
美 [hʌɡ]英 [hʌɡ]
  • v.拥抱;搂抱;抱紧;有一段距离地挨着(某物)
  • n.拥抱;搂抱
  • 网络紧抱;抱抱;紧紧拥抱

过去式:hugged 第三人称单数:hugs 现在分词:hugging

mother hug


v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sb)拥抱;搂抱to put your arms around sb and hold them tightly, especially to show that you like or love them

2.[t]~ sth抱紧to put your arms around sth and hold it close to your body

3.[t]~ sth有一段距离地挨着(某物)to keep close to sth for a distance

4.[t]~ sth缠紧,缚紧(某物,尤指人体)to fit tightly around sth, especially a person's body


金在中_互动百科 ... 8. I never let you go 我不曾让你走 11. HUG 拥抱 12. My little princess 我的小公主(想跟你说...) ...


外研版高中英语必修4单词_百度文库 ... wrist n. 手腕 hug vt. 紧抱;拥抱 stare vi. 凝视;盯着看 ...


IMusicsX: Joey Yung ... 05. 怯( Timidity) 06. 抱抱( Hug) 10. 全身暑假( All Summer Holiday) ...

英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... hog( 占用,霸占); hug( 紧抱,); grimness( 严厉,残忍); ...


三国志11人物头像_百度知道 ... Hi 同上 Hug 紧紧拥抱 Impatient 不耐烦的,急躁~ ...


偎_百度百科 ... [snuggle up to] 挨近;紧靠 [hug;cuddle] 搂抱;拥抱 [nestle close to] 身体紧靠 ...

Baby, Don't say that you'll love me for ever, what I wanted is only a warm hug. . . baby Don't tell me you will love me a long . . . 宝贝别说你会爱我久久,仅仅给我一个温暖的拥抱这句话求翻…
It was the last hug she would ever receive from her mother. 这是她妈妈给她的最后一次拥抱。
Now two years later, I am sober. If I ever feel like a drink, I just think of my girls and remember how good it feels to hug them again. 两年后,我戒了酒。现在如果我想喝酒,我就会想到我的女儿,以及能够再度拥抱她们是多棒的感觉。
I wanted so much to hug him and to tell him how much I loved him. 我很像拥抱他,告诉他我是多么多么的爱他!
'Jack, come on. Hug my waist tightly, will you? ' It is perfectly justifiable for her to request him to do so this time. ‘杰克,快,搂紧点儿,好不好?’这回可以名正言顺地要求他啦。
The first welcome I got as I came out of the airport terminal building was a bear hug from Old Man Winter. 刚走出候机楼,首先欢迎我的就是冬天老伯的熊抱。
Although many years later, I have grown up to an adult, but I still can't fight this feeling for you, is to passionately kiss and hug you! 虽时隔多年,我已长大成人,但我还是无法克制对你的情感,就是想深情地亲吻和拥抱你!
If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. 如果我知道这是我最后一次,我会抽出一两分钟的时间停下来,对你说我爱你。你知道的我一定会说,而不是再那儿装模作样。
You know those people, when they give you a hug, you feel as if your whole body has been blessed? 有些人,当他们给你一个拥抱时,你好像感觉到整个身体都是幸福的,对吗?
He gave Tanya a hug and, seeing that her face was like thunder, whisked her into the private party room. 他给了坦尼娅一个拥抱,见她的脸像雷公一样怒气冲天,便迅速把她拉到私人派对的房里。
Smith won't ever be able to talk with her daughter or hug her or do all those wonderful things that mommies and daughters do together. 史密斯太太再也不能和她女儿聊天或者拥抱她,或者做一些妈妈和女儿一起做的愉快的事情。
He remembered exactly what I wanted. He initiated the hug. He said it was nice meeting me. 他完全记得我想要什么,他主动拥抱我,他说很高兴认识我。
Doodle told them it was I who had taught him to walk, so they wanted to hug me, and I began to cry. 嘟嘟告诉他们是我教会他走路的,所以他们也要来拥抱我,而我却哭起来。
And often when Ira and I hug or tussle, I find myself waiting for her to jump in to join us. 每当我和Ira拥抱或者扭在一起的时候,我发现自己总是在希望跳到我们在中间来。
When he stepped out of his car in front of the white house, he was greeted by the American president whit a "bear hug" . 当他步出他的汽车在白宫前,他被在场迎接的美国总统圣灵“紧拥抱”。
"He gave me a hug and a kiss and asked me where my snowman was, " she said. 黛比说:“他给了我一个拥抱和亲吻。还问我的雪人在哪里。”
Dad never tried to hug or kiss me when I was a child. And of course, he never said "I love you" to me, either. 我小的时候爸从来不抱我,从来不亲我,当然他也从来不说“我爱你”这三个字。
Race to the door when he comes home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile and hug him. 当他进门的时候奔向门口,做出你在一直等待他回家的样子。微笑,再给他个拥抱。
My mother put one arm behind me and reached across in front of me with the other. Then she wrapped me tightly in a hug. 妈妈把一只手放在我身后,另一只手伸到了我面前,然后把我紧紧地搂在她怀里。
My mind a while ecstasy, excitedly toward the coaches, and hug him, and my teammates have also run up to celebrate the goal. 我心中一阵狂喜,激动地跑向教练,并拥抱他,我的队友也纷纷跑了过来一起庆祝入球。
When it was all over, the blogger handed the 'robber' some money and gave him a hug. “表演”一结束,他马上给那名黑人“歹徒”发工钱,然后两个人还握手拥抱。
PHELPS: Just being able to hug my mother and hug my sisters. You know, that's what I wanted to do all week when they were on the TV. 菲尔普斯:只能拥抱一下妈妈和姐姐们。一周以来每次在电视上看到她们时我都想拥抱她们。
Let me know you love me with a hug or a pat on the back, or when I need it with a firm but gentle "no" . 给我一个拥抱或者拍拍我的肩膀让我知道你爱我。在我需要管教的时候跟我坚决但温和得说“不”。
With tears in her eyes, she told me I could bring my spelling test on Monday. And then she gave me a hug. 眼中含着泪水,她说我可以周一再把试卷带来,然后拥抱了我一下。
He comes to me before going to bed, tells me he loves me, tries to hug me, then explosively vomits all over my face, my hair, my clothes. 我正要睡觉时,他跑来说我爱你,还要抱我,然后一口吐在我脸上头发上衣服上。
In essence he made her emotions buzz with his statements, and then used her defeat as an excuse to hug her. 重要的是,她的情绪被调动起来了。他常以此为借口来抱抱她。
She even admitted that she was actually embarrassed for asking me for that hug! 她也承认当她向我索要拥抱时她觉得很尴尬。
I wish I could have been with him, given him a hug, and told him I loved him. 我是多么希望在最后的时刻跟他在一起,拥抱他一下,并告诉他我爱他啊。
I still give the big hug and smile, but the stress of the previous 9 or 10 hours seems to hang with me for longer. 虽然我回家还是会微笑拥抱家人,但此前9或10个小时的工作压力似乎会更久地萦绕着我。
It just felt like a little hug from her, like she was telling us she was looking over us. 就像是感觉到她轻轻抱住了我们,像是她在告诉我们说她看着我们。