
美 [ɪnˈspaɪr]英 [ɪnˈspaɪə(r)]
  • v.激发;吸;注入;使生灵感
  • 网络鼓舞;激励、鼓舞

第三人称单数:inspires 现在分词:inspiring 过去式:inspired

inspire love



欧洲杯 - 最新闻 ... Suarez( 苏亚雷斯) inspires( 鼓舞) linked( 联系) ...


简单读报 - 简单读报--2012年11月14日 ... monk n. 修道士,僧侣 inspires n. 激励、鼓舞 buddhist 佛教徒 ...

Society's surfeit of surveillance cameras that inspires the Big Brother format is often condemned as a symbol of an Orwellian dystopia. 社会上随处可见的监控摄像头,经常被指责为奥威尔式(Orwellian)禁锢社会的象征,而《名人老大哥》便是受此启发。
Read the parable on forgiveness below, author unknown, and see if it inspires you to forgive someone you've been harboring a grudge against. 阅读下面这篇关于宽容的寓言,作者不详,然后看一下这篇寓言是否能鼓励你宽恕曾经让你很反感的人。
It is often woman who inspires us with the great things that she will prevent us from accomplishing. 往往是女人激励我们投身于伟大的事业,而又妨碍我们去完成它。
Angela has a beautiful daughter, Margaret, who inspires Malachy to stop drinking for a while, but by the end of the chapter Margaret dies. 安吉拉的美丽的女儿,玛格丽特,谁激发马拉奇停止饮用了一段时间,但到了第二章玛格丽特去世。
Analysts said he inspires confidence that he can reinvent the bank despite one of the worst economic climates since the Depression. 分析师称即便是在当前最坏的经济环境下,他始终坚信他可以让这家银行获得重生。
But this is Paltrow, the American actress whose achievements seem to have piled up in reverse proportion to the goodwill she inspires. 但这是温妮丝帕特洛,美国女演员,其成就似乎已经堆放在反向比例达激发她的善意。
And yet the most interesting thing about him is the depth of affection he inspires. 关于科尔最有趣的事他所引起的那种影响的深度。
He said, "masturbating to the dead inspires only feelings of hopelessness and despair" and feels "a little creepy, a little hopeless. " 他说:“冲着死人手淫只会唤醒无助和绝望的感觉”,而且感到“有些毛骨悚然,有些心无所依。”
For now, just as he commands the confidence of his people, the new president inspires admiration worldwide. 目前,正如他赢得了美国人民的信心一样,这位新总统也博得了全世界的赞美。
Note that it is not at all said that he inspires desire. If he slips into women's beds, one does not know how he is there. 请注意,我根本没有说,他激发欲望。即使他偷溜上女人的床,我们也不知道,他是如何混进去的。
Once you've found something that inspires you, decide how much time you want to spend. 一旦找到了激励你的某件事,那么决定你想要花费的时间。
Mother is, probably, one of those few words whose very mention inspires a flurry of emotions in the heart of even the cruelest person. 即使对于最冷酷的人,妈妈这个词,也是少数几个能让他心潮翻滚的字眼之一。
In the right relationship, he enriches your life, inspires you to be your best self, and brings a sense of peace and possibility to you. 而在一段正确的关系中,他丰富你的生命。激励你成为最好的自我,带给你平和的心境和各种机会。
So as you read, certainly try the examples, but if the book inspires an idea of your own, by all means work on that for a while. 在你阅读的过程中,一定要试一下示例程序,但是如果书中鼓励你可以用自己的思维的话,那么就尽力去做吧。
Our qualified team of early childhood professionals inspires in the children a sense of confidence and love for learning. 我们合格的教师队伍是由一群学前教育专家所组成,希望激发儿童的自信心和对学习的热爱。
My experience inspires me that the sensor technology of the company is quite outstanding. 我的经验令我觉得富士感光元件的技术是颇出众的。
Yet even these cannot give you an impression quite so ethereal. The sense of beauty it inspires is nothing short of divine. 就这也不能给你依稀的印象,它给你的美感简直是神灵性的一种。
It's not crazy at all. It's what happens when a once-in-a-lifetime athlete comes along and inspires the next generation. 其实这并不疯狂。当一个前所未见的天才运动员走上前,引领和激励下一代人时,就会出现这样的情景。
You know, it inspires us. 300 years ago he'd have been burnt at the stake for that. 如果是300年前,他会被活活烧死。
The drillmaster's throat would have frog, but they still serious revise our every move, all this inspires us, too, should try to exercise. 教官的嗓子早就嘶哑了,可他们仍然地认真改正我们每一个动作,这一切激励着我们,也要努力锻炼。
Trying to convey in images the feelings that MIT inspires in you should be the goal here, the full range of emotion being explored. 试著在相片中去表达麻省理工在你心中所激荡出来的感受,这就是这份作业的目的,全面探索开发个人的情感。
We hope that this article inspires you to make the most of Lotus Sametime's location awareness feature. 衷心希望这篇文章能够激发您的灵感,使您充分利用LotusSametime的位置识别特性。
"My wish is that the declarations by President Obama inspires action to put an end to the hotspots in the Middle East, " he said. 他说:“我希望奥巴马总统的讲话能鼓舞人们采取一些行动,结束中东一些动乱地区的暴力。”
The other major regulatory proposal to have come out of Europe recently inspires even less confidence. 欧洲最近要诞生的另外一项主要的监管计划对信心的鼓励甚至更小。
Usually when I come up here, it inspires me. . . but today, nothing seems to be working for me. 通常只要我到这来,我就会有很多灵感…但是今天好像一点用也没有。
It is, if I may say so, a disembodied ghost of a race, without a body, and it therefore inspires suspicion, and suspicion breeds hatred. 我可以说,它是个无体可附的鬼魂般的民族,因为无体,它易令人生疑,而疑心滋生仇恨。
To create a space that inspires, rather than imposes: such a discovery is the foremost challenge of this studio. 要创造的是一个能够激发灵感、而非压迫的空间:这样的探索是该实践课程的最大挑战。
Give your energy and enthusiasm to a plan or project that inspires you and allow a little magic to enter your world. 把精力和热情投注到一个可以鼓舞自己的计划或者目标上吧,给自己一个燃烧梦想的机会。
But when he is at work, he throws himself into the fray with an enthusiasm that inspires those around him. 但当他工作时,他会全身心投入战斗,他的激情会感染他身边的每一个人。
You can download them here. I hope you enjoy this little tutorial and that it inspires you to create your own last-minute postcard! 你可以在这里下载它们,我希望你们喜欢这个小教学,并激发你的灵感来创建你自己的圣诞贺卡。