i am here

  • 网络我在这里;我在这儿;我就在这里

i am herei am here

i am here


【转帖】李毓佩谈:让数学有趣起来 ... 22. Wait for me. 等等我。 23. I am here. 我在这里。 24. I don’t know. 我不知道。 ...


给我推荐几部像千与千寻这样好看的动漫_百度知道 ... 信号 sighs 我在这儿 i am here 和我结婚 marry me ...


Distant miracle 。_g27吧_百度贴吧... ... 不急哦 Oh,no hurry 我就在这里 I am here 一直一直 Has been ...


见于不见·最爱 ... 你见,或者不见我 See me,Or see me not, 我就在那里 I am here 不悲不喜 Without joy or tear. ...


越狱第四季经典台词_百度知道 ... SO Uh I will just leave it at this 我仅能在此 i am here 我在这里和你一起 ...

He did the same job with me as I will try to do with him to help him settle quickly. I am here to help him. 现在他和我当初一样,我将帮助他尽快适应。
"Well, you know what I am here for, don't you? " said the man confidentially. “这么说,你知道我为什么到这里来,是吗?”这人用信任的口气说。
I am here to say that it is not only possible to survive, but it is possible to thrive with the right support and commitment. 所以在这里我想说的是,这事不仅有关系到生存的可能性,而且也关系到发展正确的支持与承诺的可能性。
Ha, I'm just kidding. Of course, that's what I am here for. I accept the case. And you know, I need a great deal of money as a reward. 哈,这是开玩笑的。当然,这也是为什么我来这里。我接受这个案件。你知道的,我需要大笔的金钱作为报酬。
'Hello, Lily, surprise, surprise! How did you know I am here? ' Jack forgets his business and shouts as if nobody were there. ‘你好,莉莉,真是好意外啊!你怎么知道我在这里?’杰克忘了自己的任务,旁若无人地跟莉莉打招呼。
"Mother, " she called in her sweetest voice. "I am here with you. Can you feel me hugging you? Can you feel how much I love you? " “妈妈”她用她甜美的声音说“我跟你一起在这里.你可以感觉到我在拥抱你吗?你可以感觉到我有多爱你吗?”
Well I am here to tell you that whatever you think your dream is now, it will probably change. 好吧,我在这里告诉你们,不论你现在觉得自己的梦想是什么,它总会改变。
Well I am here to tell you that speaking in public is nothing to be afraid of; I do it all the time. 那么我在这里告诉你,在公众面前发言并不是什么可怕的事情;我一直是这么做的。
She stops and looks at me with sad eyes, eyes that seem to say that she understands, that she, too, cannot fathom why I am here. 她站及看着我用哀伤的眼睛,眼睛好像说她明白,她也不会明白我为什么在这里。
Later Arsene Wenger called me to ask if I was available, and I said 'let me talk to my wife' - now I am here. 随后温格给我打电话,问我是否还可以打比赛,我说‘让我和我老婆商量一下’,现在我就来这里了。
I hope none of those children ever do such a gesture in their lives. Anyway, I am here to tell them not to do it. 我希望那些孩子一辈子都不要做那样的动作,无论如何,我会在这告诉他们不要那么做。
There seems to be very familiar with . . . . . . yo, it seems that I am here to die awkward encounter Na Zhi Jiao little proud of it? 这里似乎很熟悉……唷,似乎我就是在这里遇到那只别扭到死的小傲娇的吧?
"I might be, " said the tiger. "But I'm not. Now: I am here to teach the girl-cub to talk. " “我可以撒谎,”老虎说,“但是我并没有说谎。言归正传,我是来教那个小姑娘说话的。”
I am here, but no one would listen to me, more and more hate in this world, let the heart and its explosion, the moment reduced to ashes. 我现在在这里,但没有人会听我说,这个世界越来越讨厌了,让心脏和它一起爆炸,一瞬间化为灰烬。
A hug is universal symbol of support and concern , or just a way of saying , "I am here and I matter . " 拥抱是一种世界通用的语言,它象徵著支援、关心,或者只是表示“我在这儿,我不容忽视。”
As a Certified Sex Therapist I am here to make suggestions to help you turn up the heat in your bedroom this summer. 作为一位性治疗师,我在这里这里提些建议,这个夏天,你们的卧室急速升温。
I feel as if I were a Chinese when I am here. 我在中国生活的时候,总觉得自己是一个中国人。
Truly, I am here to serve humanity and I'm ready to do so in bigger ways. 真的,我来此服务人类,并准备好以更多的方式来这样做。
Because if I am here it's because people love the movies. So it's always a question of love. 因为人们爱我的影片我才站在这里,这都是因为爱。
I tried like hell but my schedule in London is just not permitting my to take out the time, and I am here primarily on work. 尽管我非常努力地尝试着,但我在伦敦的行程却不容许我腾出时间来,而且我主要是到这里工作。
So call upon me to support you through the difficult moments inherent in the change, as it is what I am here for. 因此,呼唤我来支持你度过改变中所固有的困难时刻,因为这,就是我在这里的原因。
For example, instead of saying "I am trying to make this work" say "I am here" or "help me to connect with you. " 比如,不要说“我正尝试做这事”;而要说,“我在这里”,或者“让我联系你”。
A: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lin Qing. Director of Guangzhou Municipal Import and Export Office. And I am here just to meet you. 请允许我自我介绍一下,我叫林清,是广州市进出口办公室主任,我特意到机场来接你。
After stepping off his Air France flight on Sunday, Duvalier declared, "I am here to see how the situation is. " 走入社会后摘下法国航空公司的航班上周日,杜瓦利埃宣布:“我在这里看到的情况是如何。”
I am here today to share with you some very special family news of my own. 我今天要跟大家分享一下我家里的好消息。
I am here to ask you to vote me for the English representive student. 我站在这里请大家选我当英语课代表。
I am here not to derogate the England players, but you know they've been always overrated. 我来这里不是为了黑英格兰球员,但你知道的,英格兰球员一直被高估。
Vets suggest that this purring tells "Mom" that "I am okay" and that "I am here" . 兽医们认为这是在告诉猫妈妈“我挺好的”和“我在这儿呢”之类的信息。
"A friend asked and I said, 'I am here, ' " she said. 她说,“有个朋友请我帮忙,我就说‘好啊’。”
Dear friends, today I am here with joy and pleasure and I extend a warm welcome to every one of you. 亲爱的朋友们,今天我满怀高兴和喜悦的在这里给你们每个人最热烈的欢迎。