it hurts

  • 网络好疼;疼死了;痛

it hurtsit hurts

it hurts


亲子口语『家长日常口语重新整理』 ... It's a deep cut. 伤口很深。 It hurts. 好疼。 It's itchy. 痒痒。 ...


美国俗语大全(一) ... I'm scared! 我好怕! it hurts! 疼死了! i's freezing! 冷死了! ...

lt hurts her chin是什么意思... ... 6. Lt looks like rain. 天好象要下雨了。 7. It hurts. 。 8. It hurts badly. 痛得利害。 ...


英语会话词典lesson... ... I've got a cut here. 我这儿割破了。 It hurts. 好痛。 I got stung by a bee. 我被蜜蜂蛰了。 ...


很,更的英文单词有哪些?_百度知道 ... 很乖 as good as gold 很受伤 It Hurts;Damaged;Injured;Very hurt 很连贯 legato assa…


All The Lovers -Kylie... ... Kylie Minogue 凯莉米诺 It Hurts 爱会伤人 When you get too close 当你全心全意、付出一切时 ...


出国旅游英语之(十)意外 ... i have a toothache. 牙痛. it hurts. 很痛. my nose keeps running. 一直流鼻涕. ...

You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love. 你不能为别人而活,你得做适合你自己的事,就算这会伤害一些你爱的人。
Look, my wife cheated on me, too. I know how much it hurts. And so will a judge. 听着,我太太也欺骗了我。我知道那有多受伤。也知道一个判断有多伤人。
harsh, as if it hurts to talk. He speaks in short gasps. 他停下,喘了口气。
Honey, I'd like to tell you that I wish you are a tooth of mine, so I can feel you anytime and think of you when it hurts. 宝贝,多想告诉你,我希望你是我的一颗牙,那样我就能时刻感觉到你,那样每次牙疼的时候我都会想起你!
Jim: I think about this family, too, but . . . Dad, it hurts me to work with him. 吉姆:我也在想着这个家,但是……爸爸,跟他一起工作很痛苦。
Never take someone's feelings as a faiytoften beer. You will never know how much it hurts. 永世不要把他人的感受当成是笑话,你不知道那样有多伤不起。
No one will ever understand how much it hurts. 没人能够理解这多么辛酸
It hurts so much for me to see you with other girls everytime. I never went with any other guy, but you never comforted me! 每次看到你和别的女生一起,我多难受啊,我从来不和别的男生一起,可是你从来都没安慰过我!
Fear of legal action alone, he said, "cannot justify an employer's reliance on race" if it hurts qualified individuals. 担心单单合法行动不能证明雇主依靠种族的正当性,如果它会伤害有能力的人。
Sets out for Rome, the center of power, greed and corruption, and strike the enemy where it hurts most. 规定了罗马,该中心的权力,贪婪和腐败,打击敌人的要害最多。
But it is often seen that when glaring advertisements makes the content of your website vague, it hurts the user's experience. 但是,我们经常看到,炫丽的广告使得你网站的内容弱化,这损害了用户的体验。
Never take someone's feelings as a joke . You will never know how much it hurts. 永远不要把别人的感受当成笑话,你不知道那样有多伤不起。
He put his head in when it hurts and was everywhere, fighting for possession, determined to ensure Everton didn't get back in the game. 他已经一头扎进了漏防的地方,防守覆盖了整个区域,他每个控球权而战,他决心让埃弗顿在比赛中找不到北。
I know not what any of that means, just that it hurts me to see my family so sad. but they still love me, and I still love them very much! 我不知道这些是什么意思,只知道这些事我的一家人都很伤心,但他们仍然爱我,我也很爱他们!
Movies never say how much it hurts to get shot. 没人告诉你电影里那些枪伤到底有多疼。
I start to blame loving you for how much it hurts. And then even these four days won't be anything more than something sordid and a mistake. 我会责备自己爱上你,因为这造成了很大的痛苦,而这四天也只不过是一场污秽和一个错误。
You know, sometimes it hurts Mike to get rid of the things he used to treasure. But mostly he feels relieved. 可知道米高有时也舍不得丢掉他昔日心爱的东西,但大部分时间他感到如释重负。
Let me take a look. No wonder it hurts! One of your teeth looks decayed. You'd better see a dentist right away. 让我看一看。难怪疼呀!你有颗牙齿坏了。最好马上去看牙医。
If you really love the committed man, help him to go back to his wife even if it hurts. 如果你真的爱这个有妇之夫,即使(放弃他)让你很受伤,也要让他回到他妻子身边。
" or " Don't you realize how much it hurts me when you pull away? 或“难道你不知道你弃我不顾时,我被伤得有多深吗?”
Now, the U. S. may have found a way to exploit Iran's economic Achilles heel by hitting the regime where it hurts - the wallet. 如今,美国可能已经发现利用伊朗经济阿基里斯之踵落井下石的法子——钱袋。
Having to see him so lifeless, laying in his hospital bed, unable to do anything. . . it hurts me. 我不得不看着他毫无生气地躺在医院的病床上,什么也帮不了……这让我痛苦万分。
I watch you read and twirl your hair as if you know how much it hurts me every time. 我注视着你读书,注视着你摩挲着自己的头发,好像你知道这每次都让我很受伤。
He wants to go through you and he wants to make sure that you know that it hurts. 他要通过你而且他要确保你知道这很疼。
Her sweet, gentle daughter burst into tears. "Mummy, don't say any more, " she pleaded. "Surely you realise how much it hurts. " 她那一向温柔体贴的女儿突然大哭了起来。“妈妈,别再说了。”她请求道,“你一定知道这是多么伤人。”
It hurts so much to go through this For yet another time. And it hurts to see that you are fine. While I'm the one who's crying. 再一次经历这样的分离是痛苦的看见你安然无恙而我伤心哭泣更让人心痛。
"It sticks with you, and it hurts, " she said. 她说,这种侮辱“让你无法摆脱,深受伤害。”
If you've ever had a migraine headache, you don't need me to tell you it hurts. 如果你曾经有过偏头痛的经历,就不需要我告诉你那有多痛苦。
Instead, deal with it immediately. If it hurts throughout two consecutive runs, visit a specialist. 您应该立即面对它,如果连续2天仍然疼痛,看医生去。
'I pole-danced for two weeks, ' she said. 'I had bruises all over my legs. . . it hurts! , ' she said. 克里斯汀说:“我为了新作品练习了两周的钢管舞,腿全是青一块、紫一块的。”