try again

  • v.再试一次
  • 网络再试试;重试;下次再试

try againtry again

try again


常用法语句子(法英中对照) - 华翼网 ... they hurt (伤口)疼 try again 再试试 watch out! 当心! ...


牛津小学英语6b单词_百度知道 ... weight 重量;质量 try again 再试一次 worm 虫;蠕虫 ...


AutoIt v3 - 痒痒工作室的日志 - 网易博客 ... NO( 否)=7 TRY AGAIN重试)=10 CONTINUE( 继续)=11 ...


驾驶员常用英语_中国网上驾校 ... 47. Give a signal 打灯号 67. Try again 下次再试 35. Pul1 0ver to the curb 靠路边停车 ...


【转】对EINTR的处理 - MandyYun的日志 - 网易博客 ... No child processes 无子过程 Try again 再试一遍 Out of memory 内存 …


... 52. Think it over. 想一想。 53. Try again. 再试一试。 56. Spell this word. 拼这个单词。 ...


again怎么翻译_百度知道 ... again and again adv. 再三地,反复地 try again 再来一次 over again 再一次 ...

There was an error while reading this disk; it appears to be unusable. Please insert a different disk and try again. 读取磁盘时出错。该磁盘似乎不可用。请另外插入一张磁盘,然后重试。
Destroy the enemy formation. First, try to do it with high-explosive bombs, then select torpedoes and armour - piercing bombs and try again. 破坏敌人编队。第一,尝试做它用高爆炸弹,然后选择鱼雷和穿甲炸弹再尝试。
You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again. 您正试图将文件保存到只读磁盘。请检查输入的位置是否正确,然后再试一次。
Now it must try again to think the unthinkable, to leave the era of the H-bomb and enter the time of the human bomb. 如今必须再次思考未曾思考的东西,离开氢弹的时代,而进入人体炸弹的时代。
After a few days, of ready to do sth we try again, still be to part on bad terms. 几天后,蠢蠢欲动的我们再次尝试,依然是不欢而散。
"I absolutely loved the experience and I decided that I really wanted to try again. I'm so excited, " she said. 洛伊斯表示︰“我十分喜欢参加选美大赛的经历,这样的活动让我兴奋。”
They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. 他们不怕重复听他们所听过的东西,也不害怕张口去说不熟悉的东西。他们愿意出了错以后再设法改正。
And instead be able to see with clarity where you went wrong and what you can learn from your mistake. And then try again. 如此也能看清你错在何处,看清你能从自己的错误中学到什么,并不断地改进。
The phone number the wizard is trying to dial is currently busy. Click Redial to try again. Click Help for more information. 向导正在拨打的电话号码目前正忙。请单击“重拨”再试一次。单击“帮助”可获得详细信息。
If this card is returned unopened I'll know you aren't ready to reconcile yet, and I'll try again next year. 如果这张卡片原封退回,我明白你还不愿和解,那我将等到来年再试。
When Theodore Roosevelt became president in the early nineteen hundreds, he was ready to try again. 二十世纪初,当西奥多.罗斯福接任美国总统后,他做好准备,他要在中美洲开凿运河。
The device you are trying to use is not currently available on your network. Check to see if the device is on the network and try again. 您要使用的设备当前在您的网络上不可用。请检查此设备是否在网络上,然后再试一次。
He had been having a difficult time but the only thing to do in such a situation is to try again and try again. 他刚刚经历过一段艰难的时间但是他唯一要做的就是在球场上努力再努力。
The failure of something must not eliminate the desire to try again. Dismiss delusion and disappointment: look inside of you for new drive. 某事的失败应当不排除再次尝试的希望。摒弃迷惑和失望:注视你内在新的干劲。
It may become necessary to put the dog in his crate for a few minutes and then get him out and try again. 把狗关在狗笼里几分钟,然后再放它出来重新尝试是必须的。
Don't just sit and stare at it: think hard; until you're exhausted; then come back the next day and try again. 不要只是坐下来盯着问题:仔细想一想;直到你筋疲力尽为止;那么接下来的一天接着想。
The first time you get a bit of surprise, maybe concern, a dash of fear, but then you put your head back and wait for the baby to try again. 第一次小孩儿可能有点儿吃惊,或许担心,有点儿恐惧,然后你再拉开距离等着小孩儿再来一次。
You are trying to play one part of a multipart file. Use a newsreader or other program to combine the files, and then try again. 你正在试图播放多个文件中的一部分。使用新闻阅读器或其它程序去组合这些文件,然后再试。
If it's not done in two or three minutes, try again, or create a new virtual device. 如果过了两三分钟还没启动,再试一次,或者按照前面的步骤再创建一个虚拟设备。
If it still doesn't work when you turn it on, keep it in a warm place for a while and try again. 如果还是不行,那么在一个有点点热的地方放一会儿,再开机试试。
But I think it's also related to the lap time. I didn't do a great lap and I had to try again, to be safe inside the top ten. 但那是我认为这也关系到圈速,我没有做到完美的一圈而我需要再尝试一次,能安全的进入前十。
Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar? 那好,再问你一个问题。如果我要求你去找一块胃石,那么你会到哪里去着手找?
Unable to open file. You may be out of memory or disk space. Check disk space, close other applications, then try again. 无法打开该文件。可能内存或磁盘容量不够。请查看磁盘容量,关闭其他应用程序后再试。
Then one day a few months ago, I decided to try again. I had very strong emotions at the time and just decided to let it out. 在几个月前的某一天,我决定再次尝试抽象艺术,当时我情绪激动,就决定将它释放出来。
She will try again for a son in a year or two, she says. 她说,她会在明年或者后年再努力生个儿子。
If I fail, let me know it's okay and encourage me to try again. 如果我失败了,让我知道没有关系并且鼓励我重新再来。
Name of the form you are trying to add conflicts with an existing form. Modify the form name and try again. 试图添加的格式名同某个现有的格式冲突,请修改格式名,然后再试一次。
Some Gazans fear it is a ruse to lull them into a sense of false security before Israel's tanks roll back and try again to topple Hamas. 一些加沙人担心这一切是诱使他们获得虚假安全感的诡计,随后以军坦克便滚滚而来,再次推翻哈马斯政权。
So I know I sucked at the role of messenger, but I found this by the door, So I thought I'd try again. Thanks. 我知道我对送信一窍不通,但是我在门上找到这个,所以我想还是再试试看。谢谢。
Don't get upset, angry, or depressed if you don't get into university or college. Study more, work for a year, and try again. 没被大学录取时,不要心烦,生气,沮丧。继续学习,工作一年,再申请。