how many

  • na.多少
  • 网络多少个;有多少;多少数量

how manyhow many

how many


初中英语短语大全 ... English 用英语 many 多少 3.a piece of bread 一片而包 ...


新标准英语小学3-5年级单词表_百度知道 ... orange 橘黄色的 how many 多少个 one 一 ...


外研版(三年级起)小学英语单词总表_百度文库 ... MODULE 5 many 许多 how many 有多少 one 一 ...


(Where)、何物(What)、以及多少数量How Many),标示应清楚明白并易于识别,应采开放式储藏系统,否则各项工 …

Basic Strokes of Chinese Characters ... 月 moon how many 飞 fly ...


几乎_互动百科 ... 几曾【 when】 几多how many】 几分【 somewhat;rather;a bit】 ...


几乎_互动百科 ... 几个【 few;just a few】 几何【 how much;how many】 几经【 repeated】 ...


求小学三年级上学期的英语单词_百度知道 ... 3where…? 问在哪里 4How many…? 问多少 5What’s your name? 问你是什么名 …

Do not know how many people read it to understand, I understand, I understand verse behind the self-deprecating and sad. 不知道有多少人读得懂,我懂,我懂得诗句背后的自嘲与心酸。
Mr. Dowling declined to say how many days a week Mr. Jobs is planning to be on the Apple campus, and he declined to discuss his health. Dowling谢绝透露乔布斯计划一周中拿出多少天在苹果公司工作,也拒绝了关于乔布斯的健康状况的讨论。
You will never know how many times I've spent lying in my bed all night just thinking about how much you mean to me. 你永远不会知道,有多少次,我不肯睡去,思考你对我而言有多么重要。
It's just what has worked well for me and to give an overview of how much work and how many parts go into a game engine. 这些只是我的一些心得体会,也以此从宏观上也说明了游戏引擎由几个组成部分,每个组成部分包括多少工作量。
Wants the how much money to look your receipt opens how many decides! 要多少钱看你的发票开的多少定!
It was nearly impossible for her to remember how many times she had returned to the vast land of China. 她几乎已经记不清自己多少次回到这辽阔的华夏大地了。
We are aware of how many have awakened and how much brighter the energy of your planet is becoming. 偶们知道有哪么多地人己经觉醒,并且你们星球地能量变得是多么地明亮。
Later I was thinking of it, I was also talking with you, and suddenly I said: 'How many errors there are in human soul! 后来,在梦中我开始思考它,场景变成了我和你在谈话,突然,我说道:’在人类的心灵中有多少的错误啊!
No matter how many caveats are put forth about the tentative nature of the plan, the plan takes on a life of its own. 无论有多少关于这个计划实验性本质的问题被提出,这个计划都会开始它自己的生命。
For no matter how much wine he consumed or how many women he took to his bed, nothing on earth could rid him of horrors that plait his mind. 因为无论他灌了多少美酒,拥抱了多少美女,大地上没有一样东西可以令他摆脱烙在他脑中的恐怖。
Al-Fassi said more Gaddafi loyalists have moved into Bani Walid from the south outlined by a line of high hills, but did not know how many. 艾尔说很多卡咋分支持者从南部一部分高山迁移到巴尼瓦利德,但是不知道多少。
But then again, how many things happened in reality today? How many hearts were truly broken? And how much tears freely flowed? Too many. 但话又说回来,有多少事情是今天真的发生的?有多少人真的心碎难过?还有多少泪水流下?太多了。
We were surprised by how much less we could live on and how many things we used to buy that were unnecessary. 我们惊讶于少用这么多东西我们也可以生活,我们过去常买的这么多东西都不是必需的。
How many people does it take to operate a modern bank and how much should such a bank's shares be worth? 经营一家现代银行需要多少人?这样一家银行的股票该值多少钱?
O'Neill said most of the employees will be moved to nearby stores, but she did not know exactly how many jobs will be lost. 奥尼尔称,大部分员工将被分配到临近的门店,但有多少人将被解雇尚不清楚。
She did not know how much she will face setbacks, how many tears before they can do it. . . 她不知道,她将面对多少的挫折,多少的眼泪,才可以做到…
"Somebody asked what I'd do next, and I said I didn't know how many roles there are for 78-year-old guys, " he said. 「有人问过我接下来要做什麽,我说我不知道有多少角色可以给78岁的老傢伙演,」他说。
How many kids you have has no bearing on how much tax you pay. 你有几个孩子和你交多少税没有关系。
She's trying to tell me about something that happened to her on the underground. How many times did she have to get back on topic. 她尝试着告诉我一件她在地铁上经历的事情。她尝试了多少次想回到话题呢?
also tell me how much revisions you will provide, once you complete deign how many time i can ask to make changes in that design. 还告诉我,你多少会提供修改,一旦你完成屈尊多少时间我可以要求作出的设计变更。
And authorities may never definitively determine how much radiation was emitted, or how many got sick because of it. 同时当局不可能完全确定有多少放射物质释放,以及多少人为此致病。
If per track (the better way), discuss how many recalls and how much time should reasonably be spent for this price. 如果按每首歌(比较好的方式),跟他讨论在这个价位上能混有多少歌,需要多长时间。
Where is all of our money going? Alright, let's get to the bottom of this! How many people actually touched the money? 我们的钱都到那儿去了?好吧,我们来追究一下!这笔钱到底有多少人经手过?
All he could talk about was how special he was, how many women he had tamed and how much money he made. 他所能谈到的就是自己有多么特别,以前曾征服过多少过女人,赚了多少钱。
The world does not know how many hardy men suffering from his wife and his real mother of plywood between the gas? 天下不知道有多少苦命的男人在受着自己的老婆和自己亲妈之间的夹板气?
We won't discuss specifics like how many CPUs or how much memory, as these issues depend on far too many variables to enumerate. 我们将不讨论像多少CPU或多大内存这样的具体细节,因为影响这些问题的因素太多了,以致难以胜数。
The counters that tell you how many people have bought the deal and how much time you have left generate sufficient peer pressure. 计数器在告知购买者数量和剩余时间的同时,也会让你觉得压力不小。
Consider a simple example: how many tsunami drownings take place in a year on average? 不妨考虑一个简单例子:平均一年有多少人因海啸溺死?
Instead, systems vary from "wide open" to "extremely secure, " depending on how much time and how many resources you are willing to expend. 相反,系统从“完全开放”转向“非常安全”取决于您愿意投入多少时间或者资源。
What do you think how many procent do we understand and how much is Conan connected to the Japanese culture? 你认为我们能理解百分之多少呢?还有柯南和日本文化的联系度有多大?