;结实的solid, firm or stiff and difficult to bend or break


2.难做的;难懂的;难以回答的difficult to do, understand or answer

3.困苦的;艰苦的;艰难的full of difficulty and problems, especially because of a lack of money

费力;用力needing/using effort

4.耗费体力(或脑力)的;辛苦的needing or using a lot of physical strength or mental effort

5.努力的;勤劳的putting a lot of effort or energy into an activity

6.用力的;猛烈的done with a lot of strength or force

缺乏同情心without sympathy

7.冷酷无情的;硬心肠的;苛刻的showing no sympathy or affection

不畏惧not afraid

8.(informal)准备战斗的;不软弱退缩的ready to fight and showing no signs of fear or weakness


9.[obn]确凿的;可证实的;可靠的definitely true and based on information that can be proved


10.寒冷的;凛冽的very cold and severe


11.[obn]酒精浓度高的;烈性的strongly alcoholic


12.硬的(含钙及镁等可溶性盐较多)containing calcium and other mineral salts that make mixing with soap difficult


be hard on sb/sth

严厉对待,严格批评(某人或某事)to treat or criticize sb in a very severe or strict way

drive/strike a hard bargain

狠狠地杀价to argue in an aggressive way and force sb to agree on the best possible price or arrangement

give sb a hard time

给某人找茬儿;使某人不好过to deliberately make a situation difficult and unpleasant for sb

hard and fast

板上钉钉;不容更改that cannot be changed in any circumstances

(as) hard as nails

冷酷无情;铁石心肠;毫无惧色showing no sympathy, kindness or fear

hard cheese

(常作反话)太不幸了,真够倒霉used as a way of saying that you are sorry about sth, usually ironically(= you really mean the opposite)

hard going

难懂;费力difficult to understand or needing a lot of effort

hard luck/lines

(表示惋惜)真遗憾,太不幸了used to tell sb that you feel sorry for them

the hard way

通过痛苦的经历;通过出错by having an unpleasant experience or by making mistakes

make hard work of sth

在某事上耗费过多时间(或精力);费冤枉力to use more time or energy on a task than is necessary

no hard feelings

(向争论或打败的对方表示继续友好)别往心里去,别记恨used to tell sb you have been arguing with or have beaten in a contest that you would still like to be friendly with them

play hard to get

故作姿态;故意摆谱;佯装拿架子to make yourself seem more attractive or interesting by not immediately accepting an invitation to do sth

too much like hard work

太费力needing too much effort


英语反义词_百度文库 ... great 伟 60. hard 硬的 -- soft 软的 64. ...


字典中 艰 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ hard] (3) 艰难;困难[ difficult;hard] (5) 险恶,危难[ dangerous] ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 527 throw v 投,掷 528 hard adj 困难的 529 ride v 骑(自行车,马等) ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... well 好 Hard 努力地 deep 深地 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... lighting 光线;照明 hard 坚硬的;坚固的 serve 招待;端上 ...

Just a few years ago, it would be hard to imagine these people even knowing each other, let alone engaging in a deep collaborative process. 就在几年以前,还很难想象这些官员能够相互认识,更不要说进行深入的合作了。
A sudden fall in sales will leave them without cash at a time when bank overdrafts are hard to secure or to increase. 销售的突然下降将让他们没有现金,同时银行透支额也很难保证或增加。
Keep calm at least When you had fallen to the bottom of your life, every people around you would tell you: Be hard-bitten and be happy! 在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身旁所有的人都告诉你:要坚强,而且要快乐。
It's hard to get used to the idea because usually you win trophies as a team and that's what I enjoy so much. 很难适应这个消息,因为通常会作为球队的一分子赢得奖杯,那是我非常享受的事情。
He's training very hard here in Iceland on his vacation and he's going to be well prepared for the next season. 假期中,他在冰岛训练的非常刻苦,他正在为下赛季做充分的准备。
'It is too late, 'she said, her voice hard and her eyes shining unnaturally. “太晚了,”她说。她声音有些刺耳,眼睛的光芒也是躲躲闪闪的。
Injuries are the enemy of a footballer. Seeing your mates on the pitch, winning games is hard. 伤病是球员的敌人,当你看到你的队友在球场上赢得比赛时,这很让人难受。
Despite a moderate hype, it is hard to point to many youngsters ready to break into the first team. 尽管经过大肆宣传,但还是得指出,许多年轻人还无法打入一线队。
Even without the north-south divide, however, Vale might have had a hard time putting its stamp on its new acquisition. 不过,即使没有这种南北分歧,淡水河谷可能还是难以在这家新收购的企业打上自己的印记。
With all that repeated code, you're bound to have inconsistencies, and it will be hard to maintain. 对于所有重复的代码,一定会出现不一致性,因此将很难进行维护。
It's not just low volume or poor reception that makes it hard to hear people on the other end of a mobile phone call, say US researchers. 美国研究人员认为:不只是音量过小或调节不当导致手机那头的声音难以听到。
It's hard to make sense, feels as if I'm sensing you through a lens. 这种感觉很难表达,就像我正通过镜头感觉你们一样。
They had not lived long enough or hard enough to possess those qualities that interested him. 她们生活经历不够长,或者还不知生活艰辛,因此没有这种足以吸引他的气质。
What I learned: Junk food is a habit, just as hard to break as cigarettes or alcohol. 从中,我认识到了:吃垃圾食品,其实是一种习惯,和戒烟戒酒一样很难。
It will be hard to say goodbye but I'm very much at peace with the next custodian of this property and that's the best way to look at it. 说再见是很难,不过我同遗迹的下一个监护人之间倒很平静,这是最理想的应对之道。
Trying to accumulate wealth by the sweat of your brow and hard labor is one way to become the richest man in the graveyard. 试图通过辛苦的体力劳动来积累财富,那么,你有可能会在垂暮之年变成最富有的人。
We are a hard-working family trying to practise our religion whilst living in a Western society. 我们是一个在西方社会里辛勤工作的家庭,我们同时践行着我们的宗教。
As with an actual gold mine, you still have to work hard to get the gold out of it. 可是,和真正的金矿一样,你仍需要努力工作挖掘金矿。
Trying to work out what is going on in trace is hard enough without things appearing to occur at the wrong time. 如果没有事情似乎在错误的时间发生,那么尝试弄清跟踪数据中发生了什么是相当困难的。
For you weigh men down with burdens hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers. 因为你们把难担的担子放在人身上,自己一个指头却不肯动。
If it's hard for me to walk up them steps now, it's 'cause I walked up them every night to lay next to a man who loved me. 如果我现在爬不上楼梯,那是因为我每天都爬好去躺在爱我的男人身边。
Just at this point he met his soul's sworn comrade, Joe Harper -- hard-eyed , and with evidently a great and dismal purpose in his heart. 恰在此时,他遇到了他的铁哥们儿乔•哈帕——他两眼发直,显然心怀鬼胎。
he used to swim very often as he did not have to work so hard. 他以前常常去游泳,因为他不必那么卖力的工作。
His mother discourage him from joining the navy, saying that it was a hard life, but he refused to be discouraged. 他母亲劝阻他不要参加海军,说海军生活很艰苦,但他不为所动。
As you know Joyce had a hard time with this sinthome. 你们知道,乔埃斯跟这个病徵奋斗很长一段时间。
Definitions also bring paradox: Western civilization began in what is now Iraq, but it would be hard to make a case now for Iraq as Western. 定义同样会带来矛盾:西方文明始于当代的被称做伊拉克的地方,但已很难把伊拉克当做西方国家的一个例子;
She made no concession to his age; she expected him to work as hard as she did. 她丝毫也不体谅他的年龄,要求他干得像她一样卖力。
At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. 碰到像这样的情况,存款可以让我们免去许多痛苦,帮助我们渡过难关。
I tried really hard to get out of this school, and only now do I realise just how much I want to stay. 我曾经很想逃出这所学校,但是现在才知道我是多么想留下来。
'It's hard to even imagine just how much water was displaced, ' said Lynda Lastowka, seismologist at the United States Geological Survey. 美国地质调查局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey)的地震学家拉斯托卡(LyndaLastowka)说,难以想象有多少海水被挪移开来。