in my life

  • 网络在我生命中;珍爱今生;在我的生命中

in my lifein my life

in my life


X-JAPAN歌词 ... A Rose is breathing love 一朵玫瑰正注入爱 in my life 在我生命中 红 I could not look back 我无法回头 ...


0回答 5 Kevin Kern《Bitter Sweet》 出自于专辑《珍爱今生》 (In My Life)... 普通登录 手机登录 帐号 密码 记住我的登录状态


约翰·丹佛_百度百科 ... Minor Swing( 微型摇摆乐) In My Life在我的生命中) Farewell Party( 告别会) ...


补充回答: 《昨天》(Yesterday)《在我的生活中》(In my life)《黄色潜水艇》(yellow submarine)《挪威的森林》(Nor…


In my life_百度百科 ... 鼓: 林戈·斯塔尔( Ringo Starr In my Life 在我的一生中 There are places I remember 有一些难忘的地方 ...


群星 ... ... 06. My Foolish Heart 痴心 07. In My Life 在我的人生中 08. Softly As In A Morning Sunrise 晨光般轻 ...


西洋流行歌曲英汉曲目对照表.doc - 豆丁网 ... A Flock of Seagulls 一群海鸥合唱团 In my life 在我一生中 I'm easy 我很自在 ...


给我些好的摇滚乐队!!好的摇滚乐!!谢谢_百度知道 ... Yesterday 昨天 In my life 在我的生命里 The Cranberries 卡百利 ...

And I realized that by giving me Pax and taking him from me, they had given me the greatest gift anybody had ever given me in my life. 我体会到给我大同和他从我身边拿走,他们给了我最大的礼物有人曾经由于我在我的生命。
Boy: Of course And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah? 当然了。而且我敢说我一生当中从来没有这么高兴过。我敢打赌你也一样,对不对?(这牛吹得也太过了)
You know how much I need her in my life? 你知道生活中,我有多么的需要她吗?
I have never been madder at anything in my life than I was at Halsey during Leyte Gulf. 我生平从来没有一次象在莱特湾对海尔赛那样恼火过。
But please give me a smile, because after all, in my life when failure to honor his promise " bloomed for you, and withered for you. " 但是,请给我一个微笑吧,因为我终究在生命衰竭时兑现了自己的诺言“为你盛开,为你调谢。”
This is how much warmth I have in my life. I give it all to you. 我生命里的温暖就那么多,全部给了你。
I miss your love. Would you schedule an hour with me tonight or sometime soon just for me to share with you what's going on in my life? 我想念你的爱,你今晚会拨出一小时,或另排时间和我讨论我们生活上的问题吗?
At the moment, the important thing is for me to leave Spain and start a new chapter in my life. 西班牙人解释道。现在重要的是我将离开西班牙进而揭开我生活的新篇章。
Autumn, in my life, overlapping in a tree, I can not make it a must have spent a season, in the winter 's Eve, do not want to read. 秋,在我生命里,重叠在一棵树上,我只能暂且把它当作一个必须度过的一个季节,收藏在今冬的前夜,不想去翻阅。
"I don't even know their last names, but I count them all as my friends and an important asset in my life, " he said. “虽然我不知道他们的全名,但是我把他们都当做我的伙伴,我生命中重要的一部分”那个人说。
This time I thought I'd organise myself for once in my life and I got a very good seat right in the middle of a row in the stalls. 我想这次我该让自己在人生当中有一次发愤图强的作为,而且我取得了位于整排摊位中间的一个极佳的好位置。
And what I mean -- not at TED -- that I'm -- at this point in my life, truly my set of circumstances I would truly consider an accident. 我是指,并非来到TED,而是我能达到我生活的这个状态,和我的周围真实的环境我真的认为这是一个偶然。
One day I told Daniel that the great failing in my life had been that I didn't take a year or two off to travel when I finished college. 一天,我告诉丹尼尔我生命中最感到失败的一件事——在我大学毕业的时候,我没有花一年或者两面的时间去旅游。
I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but i was too afraid to do that, as i have promised not to lie to you for anything. 这一生中我一直不敢告诉你,非常害怕你一旦知道会是什么后果,因为我曾经答应过你,一生不背叛你。
She was the fattest woman I have ever seen in my life sitting in a small stool. It was as if a sack of grain was supported by a matchbox. 她是我平生所见过的最胖的女人,的女人,坐在一把直背椅子上打瞌睡,子上打瞌睡,那简直就像一口袋粮食放在一个火柴盒上
Without you by my side, I do not know how I go on. I've used you in my life around, do not leave me alone. 没有你在我身边,我不知道我该怎么走下去。我已经习惯了你在我身边的日子,不要丢下我一个人。
And, you know, I've certainly made a lot of errors in my life, and that's something I might have to live with. 你知道的,我一生中肯定犯了很多错误,而且有可能会一直错下去。
XX project will no doubt bring the best harvest I, let me in my life on the ladder further. XX项目毫无疑问会给我带来最好的收获,让我在我人生的阶梯上更进一步。
It was only until I decided to make a drastic change in my life that I could make up for this lost time. 直到我决定做出人生中的巨大转变,我才弥补上了那些流失的岁月。
And then I found another list in one of my diaries that actually contained all the things that I thought I learned in my life so far. 除此之外,我在我的记事本上还找到了另一个列表,--到目前为止在我生命中所学习到的所有东西。
I always know exactly what i want in my life ! but , others do not know ! so , if i was asleep , please do not wake me up. 我一直真正地知道在我的生活中我想要什么!但是别人去不知道!因此,假如我在沉睡中,请不要唤醒我。
Forrest: (voice-over) I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like an angel. 阿甘:(话外音)我一生从没见过这么美的东西,她就像是天使。
Once I understood, I began brushing up on my history. I learned that this was a challenge I would have to face daily in my life. 一旦我明白了原因所在,我开始回顾我的历史,然后我就发现,这是一个我将不得不在一生中每天都要面对的挑战。
"I wanted to do something in my life, " she said. "But they thought it was not a good idea. " “在我的一生中,我想做一些事”,她说。“但是他们认为这不是一个好主意。”
"It was the craziest, most emotional group I've ever coached in my life, " he said. 太感人了,这是我执教生涯里最令人为之动容的团队。
The pain reflected in this song ain't even half of what I ' m feeling inside. I need you, need you back in my life baby (my life, my life). 这首歌里反映的疼痛不及我内心痛楚感觉的一半。我需要你,需要你回到我的生活,宝贝(我的生活、我的生活)。
You are the sunshine in my life, but you don't know how much I need you! 你是我生命中的阳光,但你却不知道我是多么的需要你!
Dave: You know, just once in my life, I'd like to have a simple conversation without the other guy actually being someplace else. 要知道,我一直想在进行一次简单的对话,一次就好,对话的另一方并没有出现在另外的地方。
Since then almost everything I've done in my life has been part of an attempt to make sure that Italy would be part of my life. 从那次旅行开始,几乎我人生中做过的每一件事都在反复确认这一点:意大利就是我人生的一部分。
Actually i was as normal as usual that day, cleaning the everything in my life quietly until they were all beautiful shine. 事实上,那天我就和平常一样,静静地擦拭我生活中的一点一滴,直到它们都完美得发光。