if i die young

  • 网络如果我早逝;如果我在年轻时死去;如果我年轻时逝去

if i die youngif i die young

if i die young


丽兹玛登 不巧的情人 ... 17.Bring On The Rain 下雨吧! 01.If I Die Young 如果我早逝 02.Love Story 爱情故事 ...



谁有旋律蛮暧昧的英文歌曲... ... The Band Perry - If I Die Young如果我年轻时逝去) Taylor Swift - Love Story( 爱情故事) ...


后一篇:佩里乐队(The Band Perry)--如果我年轻时离世If I Die Young)< 前一篇莫扎特(Mozart)的歌剧--女人心(Cosi Fa…


译言网 |... ... Send me away with the words of a love song 唱一首爱的歌 送我远去 If I die young 若我在年少时死去 ...


... 4. Boston 波士顿 5. If I die young 如果我年轻时死了 6. With youall the time 永远地和你在一起 ...


老小姐的MP3发行之专辑 @ 老小姐的MP3 ::... ... 【Secret 秘密】 【If I Die Young 假如我早逝】 【Rhythm of Love 爱的律动 …

If I die young, don't think about follow my steps to heaven, you're not a Christian; I think we might not end up in the same place. 如果我过早死去了,别想要跟随我的脚步,你不是基督徒,我想我们不会在同一个地方相遇。
If I die young, you will always find somebody who will love and care you as much, or even more than I did. 如果我过早死去了,你一定会找到一个像我爱你一样,甚至比我还要爱你的人。
If I die young, I don't want to see you go down, I may beg Jesus to let me turn into my eternity, still standing beside you. 如果我过早死去了,我不想看到你消沉下去,我也许会请求耶稣让我转世,依旧站在你身边陪着你。
If I die young, don't cry, save the tears in your pocket for a time you'll really need it. 如果我过早死去了,别哭,把泪水收在口袋里,为了将来你真的需要他们的时候。
If I die young, I would rather be alive in your deepest memory, that you won't constantly thinking about me and starting to weep. 如果我过早死去了,我宁愿活在你最深的回忆里,这样你不会经常轻易地想起我,为此痛苦。
If I die young, I may not want to hear the blames you say, but not eating, not drinking, lose all the reasons to live in the world. 如果我过早死去了,我也许不想听到你对我的指责,但你不吃不喝,失去了生活在这个世界的所有理由。
If I die young, I may sneak into your dream, just to make sure you're not forgetting me. 如果我过早死去了,我也许会偷偷溜进你的梦里,只是想确认你不会把我忘记。
If I die young, I will smile in the heaven if I see you live with a new life, happy forever. 如果我过早死去了,我会因为看见你拥有新的生活,永远开心下去而在天堂微笑。
If I die young bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song 若我早早离去请用丝绸葬我让我躺在铺满玫瑰的床上拂晓时分让我沉入河中吟唱着一首情歌为我送行
If I Die Young If I die young bury me in satin 如果我英年早逝请让我身着绸缎被埋葬