
美 [hɪnt]英 [hɪnt]
  • n.提示;暗示;迹象;窍门
  • v.暗示;透露;示意
  • 网络线索;启示;提示信息

复数:hints 现在分词:hinting 过去式:hinted

give hint,take hint,drop hint
broad hint


n. v.

1.暗示;提示;示意something that you say or do in an indirect way in order to show sb what you are thinking

2.征兆;迹象something that suggests what will happen in the future

3.[ususing]~ (of sth)少许;少量a small amount of sth

4.[usupl]~ (on sth)秘诀;窍门a small piece of practical information or advice


take a/the hint

领会某人的暗示to understand what sb wants you to do even though they tell you in an indirect way


提示hint)会在输入域为空时显示出现,会在输入域获得焦点时消失:实例 required 属性 按字母顺序排列的标签列表 new : H…


示字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 显现;表示〖 notify;show〗 暗示;示意解释〖 hint〗 公文,告示〖 notice〗 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... grasp v. 理解; 领会 hint n. 暗示, 示意 hoof n. 蹄 ...


常见计算机英语词汇解释 - 永远的月亮 - 博客园 ... highlighted: 突出 hint: 暗示,提示,线索 dynamic: 动态的 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... holy a. 神圣地,圣洁的 686. hint n. 暗示,示意 687. hestiate v. 犹豫 688. ...


大学英语精读单词表(第六册) - 豆丁网 ... mania n. 狂热, 癖好 hint n. 暗示, 迹象 trivial a. 琐细的, 价值不高的 ...


新概念第四册单词总汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... effluent 流出的污物 hint 启示,暗示 flint 燧石,打火石 ...


dec在pascal中是什么意思_百度知道 ... high 返回参数的上限值 hint 属性 提示信息 include 添加元素到集合中 ...

In July China's microblogging services relabelled themselves as "beta" versions, a possible hint that this was all just an experiment. 7月,中国的微博服务商重新贴出了“测试”版的标签,这就像是一条可能的线索,表明所有的一切都仅仅是一项实验。
He seemed to hint that nothing but the right "values" was of any consequence. 他仿佛在表示,只有真正的“价值”才有意义。
He twisted and turned about with all his might, but he got a good squeeze from the boy's hand, as a hint for him to keep quiet. 他用尽全身的力气扭动身子可换来的是小男孩的用力一捏,那是警告他安静点。
I glanced up at my window and he must have took that as a hint that I wasn't trying to make because he quickly dropped his hand from mine. 我看了一眼就在我的窗前,他必须把这当作是一个暗示,我没有试图让他迅速下降,因为从我自己的手。
There was certainly no hint of any troubles or any indication of what was going to happen a few hours later. 没有一丝不对劲的地方,没有一丝征兆,而几个小时之后,悲剧就发生了。
The idealized title family in this book experiences nothing but unending glee, without the slightest hint of normal conflict or aggression. 这本书描绘的理想家庭没有经历过一丝挫折,只有无穷无尽的欢声笑语。
Then finally to a red herring, and then only on the rest of my small and a little hint of the Secretary of the reaction. 话终于转到了正题,再余下的就只需要我的一点点暗示和小秘书的反应了。
The air is warm with a hint of green. By the door, my laundry glares at me from their baskets. 空气中孕育着绿色的温暖,门边篮子中的衣服怒视着我。
The remarks came just a day after a hint from China that it could let the renminbi appreciate in the coming months. 就在一天之前,中国暗示可能会在未来几个月允许人民币升值。
His eyes flickered up at me from under his lashes, the hint of a smirk on his face. 他的眼睛从睫毛下飞快地看了我一眼,脸上露出一丝坏笑。
But, he never justified himself by a hint tending that way, or tried to bend the past out of its eternal shape. 不过他并没有表示出他的这种看法,也没有表示对已经铸成事实的往事有什么懊悔屈服。
This scar was the only hint of Harry's very mysterious past, of the reason he had been left on the Dursleys'doorstep eleven years before. 这条疤痕是哈利神秘过去的唯一线索,由于这缘故十一年前他被遗弃在杜史林家的阶梯上。
When my elder brother brought his girlfriend round to meet all the family, he gave a broad hint that they were to become engaged quite soon. 我哥哥把她的女朋友带来同全家人见面,那清楚地暗示了他们不久就将订婚。
The USE PLAN query hint can be used when the plan for the query is suboptimal and you know of a better execution plan for the query. 当查询的计划不理想而且您知道更好的查询执行计划时,可以使用USEPLAN查询提示。
The fact that Saudi Arabia agreed to sit down with Israel at this meeting may hint that Bush is ready to act on that point. 沙特阿拉伯同意在会议上与以色列坐下来谈,这个事实可能暗示布什准备在这一点上采取行动。
China reaffirmed its current policy stance, giving no hint that it was ready to stoke domestic demand by letting the yuan rise. 中国则是重申目前的政策立场,丝毫没有暗示准备让人民币升值以刺激内需。
She said the hint had come from an anonymous - but impeccable - royal contact. 她说消息是来自王室内部匿名的人士。
Most towns of any size will have some sort of athletic contest going on. (Hint: Cheer for the home team). 任何规模的城镇都会举行一些运动比赛。(提示:为主场队伍加油)。
The hint of a link tarnished Scargill and yet trust of him amongst striking miners remained firm. 暗示与不明款项有染令斯卡吉尔声誉受损,然而,他在矿工中的威信依然牢不可破。
" okay, with that your first order is to stop telling me I' m beautiful anymore, understood? " She says with a hint of smile. 既然这样,你要遵守的第一个妻命就是不许再夸我漂亮,明白没?
Checking your work on various systems will begin to hint at how much further you have to go. 在各种系统中检验网站,可以让你了解还需要作哪些工作。
ACE warm hint: Positive attitude may help you to overcome difficulties, to see hopes, to keep the aggressive and robust fighting will. ACE温馨提示:积极的心态有助于人们克服困难,使人看到希望,保持进取的旺盛斗志。
There was nobody to tell him, to hint him, to give him at least a word of advice. 没有人告诉他,或暗示他,或起码给他一句忠言。
But Dobby's eyes were wide and he seemed to be trying to give Harry a hint. 可是多比的眼睛瞪大了,似乎想给哈利一个暗示,
By no means shall you hint to me that you are perfect and right all the time. Once I find that you are not, I will get hit. 千万不要暗示您是完美无缺、一贯正确的。因为一旦我发现您并不完美,您也可能犯错误,我会很会打击的。
However, graffiti is not a hint, just for the people who were not know a lot of graffiti, it has high risk to be misunderstood. 然而,涂鸦也并不一定是隐喻——只是对于处境于其思维网络之外的人群而言——有着极高被误读的风险。
Is the name of a local variable used in a query, to which a value may be assigned for use with the OPTIMIZE FOR query hint. 在查询中使用的本地变量的名称,可以为其分配用于OPTIMIZEFOR查询提示的值。
He received a broad hint that they did not want him to call again. 他得到明白的示意,他们不希望他再去拜访。
In 2008, Burger King came out with "Flame, " which they describe as a "scent of seduction, with a hint of flame-broiled meat. " 2008年,汉堡王推出了一款“火焰”香水,他们将之形容为“带有一点烤肉味道的诱人香气。”
This was clearly a shout-out to the US, and indirectly a subtle hint to the Bank of Japan to refrain from direct FX market intervention. 这当然指向美国,也间接隐晦指向日本央行,暗示后者不要直接干预汇市。