the end

  • 网络结束;末日;剧终

the endthe end

the end


yougiveloveabadname中文歌词_百度知道 ... You give love... 你给爱。。。 THE END 结束 by lune 藉着弓形 ...


my secret_百度百科 ... 07.我的秘密 My Secret 08.末日 The End 04.美好的旧时光 In My Heart ...


中岛美嘉_百度百科 ... YES 爱的诺言 The End 剧终 BEST 最嘉精选 ...

《密室之不可告人》双语字幕 ... 往后退 往后退 Step back! Back. () The End 你看五折给你怎么样 Knock 50 percent off, ...


寂静岭攻略_救世主吧_百度贴吧 ... 河畔的汽车旅馆- RIVERSIDE MOTEL 结局- THE END 电影院- ARTAUD THEATER ...


格林高利合唱团_百度百科 ... 10 Gregorian Anthem 教皇赞美歌 / 6:07 12 The End 终结 / 2:06 13 In The Shadows 阴影 / 4:29 ...


甲骨碎_百度百科 ... Chapter 10 兆纹 The end 尾声 Chapter 01 龟甲信 ...

spokesman said the hearing was likely to be in Paris at the end of August . 在八月末的巴黎,我们或许会有个了断。
"We see the end of Gaddafi, " he said, wrapping a scarf around his head. 他说,“我们看到了卡扎菲结束,”环绕周围头上的围巾。
I volunteer not so much to help others, but to gain some perspective about my own life. But in the end, I suppose I accomplish both. 我做志愿者并不主要是为了帮助别人,而是为自己的生活创造远景。但是结果我还是希望自己可以两者兼得。
Thousands of Metempsychosis, make gum rosin became amber, he also by the end of that little vitality living in his Iii. 千年的轮回,使松脂变成了琥珀,而他,还靠着最后的那一点点生命力活在他的第三世。
The Hertha skipper is still having problems with his knee, and will only be able to resume first team training at the end of the week. 赫塔队长的膝伤还是未能痊愈,到本周末才能恢复参加主力队的训练。
Many souls would gladly exchange positions with you, to see the end of duality and experience the joys that are yet to come. 许多灵魂会乐意与你们交换位置,去看看二元性的终结,并经验将要到来的喜悦。
The two parties failed to come to terms by the end of the talks. The only agreement was to exchange information. 会谈双方结束时未达成协议。惟一一致意见是是相互交换信息。
To finish the work by the end of next month seems to be a problem. 在下个月底以前完成这项任务似乎有困难。
At the end of each turn, each player sacrifices a permanent unless he or she discards a card from his or her hand. 在每个回合结束时,每位玩家除非从其手上弃掉一张牌,否则该玩家牺牲一个永久物。
He thought he was being clever when, near the end of his and Colleen's senior year of college, he went after Colleen. 在他和科琳大学四年级快要结束的时候,亨利对科琳展开追求,那会儿他还以为自己怪聪明的。
Some problems about this research worth to be studied afterward are put up in the end of the paper. 最后,在总结论文工作的基础上,提出了本课题尚待解决的问题。
This might not be the end of Charlie Sheen, but he'll have to clean up his act if he's ever going to be taken seriously again. 也许查理辛还没有完全出局,但是如果他希望别人再次重视他的话,那麽他就必须先改邪归正。
During the civil proceedings, evidence plays a decisive role from the beginning to the end. 在整个民事诉讼活动中,证据自始至终起着举足轻重的作用。
Certainly, such a death toll would be enough to destroy both countries as superpowers, but not the end of life as we know it. 当然,作为超级大国这样的死亡人数也足以摧毁这两个国家,但这不是我们所认为的生命的终结。
On the subject of Iran, he made it plain, though, that his patience was limited by the end of this year. 尽管如此,他也明确表态说在伊朗问题上他的耐心是有限的,而且只能持续到今年年底。
At the end of a concert in Germany recently, Justin Bieber gave his mother a birthday cake. 在最近德国演唱会结束时,小贾斯汀送给妈妈一个生日蛋糕。
The thing is, one of them is going away to the States for his studies and will periodically at the end of the year for his winter break. 问题是,他们中的一个人要远赴美国进修学业,而且要到今年年底才有寒假能够回来。
There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS. 历史上有很多暴君和凶手,在短期内或许是所向无敌的,但是最终总会倒下的——想想它,总是这样的。
Those two years of learning will add another two years at the end of my career, so that's how I look at it. 这两年所学的,会充实我在俱乐部的后两年,而这就是我所期待的。
First and foremost , the company refilled. At the end of the day we filed with the right numbers . It was a typo that was printed. 首先,我们公司已更正了相关数据,那是一个打印错误,在最后一天我们发布的是正确的数据。
Here is the end of suffering for all the world , and everyone who ever came and yet will come to linger for a while. 整个世界的痛苦在此结束,而每个曾来过这世界而且会再来稍事逗留的人,其痛苦亦就此告终。
"Once upon a time, there was an ambitious young man who didn't read The Economist. The End, " read one particularly audacious ad from 2004. 2004年一则特别大胆创新的广告这么说到:“从前,有一个很有抱负的年轻人,他不看《经济学人》,完了。”
"Never do something like the" "Do not be such a world" - in the end who said? “再也不会做那样的事情了”“不要这样的世界”——到底是谁说的?
And at the end of the story, he's sitting on a mountain of pearls with a bloody knife in his hand and his wife dead in his arms. 在故事的结局,他坐在珍珠堆成的山上,手里拿着血淋淋的刀,他的妻子死在了他的怀里。
It was the sort of house that you never seem to come to the end of, and it was full of unexpected places. 这所住宅,你似乎永远也走不到它的尽头,里边净是些意料不到的地方。
Grey! Grey: You've been trying to tell me that death isn't the end. Don't back out on me now that I finally believe. 你一直对我说死亡并不是生命的终结。现在我好不容易相信了,你可不要反悔。
'It has been a long, long road for each party, ' he said. 'We can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. ' 他说,交易各方都走了很长的路;我们终于可以看到隧道尽头曙光乍现。
To a child, a stepmother is the personification of the end of that dream. The stepmother stands in the way of their happiness. 对一个孩子来说,一个继母是这个梦想的终结者,她站在幸福之路的中间,挡住了道路。
Trim up the side of the head from your chin cut up to the end of the outside cut on the ear. 修剪起来一侧头部从你的下巴削减直至年底外面削减对耳朵。
The missing girl's brother was at the end of his rope over the matter. 对于这事件,这位失踪的女孩的哥哥已无计可施。