i saw you

  • 网络我看见你;我看见你了;我看到你

i saw youi saw you

i saw you


  《我看见你》(I Saw You) 饰演:Oscar Bingley    ★2001年   《亚法隆之谜》(The Mists of Avalon)饰演:Young Arthur   《杰 …


《兵临城下》英语字幕二 - 蝈蝈的日志 - 网易博客 ... 不会吧 No. 我看见你了 I saw you. 我很惊慌 It was scary. ...


英语高手请帮我翻译一首歌词_百度知道... ... take away 离开 I saw you 我看到你 End 完 ...


网友评论... ... The moment⌒I saw you. 就在我看见你的那一刻。 He's eager to invite⌒you to dance. 他很想邀请你跳个舞。 ...


培养利用剧本学英... ... Joey:You kissed. 你们接吻了。 Joey:I saw you. 我看见了。 Joey:Ross,Ross,Ross... It's okay. 没关系。 ...


电影随身听附讲解:《落跑新娘》... ... All right. I know you’re in there. 我知道你在里面 I saw you. 我见到啦 ...

When I saw you and her, I really want to say something but I can't, and I don't know what's wrong with me. 看到你和她,心中有说不出感伤感染,我不知道自己到底怎么了。
"I saw you, " Hurstwood said, genially, the next time Drouet drifted in to his polished resort, from which he could not stay away. “是的,你真漂亮极了。”他说着用胳膊搂住她,“穿上你那件深蓝套装,我带你看戏去。”
The moment I saw you, I knew there was no hope. 一看到你就知道没有希望了。
I'm sure I saw you at the party last night, but you were nowhere to be found when I wanted to talk to you. Why did you take French leave? 我肯定昨晚在聚会上看到你的,但后来要找你说话的时候却不见人了。你怎么不辞而别啊?
Now show me what you were doing there with your feet. I saw you just sort of a fancy. 让我看看你怎么用脚支撑的在我看来真是不可思议。
From the moment I saw you smile, I knew. I knew that I wanted to share the rest of my life with you. 从见到你的那一刻起,那一刻当看到你的盈盈笑靥,我就明白我只愿与你执手携老,共度今生。
I fought my fear by telling myself you'd come back someday and trying to think of the first thing I'd say when I saw you again. 为了战胜恐惧我不停地对自己说你有一天会回来的,我不断地想着当我再见到你时要跟你说的第一句话。
From the first time I saw you I fell in love with you, you know how much I love you? 从第一次见到你我就爱上了你,你知道我有多爱你吗?
And when I got to the fifth flight, I peeped through the keyhole of a door, and there, Godfather, I saw you and you had long, long horns. 我从锁孔往里看的时候,我看到你有两只长长的犄角。
JULIE: Hey, I saw you both flirting at the wake. You're obviously into each other. Now that you know he's single, you can ask him out. 我看到你们在告别会上相互调情,你们双方都有好感,既然知道他单身,你就能约他啦。
Yet I was a woman, and when I saw you again, I could not help weeping. But I did not weaken. 可我毕竟是个女人,当我重新看见您时,我忍不住哭了,但是我没有动摇。
From the moment I saw you smile, as you opened the door for that young mother and her newborn baby. I knew. 从我见你那一刻起,你正微笑着给一位年轻母亲和怀里抱的初生婴儿开门。
When I saw you in the lane, I thought on account of the fairy tales, I'd half a mind to ask if you'd bewitched my horse. 当我在小道上第一眼看见你时,我还以为自己身在童话,我想是不是你领我的马儿着迷了。
AMY: The last time I saw you was in high school. You were always more interested in talking to my sister, anyway. 艾米:上次见你是在上中学的时候。总之,你总是更喜欢与我姐姐说话。
I saw you in a nightclub and finally gathered the courage to ask if you'd like a drink. I couldn't believe my luck when you said yes. 记得我在一家夜店看见你,最终鼓起勇气问你能否请你喝一杯,而你说好,我不敢相信我如此幸运。
Q: Hey Vince my name is Adrian I saw you taking all sorts of shots and I just wanted to ask you what your favorite type of shot is? 嘿文斯,我叫Adrian,我看到你做过各种各样的投篮,我想问哪一种是你最喜欢的呢?
Clapton Eric Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven? 如果我们在天堂相遇,你还会记得我的名字吗?
Now I saw you and talked with you, I thought you are a diligent and hard-working person, so I think you are no problem. 而且现在我看到你,跟你聊了以后,觉得你是一个踏实肯干的人,所以我觉得你应该是没有问题的。
I then told him, I saw you first. If I had meant to harm you, I would have done that already. 我告诉他:是我先看到你的,要是我有意想伤害你的话,我早就做了。
The last time I saw you, Mr Benitez, was at the 2005 Champions' League final, and your, erm, silhouette seems to have changed since then. 上次我见到你,贝尼特斯先生,是在2005年冠军联赛决赛的时候,为什么你的~恩~身材似乎和那时不一样了?
Not yield to the distance, carrying a very heavy shell, I saw you behind the door. You were reluctant to unload my burden. 心不甘的遥远我背了重重的壳又见你,在门的后面你不肯,
eric clapton untitled would you know my name if i saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂和你见面,你还会记得我的名字吗?
I fought my fear by telling myself you'd come back someday and trying to think of the first thing I'd say to you when I saw you again. 我与我的恐惧战斗,我告诉看书某天你会回来。设法第一件事当我再看您。
I miss you so much, it has been too long since the last time I saw you. 我想念你这麽多,已经太长,因为我最后一次见到你。
Why, you liar, I saw you with my own eyes sidle round the corner of the porch and squat in the cape jessamine bush by the wall. 怎么,你这不是撒谎吗?我亲眼看见你偷偷走过走廊的拐角,蹲在墙边茉莉花底下呢。
The moment I saw you I knew you were angry with me. 一看到你我知道你在生我的气。
Can you imagine how much surprised when I saw you? 你能否想象我见到你时是多么吃惊啊。
It has been a while since the last time I saw you. 有好一阵子没见你了。
It has been a long time doesn't meet you since the last time i saw you, isn't it? 自从上次见到你后到现在,已经是很长一段时间了
MARY BETH: You know, I saw you on stage once in New York. In The Longest Night. I thought you were excellent. 玛丽·贝思:你知道吗,我在纽约曾看过你的演出。片名是《漫漫长夜》。我觉得你演得棒极了。