in my head

  • 网络在我脑海中;我的头里;在我的脑海

in my headin my head

in my head


求此歌词的中文... ... Is it over yet? 已经结束了吗? In my head 在我脑海中 I know nothing of your kind 我感觉不到你的善良 ...


Skillet - Comatose - killua282的创作 -... ... Hiding under the bed 躲在床底下 In my body,in my head 我的身体,我的头里 ...


梦想飞跃的悦单:让这个冬天变的热力... ... 318858 Yeah 3x 大叫三声 18 34070 In My Head 在我的脑海 22 151079 Forever 永 …


Heroes 英雄 第三季 第二十集_看英雄学英语... ... hold on to: 拉住,抓牢 in my head: 在我脑海里 storybook: 故事书,小说 ...


剑桥一级下册 第八单元_辛甘_新浪博客 ... 颜色;把…涂成…颜色 colour \ color 记在头脑中 in my head 放在心上 by heart ...


求凯莉米洛唱的... ... in my heart,in my head (它)在我的心里,在我的头脑里 did you think I wasn't real? 你敢说这不是真的 …

has always sort of kept an image in my head of , you know, the beginning of people coming to America . 这座雕像总是萦绕在我的脑海中,让我想起初到美国的人们。
An enduring image in my head is that of a few Native Americans looking out from trees at a European sailing ship offshore. 在我头脑中挥斥不去的一个景象是——几个美洲土著人,从树丛中向外张望,看着海面上那些欧洲人的船。
I know everything I said was just a picture in my head. 我知道我说的一切只是在我的头像。
hope you could advise me to give up so that I will not have a bee in my head and let me do not feel that I still have hope any more. 我希望你能劝我放弃,只有这样我才不会胡思乱想,才会觉得你不再给我希望!
One thing that works for me is to make an explicit rule in my head that I have to say something at least every few minutes, preferably more. 对我挺有效的一条是,在脑子里树立一个明晰的条例,规定我必须至少每隔几分钟说几句话,或者更多。
Although everything I said was just a picture in my head. 虽然我说的一切只是在我的头像。
Elizabeth's words echoed in my head. How could she guess what I could do? Could anyone really want that for her son? 伊丽莎白的话还在我的脑中回响,她是怎么知道我的能力的?真的会有人希望自己的儿子变成那个样子吗?
She's all up in my head now, got me thinking that it might be a good idea to take her with me, 'cause she's ready to leave (well, let's go). 现在她清晰地浮现在我脑海里,我在想让她跟我走这主意不错,因为她正准备离开(好吧,我们走吧)。
And now I have to deal with this little voice in my head constantly reminding me that I'm going to be a rock star, not a scientist. 而现在我却不得不去应付常常出现在我脑子里的一个小小的声音,它总是提醒我,我将来要成为摇滚歌星,而不是科学家。
But that stupid little voice in my head started whispering to me that of course I didn't want to be friends with him. 但是,那个愚蠢的小声音在我的脑海开始低声对我说,当然我并不想和他交朋友。
About Zeng Yi can be creative: "I always had a little angel singing in my head inside, and then I make a note of it. " 关于曾轶可的创作:“总有一个小天使在我脑子里面唱歌,然后我就记下来了。”
In my head I had put him in the "fatherly" category - he wasn't nice, but he certainly did not seem to have any sexual motive. 在我的脑海里已经把他归到“好父亲”那一类里了——他不怎么好,但是看起来没有性的动机。
That would be the basic formula i follow. when in my head punch lines read to go, you know, but also be able to say something spontaneously. 这就是我一贯的原则。还有,当我头脑中想一些连珠妙语的时候,我也会自然而然说一些东西出来。
But the first thing the little voice in my head said was, 'Get out of the building before it goes down. ' 但当时我脑中立刻响起的微弱声音却是:在大楼倒塌前逃出去。
But the question they asked me when they first arrived really stuck in my head: Did I believe that God loved me with all his heart? 但他们在刚来的时候问我的问题一直在我的脑海里萦绕我真的相信上帝全身心的爱着我么?
If you could live in my head for just one day, you might weep at how much beauty I perceive in the world with my exquisite senses. 如果你能在我的脑子里呆上哪怕一天,你就能看到我那精致的感官所感受到的这个世界有多么美好,你甚至可能会因此而落泪。
What could have put it in my head, but the glistening of a tear as it dropped on her work? 我脑袋里怎么会有那个念头的?明明一颗亮晶晶的泪珠滴在了她的针线活儿上。
S: Well, they seem to mention water a lot which kind of suprise me as I have this picture in my head that Mars is dry, sort of dry and dead. 学生:他们似乎多次提到水,这点很令我吃惊,因为我看过一个图片显示的是火星很干旱,死寂和干旱。
I actually took quite a few of these so I could let some ideas play themselves out in my head. 实际上我做了很多这样的休息让想法在我的脑袋里减少沉淀。
I felt a sharp pain in my head and the next thing I knew was waking up in hospital. 我觉得头部一阵剧痛,等明白过来才知道自己是在医院里。
then I pay attention to the story, as if it were really happening somewhere, not just in my head, and in its own way, not mine. 然后,我注意起故事来,仿佛事情是真的在什么地方发生了一样,而不是发生在我的头脑里,不以我设计的方式发生,而是以它自己的方式发生了。
I feel very embarrass talking like this as if I actually do have a right value intact in my head. 我觉得这样说很不好意思,就好像我自己的脑子里就有正确的价值观一样。
let me tell you a little about my song writing and the kind of tunes that circle in my head all day long. . . 让我告诉你一个关于我的歌曲创作的歌曲很少,那种在我的脑海圆圈整天……
Up to now, I've always relied on my good memory, but now that I'm working and studying, I find I've got too much to keep in my head. 过去,我一直依赖于自己良好的记忆力来处理日常事务,然而,由于是在职学习,我发现要记的东西实在太多,以至于脑子都不够用了。
Today I woke up with voices in my head. . . . and all of them were saying go back to bed. Onwards to work. . . the day beckons. 今天我醒来,脑子们盘旋着各种声音…他们都在对我说,回到床上,再睡会儿。工作在前方召唤。
I had this all planned out in my head, but sadly, I'm out of time as I got swamped with other projects. 我有这个都计划好了在我的脑海,但遗憾的是,我没有时间了,因为我得到了与其他项目所淹没。
I'm still working on strategy right now--trying to weigh it in my head--the approach, the process that's most efficient and the products. 我仍然致力于战略现在-试图权衡它在我的脑海-的做法,该进程的最有效和产品。
James Franco: It sounds weird, but in my head that was one of the things that justified this project. 詹姆斯·弗朗哥:这听起来很奇怪,但是在我看来这正是证明接下这个项目是有道理的。
"What have you got to lose by trying to live with this damned cancer? " a voice in my head asked me. “接受这倒霉的癌症你会失去什么呢?”一个念头在我的脑海中萦绕着。
"If I had to stand up in front of all those people, " says Jonkins, "I'd put a bullet in my head. " “如果要是让我站在所有这么多人面前的话,”詹金斯说道,“我宁愿冲自己的脑袋开一枪。”