it is too late

  • 网络一切都太迟了;然而太迟了;那时就太迟了

it is too lateit is too late

it is too late


... You must cross the gate! 你必须要穿越那道门! It is too late 一切都太迟了! Yes! I obey the command 好吧!我听你的 ...


连接词--对等连接词 反意连接... ... 援助是到了,然而太迟了 it is too late. 他虽不完美,但我仍旧喜欢他 I like him. ...


帮我翻译下这篇文章 - 已解决 -... ... it is too late 那时就太迟了 if you are a fan of computer games 如果你是游戏迷 ...

'It is too late, 'she said, her voice hard and her eyes shining unnaturally. “太晚了,”她说。她声音有些刺耳,眼睛的光芒也是躲躲闪闪的。
As you know, this was a trial order and it is too late for us to import them. 正如你所知,这是一个试订而且现在进口对于我们来说太晚了。
And it is too late for him to do anything about this predicament until after November's elections. 这种窘境在十一月份的选举之前不会得到改变,因为他没有时间了。
As it is too late for you to go home, you'd better stay over night at this place. 由于天太晚,你不能回家了,你最好留在这儿过夜。
with him to take me-please, please, dear nurse, before it is too late. 到外祖父面前求他带我去吧,求求你,亲爱的保姆,不然就来不及了。
He must have gone to bed, for it is too late. 他肯定已经睡了;现在已经很晚了。
Nobody will use other people's experience, nor has any of his own till it is too late to use it. 没有人会用到别人的经验,也没有人拥有了若干为自己所用的经验直到为时已晚才去使用它。
A sell signal may be premature in a strong uptrend, but whether you take it or not, one thing is clear - it is too late to buy. 在强势的上涨趋势中,卖出信号可能是过早的,但是无论你是否接受它,一件事是明确的,不能再买了。
Judging from Tuesday's stock market slump, investors seem to think that it is too late for government intervention to prevent a recession. 从股市周二暴跌来看,投资者似乎认为政府防止经济衰退的干预措施来得太晚。
We call on all his followers to leave him, it is too late. 我们呼吁他的所有追随者离开他,否则就太晚了。
He flings away his burden, if he have one, he lightens himself, like a ship in distress; it is too late, the sand is above his knees. 他如有重负则需扔掉,就象遇难的船卸去一切一样,但也已经太迟了,沙已过了他的膝盖。
The Department of Health will quickly respond by informing doctors of these "new" side effects, but it is too late for some people. 卫生署将迅速作出反应,通知医生这些“新”的副作用,但它是对某些人来说为时已晚。
Recognise potential issues: Discuss the potential issues with other stakeholders or other senior management, unless it is too late. 识别潜在问题:和其他干系人或资深管理层讨论潜在问题,别等到为时过晚。
It is too late to go now. Besides, it is beginning to rain. 现在出去太晚了,而且开始下雨了。
He had a simple message: 'Prepare for a pandemic now, before it is too late. 他有一条简单的信息:“趁时机未晚,为大流行做好准备。”
I suppose (that) it is too late to apply for that job now. (我认为)现在去谋求那个工作职位为时已晚了。
Speaking to reporters, the U. N. chief said "I call on the Kenyan people, stop the killing and end the violence now before it is too late. " 潘基文随后对记者说:“我呼吁肯尼亚人民现在就停止杀戮,结束暴力,否则就会太晚了。”
Bella: It is too late for us, son. But there is still time for her. 贝菈:这对我们来说都太迟了,儿子。但是对她来说还有时间。
These types of lessons should be taken seriously regardless of whether or not it is too late to prevent certain impacts of climate change. 无论预防气候变化影响是否为时已晚,这些教训都应认真对待。
Most people discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes. 大多数人发现他们从未后悔的事情只是他们的错误,但发现时已经太晚了。
Lastly, but most importantly, if you feel you need to tell somebody that you care, don't wait until it is too late. 最后,最最重要的是,如果你想要告诉某人你在乎他们,那就别等到太晚了。
'When something goes wrong, it is too late, ' she said. 她说,到出问题的时候就晚了。
In this week's Green Room, he warns that we need to understand the true value of ecological services before it is too late. 在这周的“绿色空间”中,他告诫说我们必须在一切无法挽回之前认识到生态公共事业的真正价值。
it is too late for us, son. but there is still time for her. 对我们来说太迟了,儿子。但是对她来说还有时间。
You'd better break up with him immediately before it is too late! 你最好立刻同他断绝来往在事情来得及之前。
You can't do this. I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your hate. It is too late for me, son. 你不能这么做的,我感觉到你内心的矛盾,放弃你的仇恨吧!
But it is too late for that: it would mean America relying on updated versions of aircraft based on 40-year-old designs. 但为时已晚:这意味着美国要依赖以40年前的蓝本为基础的更新版飞机。
I fully agree with him that it is too late to act now. 我完全同意他的意见,现在行动太迟了。
She says the social stigma is so great in some parts of the region that many women fail to seek help until it is too late. 她说中东地区有些地方的社会成见太深,以至于很多妇女很晚才寻求援助,使其病情到了不可挽回的地步。
Cancer can attack any system or organ in the body, and very often shows few external symptoms until it is too late. 癌症可以攻击任何系统或器官的身体往往很少对外展示,直到症状为时已晚。