
美 [ðer]英 [ðeə(r)]
  • pron.那里
  • adv.在那里;表示存在或发生;到那里;往那里
  • int.好啦
  • 网络那儿;在那儿;那边



1.(表示存在或发生)used to show that sth exists or happens

2.在那里;到那里;往那里in, at or to that place or position

3.存在的;现有的;可得到的existing or available

4.(故事、辩论等)在那一点上at that point (in a story, an argument, etc.)

5.(用以引起注意)used to attract sb's attention

6.(用以引起对某人、事物或事实的注意)used to attract sb's attention to a particular person, thing or fact

7.~ to do sth(表示人或事物在某一情况中的作用)used to show the role of a person or thing in a situation


been there, done that

(表示已去过某地或做过某事而不再感兴趣)没意思,没劲,乏味used to show that you think a place or an activity is not very interesting or impressive because you have already experienced it

be there for sb

随叫随到;不离…左右to be available if sb wants to talk to you or if they need help

by there

在那里;到那里;往那里there; to there

have been there before

全都知道;亲身经历过to know all about a situation because you have experienced it

not all there

傻乎乎;呆头呆脑not very intelligent, especially because of mental illness

so there!

就是这样;我主意已定;没什么可商量的used to show that you are determined not to change your attitude or opinion

there it is

情况就是这样that is the situation

theres a good boy, girl, dog, etc.

(用以夸奖或勉励幼儿、动物)乖,乖孩子used to praise or encourage small children or animals

theres lovely, nice, etc.

(表示有某种特性)真可爱,太好了used to say that sth has a particular quality

theres sth for you

这才叫;这才称得上used to say that sth is a very good example of sth

there or thereabouts

(表示即使不完美也很好)差不多used to say that sth is very good, even if it is not perfect

there, there!

(劝说小孩不要啼哭或沮丧)好了,好了used to persuade a small child to stop crying or being upset

there you are

给你;这就是你要的;拿去吧used when giving sb a thing they want or have asked for

there you go again

(批评对方的一贯作风)你又来这一套了used to criticize sb when they behave in a way that is typical of them


小学四年级英语单词表下载-人教版_百度文库 ... how many( 多少) there( 那儿;那里) Unit 1 Window( 窗户) ...


小学英语单词(带音标)_百度文库 ... egg 蛋 there 那儿 other 另外的 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... mail 邮件;邮政 there 在那里 mear 在---近旁 ...


广州版小学三年级_百度文库 ... sun 太阳 there 在那儿 over there 在那边 ...


那字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 那么着〖 dothat(so)〗 那边there;overthere〗 那不勒斯〖 Naples〗 ...


... the art. 这;那 there adv. 在那里;往那里 this pron. 这;这个 ...


凯恩之怒单位语音翻译_命令与征服吧_百度贴吧... ... Now they die 现在他们死定了 There 这里 Blow'em open 把他们打开花 ...

Results: There was no significantly difference in operative time, time of stay and postoperative stay between two groups. 结果:两组的手术时间、住院时间、术后住院时间差异无显著性意义。
If he were to leave today, he would get there by Friday. 如果他今天出发,星期五前就能到那儿。
Harper was not at training today, but a club official was there to hear the teenager, accompanied by his father, make an apology. 哈伯今天没有训练,但是俱乐部官员接受了在父亲陪伴下的少年的道歉。
In fact, cosmological redshifts can happen even when there seems to be no relative motion at all, as the following thought experiment shows. 事实上,宇宙学的红移,在没有相对运动的情况下也是存在的,就如同下面的思想实验(ThoughtExperiment)所显示的。(待续…)
I did not want to complain about anybody, because all this there has never been wrong, including their own. 我没有想抱怨谁,因为这一切本来就没有错,包括自己。
And forgetting his own sorrow he ran back to the place, and saw there a little Hare caught in a trap that some hunter had set for it. 忘记了自己的悲痛,星孩跑回去一看,原来是一只小野兔被困在了猎人设下的陷阱里。
Just as he caught the ball there was a tearing sound. 他把球抓住时,听到了一种撕裂的声音。
There has been a stampede of foreign firms into the Mainland China as a sequel to market liberalization within the WTO framework. 在WTO的架构下,中国进行市场自由化,外国公司随即争先恐后,抢入中国。
Water can be a problem, but luckily a water plant has been working [in Haiti], so we've been able to get a certain amount of water in there. 水可能成为问题。但幸运的是,[海地有]一家水厂一直在运转,因此我们能够从那里获得一定量的水。
There was no hard evidence to support either side's claim, but a local court ultimately ruled in favor of the woman. 没有有力的证据支持双方的说法,但是当地法院最终的裁决偏向了妇人。
Yao didnt seem to jump for the rebounds. He just stood there with his hands up. YAO看上去都没有跳起来去抢篮板,他只是站在那里举着双手。
One lady, still living there, said that she had to go on a business trip a week after the events of March 11. 有一位仍然居住在那里的女士说,3月11日的地震发生一周后,她不得不去出差。
World trade collapsed and, for five years in a row, there was no way out of the spider's web. 世界贸易体系崩溃,随后人们用了五年的时间也没能从崩溃之网中挣脱出来。
There was a little blue in the middle of the sky, but on all sides it had turned red, as in a terrible lightning storm. 天空一片火红,并且越来越红,只露出中间一点儿蓝色,好像一场暴风雨即将来临。
They said he couldn't do that, he had to go and fight where they sent him, and kill whoever happened to be there. 他们对他说他不能这样做,他必须到被派遣的地方作战并且杀掉任何那些在那儿的敌人。
None of this is what businesses need to hear as they struggle out of a serious recession, but there is still time to act. 当他们在一场严重的大萧条中挣扎的时候,所有这一切都不是企业需要去听到的,但是仍旧有时间去采取行动。
Results With the increase of reperfusion injury, there was no significant change in renal cortex echo revealed by CEUS. 结果随着再灌注损伤加重,超声造影显示肾皮质灌注回声无明显变化;
Are there chances for an employee to be transferred to overseas branches of the company? 雇员有机会调到设在海外的分部工作吗?
Mr Goyal says Jet remained profitable during the struggle that has since ensued, but there is no hiding how much it suffered. 戈亚尔先生说捷达航空在接踵而至的困难中仍然能够维持自己的利润,但是其损失也非常巨大。
Thousands of books have been written about him, but there's controversy, and it remains, about his looks. 虽然关于他的著作成百上千,但对于他的样貌,人们仍旧是充满分歧。
North Korea's embassy in London suggested there might be an announcement in "two or three weeks" . 朝鲜驻伦敦大使馆表示,此事在“两到三周”之内可能会有最终的结果。
There was a long silence. The Archbishop looked down at the floor and shook his head. 'You're making a big mistake, Sir, 'he said. 沉默了许久,大主教低头看着地板,摇了摇头。“您正在犯一个很大的错误,陛下,”他说,
But there's never been a particularly easy method for sharing those databases and doing something really useful with them. 但是却没有一个真正特别简单的办法让他们来分享这些数据库,以及对这数据库有一些真正的运用。
If he misses one opportunity he never hides, he's always there to get himself in the right position for the next time. 如果他错过了机会是不会遮遮掩掩的,他总是让自己下次出现在正确的位置上。
The moment of birth is not the most special event in a child's life. There are an infinite number of other special ones that follow. 在孩子的一生中,出生那一刻并不是最特别的,接下来还会有不计其数的特别时刻等你见证。
There's a dish of fish they all liked while dining. He still scrupulously clipped first to her, and then to his wife. 吃饭了,还有一盘他们都爱吃的鱼。他还是小心翼翼地为她挑了第一筷,然后,他动了第二筷,给他的妻子。
"We felt there had been a selective use of the law; that the legal process had broken down, " the UDD said. 反独联表示:“我们认为,有人在有选择地使用法律,法律程序遭到了破坏。”
And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。
But there was excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget. 但她的声音中有些让男人注意的到也很难忘记的激动。
Add a bit of tweaking here and fine tuning there and its warm, radiant glow shines like a ray of light amidst 'Contra''s incessant glow. 这里修修、那里调调,成为这张温暖照人的‘Contra’中又一束耀眼的光线。