
美 ['livɪŋz]英 ['li:vɪŋz]
  • n.休假;假期;许可;准许;休假;假期;同意;【台】(前一人击球后)遗留下来的球的位置
  • v.脱离;退出;辞去;遗弃;遗留;委托;遗弃;丢弃
  • 网络离开;离家;离别



v. n.


1.[i][t]离开(某人或某处)to go away from a person or a place


2.[i][t]离开居住地点(或群体、工作单位等)to stop living at a place, belonging to a group, working for an employer, etc.


3.[t]~ sb (for sb)遗弃;丢弃to leave your wife, husband or partner permanently

以后要做的事sth to do later

4.[t]不立刻做;不马上处理to not do sth or deal with sth immediately

处于某种状态;在某地方sb/sth in condition/place

5.[t]使保留,让…处于(某种状态、某地等)to make or allow sb/sth to remain in a particular condition, place, etc.

6.[t]使发生;造成,使留下为(某种结果)to make sth happen or remain as a result

7.[t]留下备用(或销售等)to remain to be used, sold, etc.

8.[t]忘了带;丢下to go away from a place without taking sth/sb with you


9.[t]~ sth剩余;余下to have a particular amount remaining

死后after death

10.[t]~ sb遗下(家人)to have family remaining after your death

11.[t](去世时)遗赠,遗留to give sth to sb when you die

留给某人的责任responsibility to sb

12.[t]把…留交;交托;委托to allow sb to take care of sth


13.[t]递送;递交;投递to deliver sth and then go away


大多数含 leave 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 leave sb in the lurch 在词条 lurch 下。Most idioms containingleave are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampleleave sb in the lurch is atlurch .

leave go (of sth)

松手;撒手;放开to stop holding on to sth

leave it at that

别再说了;到此为止;就这样算了to say or do nothing more about sth

leave it out

(让人停止做某事)行啦,就这样吧used to tell sb to stop doing sth


英语常用单词 - 豆丁网 ... turn v. 旋转 leaving n. 离开 名词 leaver n. 离开的人(常指学校毕业生) ...


初中作文网,中学生作文,初中作文大全 ... 行使( Exercise) 离家( Leaving) 小老鼠在我家( A Mouse In My ...


中学生英语作文范文大全 ... 温暖的家庭- A Warm Family 离别- Leaving- 运动会- A Sports Meet ...


吉姆·契皮尔歌曲试听 吉姆·契皮尔最新专辑Acadia ... Wonderland Tidepool 汐塘奇境 Leaving 离去 Southwest Harbor 西南港 ...


【答案与解析】 B 部分题意:因为几乎所有的一切在死亡面前都会消失殆尽,结果“留下(leaving)”的是真正重要的东西。8.A.di…


无标题文档 ... Having a Nap( 午休) Leaving离园) Good morning. 早上好 ...


(c) 没有能力时离开现场(Leaving):如果他勒索你的时候,你正在赶三个报告、考试又将近、最近刚好又面临搬家、房东又在催 …



Financial shocks also frequently expose fraud and crime, adding to the general sense of unease and leaving the public baying for vengeance. 金融震荡也频繁暴露出欺诈和犯罪,加强了一种不安的总体感觉,并让公众叫嚷着要复仇。
These gases act like the glass of a greenhouse in that they allow energy from the Sun to enter but prevent energy from leaving. 这些气体的行为,如玻璃温室,因为它们允许能源来自太阳的进入,但阻止能源离开。
Leaving the fans out of it, if West is willing to be a consultant, the Lakers had better. 抛开湖人球迷不说,一旦维斯特成为湖人的顾问,湖人将可以更到的请教到他。
"Lisa" was all that Claudia said before dropping the letter and jumping into her car and leaving her house at full speed. “丽莎。”这是克劳迪亚扔下信,跳进汽车时所说的唯一的话,紧接着便全速离开。
That $50 a month leaving your bank account on payday that you barely notice will add up to $600 a year, plus your return on investment. 每月发薪日从你的银行账户里提出拟几乎不注意的50美元,累积起来一年就有600美元,还有你的投资回报。
In modern anti-imperialist struggle against the anti- closure fight against the enemy as a shield, killer, leaving a number of epic stories. 在近代反帝反封斗争中成为对敌斗争的护身符、杀手锏,留下了许多可歌可泣的故事。
If it is cloudy, he will have to take a raincoat or an umbrella with him when he is leaving the house. 如果是阴天,当他离开房子时,他将不得不采穿雨衣或带把雨伞离开家。
For a century and a half, China smarted over its domination by the West, leaving it with a deep sense of humiliation. 一个半世纪以来,中国一直被西方国家在国际上的统治地位和领先优势所刺痛着,这使得他们一直有一种深深的屈辱感。
Singapore is very tough about this sort of army business and my Singaporean colleague had to serve two years after leaving high school. 新加坡对军队的事很严格,我的同事离开高中后曾服役两年。
We were having a meal when he met some of his old friends and went off with them, leaving me in the lurch to pay the bill. 我们在吃饭时,他碰到了几个老朋友,后来和他们一同离去,结果抛下我一人付帐。
Steve: Tom, I'm sorry to tell you I going to be leaving the company. 史提夫︰汤姆,很遗憾告诉你,我要离开这家公司了。
But leaving out my arm, every inch of me is as sore as if I had been fighting with a legion of imps! '' ‘可是除了我的胳臂,我浑身上下都酸痛得好像我跟一大队小鬼打过仗似的。’
Leaving his wife and a baby son, he joined a group of pilgrims, who wandered through the country. 他离开了他的妻子和幼小的儿子,和一批香客一道,走遍了全国各地。
Leaving Bavaria we were once again treated to flat roads, easy-to-follow cycle paths, courteous drivers and the warmth of an Indian summer. 在离开巴伐利亚的时候,我们又一次骑行在平坦而易于识别的自行车专用道上,驾车人都很彬彬有礼,天气像印度一般炎热。
I was summoned to Wuthering Heights, within a fortnight of your leaving us, she said, and I obeyed joyfully for Catherine's sake. 你离开我们以后两星期之内,我就被召到呼啸山庄来了,她说,为了凯瑟琳的缘故,我欢欢喜喜地服从了。
He got to his feet and tried to say something to comfort the lady before leaving. 他站起来想在走之前说点什么来安慰这位太太。
We would be obliged if you could book one economy class seat for him on a flight leaving Guangzhou on or about July 28. 如果你能为他预订1个经济舱的座位,在7月28日当天或者前后几天,飞离广州的话,将不胜感激。
The empty cell membrane of the bacterium may separate off, like the hull of a seed, leaving the spore as a free. round or oval body. 此细菌的空细胞膜象种子壳一样可被分离掉,留下呈圆形或蛋形散粒物的芽孢。
Employee will not be paid in lieu of any outstanding accrued holiday entitlement except on leaving the company. 除非离开本公司,否则员工任何未休完的累计假期的权利将不会由支付薪酬代替。
Keith DID not flinch at the thought of dying. But he hated the possibility of leaving me, and I dreaded it too. 基思并不因为快要死去而畏缩,只是为要离开我而不高兴。我也很害怕。
A week later, he pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident and was given a two-month suspended sentence. 一周后,他承认了肇事逃逸的罪名,被判2个月缓刑。
When he was a child, his father left home leaving him in poverty. 当他还是小孩时,他的父亲离开了家,让他活着穷困中。
I thought of leaving details like remainders of parapets, contours of windows and I try to break in a logical way. 我试着留下一下细节,例如残留的墙,窗户的框架,并用一种理性的方式来破坏它。
The company will be able to prioritize its own shows, leaving local and independent programs to wither. 同时,康卡斯特一家独大,使它能够优先推广自己的节目,扼杀其他独立地方电视台的发展。
Many of the businesses in his Virgin empire have come to a crossroads this year, leaving the entrepreneur with an intimidating to-do list. 其维珍(Virgin)帝国旗下的许多企业今年已走到了十字路口,使这位企业家面临一份紧迫的待做事项清单。
He hurried to the railway station out of breath, only to be told that the train leaving for Shanghai had been away for half an hour. 他上气不接下气地赶到了火车站,不料却被告知开往上海的火车已经离开半小时了。
'We're leaving now because by the time we're ordered to leave, it may not be possible, ' said Ms. Lopez. 妈妈说,我们现在离开,是因为到下令离开的时候可能就走不掉了。
During the hearing you sought from me a means of leaving the court building so as to enable you to avoid the attention of the media. 聆讯期间你们曾要求我作出安排,让你们在离开法院大楼时可以避开记者的注意。
Leaving the page of a book carelessly open, something unsaid, the phone off the hookand the love, whatever it was, an infection. 丢开不经意翻开的书页言不由衷,电话断线这爱,无论怎样,都是一种感染病。
No, we did not. I mean, I heard rumors about her leaving. And I made my decision around January. 不,我们没有。我的意思是,我听到流言说她要离去。我在一月会做决定。