how to love

  • 网络如何去爱;怎麽爱;如何爱

how to lovehow to love

how to love


这中学英语什么意思,急,求翻译_百度知道 ... be ashamed of, 羞愧 how to love如何去爱 used to do, 曾经做 ...


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Lil wayne 《how to love》 歌词翻译_百度知道 ... How to love 要如何去爱 How to love 该如何去爱 ...


Lil wayne 《how to love》 歌词翻译_百度知道 ... How to love 怎样爱你 How to love 怎样爱你 ...

When taught me how to love, but you no longer love me, and gently pulled out of your hand, an instant, my world is As for the dark. 当教会了我如何去爱,而你却已经不再爱我,轻轻抽离你的手,霎时,将我的世界也至于灰暗。
The only thing I want you know is how much I love you, and the only thing I want to know is how to love you more. 我唯一想让你知道的事是我有多爱你,而我唯一想知道的事是怎样才能更加爱你。
Someone knows how to be loyal to someone, how wo take care of him, and how to love him, as he is a very important person in his life. 有些人知道怎样对一个人忠诚,怎样照顾他,怎样爱他,因为朋友是他生命中很重要的人。
She said at last, her mother not only taught her how to love, but also imbued her with a sense of imagination and creation. 最后作者说,她母亲不仅仅教会她如何去爱,更让她充满了想像力和创造力。
She has a focus on the work of her boyfriend, he loves Shaman Ta did not know how to love, how to share the love. 她有一位专注于工作的男友,他深爱着莎曼塔却不懂如何去爱,如何去分享爱的感觉。
Dear you can understand my wound to have depth how to love person are meet the self-respect you to understand? 亲爱的你能理解我的伤口已经深入到如何爱的人是满足自我尊重你懂吗?
It is because you do not know how to love your wife, your husband, that you don't know how to love God. 因为不了解如何爱你的妻子、丈夫,你也不会了解如何爱上帝。
You cannot say you know how to love or that you love and then follow that statement with the action, thought or feeling of hatred. 你不能够说你知道如何去爱,或者你爱,然后以恨的行动,想法或者感觉遵循那声明。
It seemed as though evil and hate were smothering me until I begged God to show me how to see the good in people, how to love, how to smile. 邪恶和仇恨似乎让我透不过气来,直到我乞求上帝指引我怎样发现人性中的善良、怎样去爱、怎样微笑。
You do not deserve to put yourself down, you are a wonderful person and it is important that you learn how to love and respect yourself. 让你自己失落并不值得,你是一个很棒的人,对你而言学会爱自己、尊重自己是多么重要的事情。
God said we are different from any other spices of creatures because we know how to love, and desires to be loved. 主说人类有别于其它物种的原因,就在于我们懂得如何去爱,并渴望被爱。
Grow up, I came to realize that they do not love me, just do not know how to love me. 长大以后,我才明白他们不是不爱我,只是不知道怎样爱我。
Tonight dream that her mother would tell her that I was grown up, I learned how to love themselves. 希望今晚会梦见妈妈,告诉她我长大了,我学会了如何去爱自己。
It is ok to love someone else if you know how to love yourself first! Understand love first. 如果你都知道怎么爱自己,那么再去爱别人的话,那当然很好了。
And I would not have to learn how to love how to deal with this stuff. And I would not be so anguish. 这样我就不用学习怎么去爱,怎么处理这类事情,不用学习怎样做,不用这么痛苦,不用反复的煎熬。
You know how to love other people after you know how to love yourself. 在爱别人之前先学会爱自己。
Everybody knows how to love, but only few people know how to stay in love with one person for a very long period of time. 所有人都知道爱是怎么一回事,但只有少数人知道如何经营一段长久的爱情。
You are my first love men, I do not know how to love yet to miss you! 你是我第一个爱的男人,不懂如何爱的我却把你给错过!
I hope you are intelligent enough, mature enough, enough humorous, enough kind, enough to make me feel secure and know how to love a girl. 希望您是足够的聪明,足够的稳重,足够的幽默,足够的善良,足够的可以让我有安全感,知道怎么样去爱一个女人。
When I learn to love yourself, trust yourself, will be able to know how to love others, believe that others. 当我学会爱自己,相信自己,就能知道如何去爱别人,相信别人。
Because to do that, he will live a full life, regardless of left five minutes or five years does not matter, because he knew how to love. 因为只有这么做了,他才会过着充实的生活,不管剩五分钟或五十年都无所谓,因为他明白了如何去爱。
Bringing up Bobby taught me how to love someone, apart from myself, to take responsibility, to be selfless. 把Bobby养大教会我,除了爱自己以外,如何去爱另一个人,如何承担责任,如何变得无私。
don't know how to love you. Looking at you is the only way I know. I apply to get into your life. 不知道,如何爱你,看着你,是我唯一的方式。我申请,加入你的人生。
Perhaps we have not so great, but we can have that little bit of love, a caring person to know how to love. 或许我们没有那么的伟大,但是我们可以有的是那一点点的爱心,一个有爱心的人才会懂得如何去爱人。
But now Fu is learning how to communicate with her son, how to raise him, even how to love him. 但是现在Fu正在学习如何跟儿子沟通,如何抚养他,以至于如何爱他。
Because of you, I learned how to love, dream, fly. . . and especially to live life to its fullest. 因为你们,我学会了如何去爱,去梦想,去飞翔…特别是如何充实地度过生命中的每时每刻。
And if I understand how I love my wife, maybe I can learn how to love her better. 而且如果我知道了我如何爱我的妻子,也学我可以学会更加爱她。
instead, you see them as projects and that keeps you from learning how to love. 相反的,你把他们看成任务,这会阻止你学会如何去爱。
My self-concept is too strong, I do not know how to love other people, I do not even know what is love! 我的自我观太强,我不懂得如何去爱别人,我甚至不懂得什么叫爱!
Someone teaches you how to love, someone teaches you how to be loved, someone teaches you how to slip by. 有的人教你如何去爱,有的人教你如何被爱,有的人教你如何悄悄走过。