
美 [ˈhelθi]英 ['helθi]
  • adj.健康的;有益于健康的;健全的;大量的

比较级:healthier 最高级:healthiest

healthy food,healthy diet,healthy environment,healthy system,healthy person


She thinks those foods taste better than their conventional counterparts. And she hopes they are healthier for her children. 她认为这样的食品比常规食品有更好的风味,同时她也希望这些有机食品能够对她的孩子们更健康。
McDonald's has adjusted nimbly to the shift towards healthier food and its restaurants' average turnover is double that of rivals. 麦当劳已灵活地调整策略,以适应向更健康食品的转变,其餐厅的平均营业额是竞争对手的两倍。
This was not surprising up to the fields, I felt perfectly all right again and each day I began to feel stronger and healthier. 这倒不令我奇怪,当我走到田里时,又感觉好极了,一天天地我开始感到更壮,更健康。
This does not absolve individuals of the responsibility of trying to get more exercise and eat healthier. 这并不是说,那些试图获得更多锻炼、更健康饮食的人们不需要负任何责任。
A sauna shower can relax you into a restful, restorative sleep and you wake up the next morning feeling healthier and more energetic. 桑拿会带你进入宁静的,恢复元气的梦想,第二天早上醒来,你会感觉更健康更有活力。
An inefficient tax system is a luxury the country might have been able to afford when the economy and tax receipts were healthier. 此前,当英国经济更加健康、税收收入较多时,国家可能还负担得起一个奢侈的低效税收制度。但现在,英国负担不起。
Your house of transformation is brilliantly lit, and surgery is often the way we transform into a much healthier state. 你掌管运输的宫位星光璀璨,手术是将我们送往健康的常见途径。
But do not be paranoid: our children have both been healthier than they ever were in London. 但不要过分:我们的孩子已经都比在伦敦时要健康得多。
and Watt says that he began to see his employees grow healthier before his eyes. 瓦特说他将看到他的员工们变得日益健康起来。
This often occurred near the end of a quarter, allegedly making the company look much healthier than it was. 这一做法经常在季度末使用,据称此举可使雷曼兄弟的财务状况从表面看来比实际情形要好得多。
Viewing fortunetelling as an entertaining way to spend a few hours is much healthier than looking at it as a long-term investment. 把算命看成一种短暂的娱乐,反而比长期投资来得健康。
As my wife and I grew older, I saw how much we needed products to help us feel younger and healthier. 当我和我的妻子年龄渐长,我发现我们多么需要一种可使我们感到更年轻和健康的产品。
And far from cheapening life, this sort of research often highlights just how valuable our safer, healthier modern lives really are. 这远非贬低生命的价值,此类研究往往突显出,我们的更安全、健康的现代生活,到底有多么珍贵。
Sales of the stakes the savings banks hold in Spanish companies and takeovers of laggards by the healthier ones could fund some of that. 出售储蓄银行持有的公司股权和资产更为健康者收购落后者可能为此筹得部分资金。
Imagine the gas you'll save, not to mention how much healthier you'll become by leaving the car at home whenever possible. 尽可能把车留在家,想象看你会省下多少汽油,更别说会获得多少健康。
Goetzl said the pill would not necessarily make people live longer but that they would be healthier and enjoy a better quality of life. 葛佐称,“青春之泉”并不是所谓的“长生不老药”,它只能让人更健康、生活质量更好。
It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas. 瓶装水凉爽提神、不含卡路里、易于携带,比有些自来水好喝又比含糖的苏打水健康得多。
Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all exercise adds up to a healthier heart. 无论这些是您特意制定的一项运动计划,或者只是您日常生活的一部分,它们都能为您造就一个更健康的心脏。
Healthier fiscal positions have allowed governments at least to attempt to substitute for the sidelined Western consumer. 较为稳健的财政状况,使亚洲各国政府至少可以尝试替代观望中的西方消费者。
Some casino operators may have no alternative but to sell out to healthier rivals as part of a broad consolidation. 有些赌场经营者已经别无选择,只能作为广泛整合的一部分将自己卖给更优秀的竞争对手。
There's something about human nature that is awfully repulsive, and the healthier people are, the more repulsive they seem to me to be. 人类的天性有些东西是非常讨厌的,越是健全的人,好象就越叫我讨厌。
We spend one-and-a-half times more per person on health care than any other country, but we aren't any healthier for it. 我们用在医保上每人成本是任何其他国家的一倍半,但我们并没有因而更健康。
They found that the people who lived to 95 and beyond did not seem to exhibit healthier lifestyles than those who died younger. 研究发现,与那些活不到95岁的人相比,这些95岁以上老人的习惯并不是更健康。
Just as a depletion in the state coffers was an early sign that Ireland's boom was ending, healthier revenues augur well for recovery. 一如国库几乎亏空显示爱尔兰的经济繁荣已经面临尾声,表现更为良好的税收也预示着复苏的开始。
Since workplace pilfering sometimes goes undetected, it's unclear how much more severe the problem is now than in healthier times. 尽管车间盗窃行为有时未被发现,但问题的严重性比经济更健康时期更令人难以了解。
A spokesman for the company said: "Not only is it a healthier option to a car, it's a great way of reducing your carbon footprint. " 该公司的一位发言人说:“它不仅比驾车更健康,而且也是减少碳足迹的一个有效方法。”
Wasn't it a great feeling, knowing that you had finally taken that first step towards living a healthier life? 它不是一个伟大的感觉,知道你终于走了第一步,过着健康的生活吗?
Taking vitamins was also associated with a healthier diet, as reflected by an overall "food index score. " 服用维生素还与健康饮食有关,这体现在“食物指数评价”。
I then decided to make healthy lifestyle changes. I began to eat healthier and began to train at a local gym. 我开始改变为健康的生活方式,开始更健康的饮食,开始在当地健身馆锻炼。
In general, the children are healthier than the past, and have been a good education. 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都要健康,受到了良好的教育。