have you ever wondered

  • 网络你曾想知道吗;你可曾想过;你可曾好奇过

have you ever wonderedhave you ever wondered

have you ever wondered


Ecstasy ... ... That I'm not acting as I used to do before/ 我不是像以前那样的我了 Have you ever wondered/ 你曾想知道吗? ...


... How much you mean to me 你对我有多重要: Have you ever wondered 你可曾想过; Have you ever wondered 你是否知 …


洞穴里的生活 |... ... Passage 25 Have You Ever Wondered? 你可曾好奇过? Passage 30 How to Make a Hamburger? 怎样做 …


听到首好歌... ... That I’m not acting as I used to do before? 我那些从未假装过的高潮 Have you ever wondered, 你不觉纳闷吗 ...


... Have you ever wondered 你可曾想过; Have you ever wondered 你是否知道; How much I really love you 我坠入你的爱河…

Have you ever wondered how much someone else spends on groceries to get an idea of how you're doing with your grocery spending? 你是否曾经想知道别的家庭和你的家庭在食品开支中的花费是多少呢?
Have you ever wondered how much of your own tax dollars actually go to support foreign aid? 你是否曾有过这样的疑问,在个人上缴税款中,其中有多少是用来进行国外援助行动的?
Have you ever wondered how this is possible, or at least wondered if you could do the same with your own classes? 您是否想过,这怎么可能?或者至少想过对自己的类能否这么做?
Have you ever wondered if the update statistics command you are about to run is actually needed since the last time you updated statistics? 自从最近一次更新过统计数据后,您是否想过您将要运行的updatestatistics命令是否真正必要?
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing and wishing you had. 你是否曾经想过以下哪个伤人最深:明明说过什么但又希望自己没说,明明没说什么但又希望自己说了。
Have you ever wondered how the shell prompt changes to the octothorpe (#) whenever you are or behave like the superuser, root? 当您的行为类似于超级用户(即root用户)时,shell提示符会变成#,您可能对此感到惊奇。
Research Something Have you ever wondered about your family tree, or the history of a building on the corner of your street? 研究一些东西。你是否曾经对你的家族族谱有疑问?
Have you ever wondered what a game would be like with a system where the weather was changing constantly, and by season? 你是否会惊讶,一个游戏内的天气系统会持续变化,并且是按照季节。
Have you ever wondered how the magician on stage managed to get the rabbit out of the hat? 你好奇过为什么舞台上的魔术师会从帽子里变出小兔子吗?
HAVE you ever wondered, if you are of an age with your correspondent, about those missing channels on old television sets? 如果你和笔者处于同一时代,你是否也会对老旧电视机上的那些不见了的频道感到奇怪?
Have you ever wondered how the first Apple logo looked 30 years ago? Did you know Volkswagen was Hitler's idea? 有没有想过30年前苹果公司的第一个商标是什么样子?你知道德国大众的商标创意是来自希特勒吗?
Have you ever wondered what would be possible if you could press a button and stop time? 你是否想过,如果你能够按下时间按钮让时间停下,可能会发生什么事情呢?
Have you ever wondered how such a situation can be turned around? 你们是否曾想知道这种情况如何才能被改变?
Have you ever wondered or given a thought to what happens to the retired or decommissioned airliners once their flying days are over? 你有没有想过或给予认为会发生什么变化的退休或退役的飞机一旦他们的飞行时代已经一去不复返了?
Have you ever wondered why you do all that you do? 你是否扪心自问过,为什么你要做现在所做的一切?
Have you ever wondered how the astronauts and cosmonauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) take out the trash? 你想知道国际空间站(ISS)上的宇航员们是如何处理垃圾的吗?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take a shower with a deer stag head spewing water onto you? 你有没有想过用墙上鹿头雕像喷水洗澡?
The greater the distance to the donkey, the farther they go astray. Have you ever wondered why they are unable to walk straight ahead? 他们距离驴子越远,偏得就越厉害,你是否想知道他们为什么不能向前直走?
Have you ever wondered what the meaning of life is? Why do we exist? The answer to this vexing question is now within your reach! 你是否考虑过生命的意义?我们为什么存在?这个让人烦恼的问题现在有答案了!
It "s common knowledge that almost every single geek hates Internet Explorer with a passion, but have you ever wondered why? " 几乎每个极客都极其不待见IE浏览器,这成为一个常识。但是,你想过这是为什么吗?
Have you ever wondered why having a sense of humor is a plus factor for a person? 你曾疑惑为什么幽默感是一个人的优势吗?
Have you ever wondered: what's the thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile that costs the least and does the most? 你是否曾想过那最能赋予生命价值、代价最廉而回报最多的东西是什麽呢?
Have you ever wondered what the political process would be like if each party gave proper credit for what their opponents had accomplished? 你可曾设想过,如果每个政党都公允地认同他们的对手的成就,这将会怎样地影响政府运作?
Have you ever wondered why overhearing a cellphone conversation is so annoying? American researchers think they have found the answer. 无意间听到别人通过手机聊天,自己却开始心烦意乱,你有没有思考过这是为什么呢?近日美国科学家们找到了答案。
It has long been accepted that talking to plants can help them flourish, but have you ever wondered what they'd say in response? 大家都知道,与植物说话有助于促进它们的生长,但你有没有想过它们会怎样回应?
Have you ever wondered why religious teachings are invariably mysterious, confusing, and internally incongruent? 你是否曾惊讶于宗教教义为何总是一层不变的充满神秘、混乱和内在的不一致?
Have you ever wondered about the annoying hum your car makes at a certain speed on a particular stretch of highway? 你曾经想过为何车子以某一时速在高速公路特定路段行驶时,会发出怪声吗?
Hey, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be eaten by a shark? 嘿,你有没有想过它会喜欢被鲨鱼吃了吗?
Have you ever wondered how to make a man fall in love with you? 让男人爱上你,你准备好了吗?
Everybody knows that cranberry juice can prevent and treat urinary tract infections (UTIs), but have you ever wondered why? 每个人都知道蔓越莓能预防和治疗泌尿道感染,但是你曾经想过为什么吗?