help me

  • 网络救救我;帮帮我吧;帮助我

help mehelp me

help me


·本片的预告片最后出现了莫斯密码,而其含义则是--救救我Help me)。·这是我看过最悲伤的惊悚片。


不要错过:>口语... ... I didn't notice.( 我倒没注意。) Help me.( 帮帮我吧。) But I'm watching TV now.( 可我正在看电视呢。) ...


沙漠里的骆驼_百度空间 ... 12.许多糖果 many sweets 13.帮助我 help me 14.吃个冰激凌 have an ice-cream ...


神奇迪士尼新概念英语2(3DVD)-DVD-亚马逊 ... 06 Bravo 精彩 07 Help me 救命 08 Jump 跳 ...


我拿money赌明天 -... ... To stay alive 艰难谋生 Please sister,help me 姐姐,救我吧 Please give me something oh 请给我安慰 ...

If you agree with my views, I sincerely hope to have your help, and sincerely thank you for your good wishes to her and help me - thank you! 如果您认同我的看法,我真心的希望能得到您的帮助,并由衷的感谢您对她的祝福,以及对我的帮助——谢谢!
kind of you to help me with my English. 你能帮我学习英语真是太好了
d like you to help me with my English. 我想你帮助我学英语。
But use me that you will help me to hold out a heart of compassion and grace, a heart that your spirit fills. 但将利用我去帮助我支持一颗同情与仁慈的心,一颗注满你的灵魂的心。
That very same weekend I rented a truck, brought two friends to help me, and was out of the apartment before the sun set on Sunday. 就在那个周末,我租了辆卡车,叫上两个朋友来帮忙,在周日赶在太阳下山之前搬出了那个家。
Hope that you can help me to look after my cats , being eaten by it , had better to be able to help it to take all of a sudden bath. 希望你能帮我照顾一下我的猫,给它吃饭,最好能帮它洗一下澡。
I'm from XX school. I was preparing for a TOEFL exam and need some reference books, do not know if you can help me. 我是XX学校的学生,我正在准备参加一次托福的考试并需要一些参考书,不知道您是否能够帮助我。
Could come to my home to help me with my Physics the day after tomorrow. 后天你能来我家帮助我的物理吗?
Please tell me if you are ready to help me so I can go on to pass the account information to you. 精神请告诉我你是否愿意帮助我,让我可以继续通过账户信息给你。
"Jimmy, could you send your kid over to help me with my facebook? Im afraid I might get a virus without some child supervision. " “吉米,你能里来帮我看下我的”非死不可“吗?我怕没有个孩子的监督我会中病毒。”
Took a long time to answer, she said, yeah, can you help me carry some of these flowers, and she had five little bouquets of flowers. 她打了招呼,我问她,有甚么事情可以效劳,她想了很久才说,好的,请你替我拿著这些花,她共有五束花。
Yes, Severus. I, I think you are the only one who can help me, I have nowhere else to turn. Lucius is in jail and . 是的,西弗勒斯。我——我想,也只有你能够帮助我了,我现在是走投无路了。卢修斯在监狱里,而且……
You're very kind for trying to help me. Maybe it might work, but there's nobody. 你想帮我真是太好了。也许那方法会奏效,不过没人愿做的。
Although I don't agree with what he said, I suddenly couldn't help me to ask: How to estimate the severity of a person's stuttering? 虽然我并不赞同这种说法,但突然间我也不由自主地问自己:到底怎样才能精确地评估某位口吃者的口吃严重程度呢?
Thank you, will still make a phone call to me to date, still recognize me this friend, will still thought of to to help me. 谢谢你,直到现在还会打电话给我,还认我这个朋友,还会想到要帮我。
If you are ready to help me, you can just send the money over to me via Western Union, as I still can't use my bank account presently. 如果您愿意帮助我,你只需把钱交给了我通过西联汇款,因为我仍然不能使用,目前我的银行帐户。
He is also warm-hearted guy and ready to share useful information with others. His questions do help me to perfect my job. 不过他是一个很热心的人,有任何信息都会跟我们及时分享,他的问题对完善我的工作也有很大帮助。
Sometimes, It help me to hear all the nice sentences that I was waiting in all my life. 有时候这会让我听到那些我一生都在期待的赞美之词。
That's very kind of you, but I am not able to read Chinese, so you'll have to help me. 非常感谢,但是我不认识汉字,所以您必须得帮助我。
I need her to help me with the cooking. 我需要她来帮我做饭。
What I ask of you tonight is to help me make that dream come true for millions to whom it's an impossible dream today. 但对其他千百万人来说,今天这一梦想仍然是不可能实现的。今晚我要请你们做的就是帮助我一起使这一梦想成为他们的现实。
My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me help me cheer up . 我母亲有一双敏锐的、会说话的眼睛。那双眼睛能洞察我的心情,给我鼓励,促我坚强,因此我能面对一切困难。
I don't know how, dear God, except to bless her as richly as she deserves and to help me live up to the example she set. 我不知道,亲爱的上帝,除了祝福她,她应该得到丰富和帮助我辜负例如她一套。
That you could help me with that. 你能帮帮我。
Actually I've come to you to see if you would help me work out a plan. 实际上。我来找您是想让您帮我订一份计划。
me that you will help me with my last wish as a dying man. 我说你会帮助我最后的愿望作为一个垂死的人。
but I have to call you to help me, since I am blocking the traffic in a major intersection. I am making a traffic jam now. 没有,我不得不给你打电话是因为我堵住了一个主要路口的交通,我正在引起一个交通阻塞。
I'm going to the airport and get a little tired and ask one of my friends to help me. 我将要去机场,有点累了,叫一个朋友帮助我。
I need you to get over here my office to help me with this report. 需要你到我办公室来帮我写这个报告。
I wonder if you could help me Look, I'm sorry to bother you, but . . . There's something you could help me with . . . I hate . . . 委婉抱怨不知你是否能够帮助我一下很抱歉,打扰了,我想……有点事情想请你帮个忙…真不好意思,只是。