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  • n.〈外〉炕
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如何根据中文名起英文名_百度文库 ... 阚- -Kan - -Kang 寇- -Ker ...

levels - HSK Flashcards_馆档网 ... 糠 kang1 n:bran;chaff kang4 n:bed 啃 ken3 v:gnaw ...

On the Naksatras in the Chinese Sutras ... MAO( 昴) KANG) BI( 毕) ...

常见的见组二等字,大家读什么音?_湘语吧... ... 卡 kha kang/kiang 核 hei/hui ...

韩国姓氏的英文拼写_已解决问题_搜狐问答 ... .(郑) Jung .() Kang .(尹) Yoon ...

中文翻译英文名_百度文库 ... KAK 极 KANG KANG 镜 ...

中文翻译英文名_百度文库 ... KANG 更 KANG KAR 贾 ...

军迷细拍日本“日向号”直升机航空母舰 ... ... jian1kang1 分:42 yingean 工 分:1115537 ...

Kang In, Ki Bum and Han Geng did not show up in all the award ceremonies. 强仁,起反,韩庚在年末颁奖礼上并没有出现。
Conclusion This method is simple, re-usable and easy to supply some bases for the identification of Kang Wei Ling Troche. 结论实验方法简便,重现性好,结果准确,可为建立康胃灵片的质量标准提供依据。
Kang said he made it out of his personal love for Iron Man. The suit, weighing 50 kg, took him more than three months to make. 王康说,制作钢铁侠套装是因为喜欢钢铁侠,这套装备重约50公斤,他用了三个多月时间制作完成。
Liu help thank are kang kang to help, is between the socks off the rivalry between the two, two men more slowly become close, later removed. 刘帮感谢正康帮助,对正康刮目相看,两男之间的芥蒂慢慢消弭,后来更成为好友。
The Japanese had begun to use Kang Table before, which is called one of "indispensable warming appliances in cold season" . 日本人从以前就开始使用炕桌,被称为「严寒季节不可缺少的取暖器具」之一。
Kang Mao Paco game library in the city that did not happen due to years of flooding, we thought more paralysis, resulting in large losses. 赛茂康在帕科库市说,由于多年没有发生洪水,大家思想比较麻痹,因而造成较大损失。
Kang Jingdong, an analyst with Cinda Securities, said the outlook for acquisitions like this one was not bright for the industry. 信达证券分析员康敬东说,这次收购对于本行业来说前景并不乐观。
We have talked at length with Comrade Kang Sheng and asked him to hurry to your place by the 12th to confer with you. 我们已和康生同志谈了许多,请他于十二日赶到你们处,和你们会商。
Kang Wai paintings, is a strong regional folk art form of murals, pictures, construction of the complex painting. 炕围画,是地域性很强的一种民间绘画形式,是壁画、年画、建筑彩绘的复合体。
Fortune teller Kang Pan-seok, however, says 2007 is not the super lucky event it's been hyped up to be. 算命先生KangPan-seok说:“2007年并非绝顶地幸运,它被吹得有些离谱了。”
Unlike many Korean actors , Song Kang- Ho did not receive any film studies education before he became an actor . 和大部分韩国演员不同,宋康昊并没有在大学修读电影或进修演技。
Zhuchenzouchen the Yin, Yu Kang Xi's older brother Prince praised the emperor in front of him, "Mind is good, not service and modest. " 诸臣奏称其贤,康熙的哥哥裕亲王也在皇帝面前夸他“心性好,不务矜夸”。
"Chonan Kang" and "Tsuyoshi Kusanagi" . Surely, i am both. But it seems to me that my world has expanded boundlessly from this Hangul name. “韩国刚”与“草弓剪刚”,两个都是我,不过我的世界从“韩国刚”这个名字中扩阔至无限了。
KAG SHUNZI--- The fifteen year-year-old daughter of Sixth-Born Kang, sold to Eunuch Pang to be his wife. 康顺子——女。在第一幕中十五岁。康六的女儿。被卖给庞太监为妻。
DC tells HN to be confidence in the meeting with the board and don't forget that she's Kang Hye Na. Board accept her. 东灿告诉惠娜在董事会上要自信,不要忘了她是江惠娜。董事接受了她。
Outside, I finished mixing mud, inside, the surface of Kang had been removed out completely, and adobes also were ready. 屋外,和好了一摊泥:房里,炕面子完整地掀起来了,土坯也准备好了。
Kang Decoration new international architecture is the main business of the company, the main business office decoration. 康新国际是以建筑家装为主要业务的公司,主要业务为办公室装修。
"Everything is ready, let's begin. " I said, " We need to finish earlier and fire up earlier, or the Kang would not dry. " “东西都准备好了,我们先干吧。”我说,“早完工早点火,不然炕烧不干。”
It was fortunate for Kang Sheng that he died 9 months earlier than Mao Zedong, so that he could keep a fine reputation in his living years. 而康生最幸运的是,他比毛泽东早九个月过逝,因此在有生之年得以保全住自己声望。
It was conducted by his harridan wife Jiang Qing and plotted by his favorite ideologist, security specialist and pimp, Kang Sheng. 它是由他的妻子江青和harridan了他最喜欢的思想家,安全专家和皮条客,康生策划。
"In the coming one or two quarters, it's going to be a seesaw game, " Strategy Analytics director Thomas Kang said Thursday. “在接下来的一到两个季度内会进入拉锯战”StrategyAnalytics公司总监ThomasKang在周四表示。
Kang-pa culture, a branch of Tibetan Culture with its own notable characteristics, is a historical topic and epoch proposition. 康巴文化是我国藏族文化中的一个分支系统,具有较为鲜明的地域特色。
It spent most of its operational life being used to shuttle goods for Davik Kang, the Taris underworld boss during the Mandalorian Wars. 在绝大多数的运行时间中,它都被用来运货给大卫·康,曼达罗瑞安战役期间塔利斯地下世界的头目。
In winter, sleep in very comfortable on such a heatable adobe sleeping platform, because the kang is warm all day. 冬天,睡在这种土炕上很舒服,因为炕上整天都是暖暖的。
Through the study of these contributions can be said of the experience of Feng Kang is the best way to train mathematicians. 通过这些贡献的学习研究可以说冯康的经历是培养应用数学家的最理想的方式。
They saw their mother sitting facing upward on the Kang, unhurriedly shucking peanuts as though nothing had happened. 她们看到,母亲仰坐在土炕上,悠闲地剥着花生,好像什么事情也没有发生。
Kang the "social contract" as part of its so-called "granted civil rights, open parliament" of the basis for the establishment of democracy. 康有为把“社会契约”作为其所谓“授民权、开议会”之民主政治成立的基础。
As she spoke, she pushed Dai YU down on the kang to pinch her cheeks. 一面说,一面走上来,把黛玉按在炕上,便要拧她的嘴。
"Harmony" was the dream and hope of that great Chinese thinker and activist Kang Youwei. 和谐是中国伟大的思想家和活动家康有为先生的梦想和希望。
Inside effluxion of time of post hoc, the HengYang begins to be multifarious and Fuji Kang contact. 此后的一段时间内,衡阳开始频繁与富士康接触。