i will return

  • 网络我会回来;完好归还;我会回去

i will returni will return

i will return


Energy ... Last Time 最后一次 I Will Return 我会回来 New Generation 猩人类 ...


英国 | MicroFilm | 微电瘾,微电影 ... Office 办公室 I Will Return 完好归还 Nurse 护士 ...


好歌不寂寞 感觉多一点 -- Amici Forever -... ... And someday 有一天 I will return 我会回去 Where is home? 家在哪里 ...


Enigma歌词翻译:第一张:MC... ... I promise you 我向你起誓 I will return 我将归来 I'm reaching out for you 我正向你伸出援手 ...


美国历史《我们的故事》第十集二战156:诺曼底登... ... I will return. 我会回来的 I will come back to the USA. 我会返回美国的 ...


V. 主必再临 (I Will Return)1.主耶稣离世前之应许(太24:30)2.使徒彼得对快的诠释(彼后3:8-10)3.我们对主再临的态度(太24:14; …

See, I am going to rouse them out of the places to which you sold them, and I will return on your own heads what you have done. 我必激动他们离开你们所卖到之地,又必使报应归到你们的头上。
My dream is to one day Coach Lazio and I'm sure that in a few years I will return here as a tactician. 我的梦想是有一天执教拉齐奥,我确定在若干年后我将以战术家的身份回到这里。
And I was the only child of parents, from the traditional Chinese view, I will return to the back side of the parents. 并且我是父母唯一的孩子,从中国的传统来看,我在学成后一定会回到父母身边的。
The doctors wisely decided to sort out the cartilages first and I will return for my cruciate operation at the start of August. 医生们明智地决定他们要先修复软骨,并在八月初我将接受韧带手术。
later i will return to give back to you? did not use for you? 我以后将回到授予回到您?没有为您使用?
When students and smiles, called me with a "teacher good" , then I will return a gentleness smile, let them feel the teacher boundless love. 当同学们甜甜地叫我一声“老师好”,那时,我将会回敬他们一个亲切和蔼的微笑,让他们感受到老师无限的关爱。
I will return to work as she turns better, and she will start a small business like a canteen. 她好转时我再回去工作,而她就开始做生意,比如开个餐厅什么的
If I'm not available, please leave a message and I will return your call as quickly as possible. 如果我不是可利用的,请留下信息,并且我尽快将回您的电话。
I shall return, for you, on Christmas day, My love I will return on Christmas day. 会回来,你在耶诞节那天,我将返回在耶诞节那天,我的爱。
Shirley : No. It's confiscated for now. And I will return it to you after I finish reading it. 雪莉:不行。现在它被没收了。我读完了以后再还给你。
Deep down I've always hoped that I will return to Lazio, but Cagliari have the right to sign me if Lazio agree to sell. 在我内心深处,我一直希望我会回到拉齐奥,但卡利亚里也有权利要我,如果拉齐奥同意出售。
our story can resume, I can resume, I will return, finding you, love you, marry you, and live without shame. . . 我们的故事可以继续,我可以重新来过。我会回来,找到你,好好地爱你,娶你回家,没有任何愧疚的生活…
I swear, I will return on Christmas day, And yes, I shall return on Christmas day. 我发誓,我将返回耶诞节那天,并且是的我将在耶诞节那天归来。
I collected their English Zone Workbooks on Friday to check the homework, and I will return them on Monday. 周五我将同学们的练习册收上来检查,周一会发还给大家。
I love my hometown Suizhou, I will return to Suizhou struggle after graduation, the building blocks for the Suizhou. 我非常爱我的家乡随州,我毕业以后也会回到随州奋斗,为随州的建设添砖加瓦。
Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. 耶和华岂有难成的事麽?到了日期,明年这时候,我必回到你这里,撒拉必生一个儿子。
Of course when I will have conquered the whole world, I will return here, to my own kingdom. 当然,当我将征服全世界后,我将返回这里,我自己的王国。
After taking out the money to have the TV repaired, 500 yuan is the amount I will return from your deposit. 扣掉修电视的钱,我应该退给你500元的押金。
Thanks for talking and sharing China's story with me. I will return to China and witness all its happenings. 谢谢你和我分享中国的故事,我会再来中国见证她的变化。
In a few days at latest I will return. 我最迟过几天就返回。
I will return to the Hogwarts Timeline from the DVD ROM in the Conclusion, but for the rest of the analysis I am going to ignore it. 我将在结论部分中继续讨论有关DVD光盘中霍格沃茨的时间线的问题,但在余下的分析中,我将会忽视它的存在。
For the trust reposed in me I will return the courage and the devotion that befit the time. I can do no less, . . . 对于给予我的信任,我将以顺应时代的勇气和忠诚作为回报。我决不辜负众望。……
Either it turns out well for me and Lazio will want me on a permanent stay, or I will return to Newcastle. A lot is at stake. 要么我表现很好,并且拉齐奥希望我永久留下,要么我回到纽卡斯尔。很多都无法预料。
I will return in time for you to prepare lunch. 我会准时回来为你做午餐。
He had said to the government, "I will not return if Germany makes war on you, but I will return if France does. " 他告诉政府:“如果德国对你们开战,我不会回来,但若法国对你们开战,我便会回来。”
I will return to Paris tomorrow, if I firm up my air ticket. 如果我能把飞机票订下来的话,我打算明天回巴黎。
Yes, yes; and now I believe you are right, and that you have really saved my life; be assured I will return the favor hereafter. 是,是的,我现在相信你的确说的不错,你真的救了我的命,但你放心,我很快就会向你报恩的。
Spare me 50 yuan and I will return the money on payday. 借给我50元钱,发工资那天我就还你。
In two years I will return loaded with honors. 两年后我将载誉归来。
After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value. 学成回国后,我一定能实现我从事幼儿教育的愿望,并能在幼儿教育事业上实现我的人生价值。