look at

  • na.看;考虑
  • 网络看着;注视;瞧

第三人称单数:looks at 现在分词:looking at 过去式:looked at

look atlook at

look at

七年级英语单词表 ... beach 海滩 look at ;朝---看 group 团体;组 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... so long as 只要,如果;既然 look at 看着;注视;察看 look back 回顾;回想;停止不前 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... so long as 只要,如果;既然 look at 看着;注视;察看 look back 回顾;回想;停止不前 ...


绝望的主妇第一季中英字幕16 - 豆丁网 ... still: 仍然 look at: 考虑 grand: 一千美元 ...

小学英语单词表总汇_百度文库 ... can 能够;可以 look at 看; pear 梨 ...


英语介词搭配一览表[旺旺英语论坛] ... laugh at 因…发笑,嘲笑 look at 看,朝…看,看待 wonder at 对…感到惊讶 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... beach 海滩 look at 看;朝---看 group 团体;组 ...


look是啥意思?_百度知道 ... n. 看;样子;面容 look at v. 看;考虑;着眼于 look for 寻找 ...

But enough of the abstract overview: programmers like to see code, so let's take a look at what Scala can do. 但抽象概述并不够:程序员喜欢看代码,所以让我们来看一下Scala可以做什么。
Let's take at a look at some of the customs of this festival and how people around the country spent this time of family reunion. 让来看看节日的习俗全国上下的人们如何度过合家团聚的时光。
"I've been with him for so long, I can basically look at him and tell what he wants and needs, " Lonnie says. “我跟他一起久了,基本上一看就知道他想什么、要什么。”朗尼说。
People say her face is identical to mine, but I wonder if I'd think it so, if I were able to look at it. 人们说她的脸与我的一模一样,然而如果我自己能够看见的话,我很怀疑自己是否也会这样认为。
Do have a look at the above and tell me how much would you quote me for. 确实有在上述看,告诉我多少钱,你报给我。
Defenders don't run as far when they play in the middle so we'llhave a look at him when he gets back to see if he needs a little break. 当然在中卫这个位置上活动范围不能移动得太远,所以等他回来后我们还有继续观察,看看他是否需要休息。
Well, take a look at me now, Cause I'll still be standing here And you coming back to me is against all odds. 现在请再看我一眼吧因为我一直在这里等你能让你回到我身边,我不计成败只因那是我唯一能做的……
I ll tell you, you look at it, up until Freud, the last century, there was nothing called Psychology or Psychiatry. 我告诉你,你看看,直到佛洛依德。上一世纪,心理学或精神病学还未存在,为甚么?
One night the husband was overcome by curiosity and tried to lift his wife's veil as she slept to take a look at her face. 一天晚上,丈夫难忍好奇,试图趁着妻子睡觉时掀开面纱,看一下她的脸。
( to the old minister)You an honest man. So I want you to take a look at my new cloth and report back to me. (对老大臣说)你是个诚实聪明的人,所以我派你去看一看我的新布料,然后向我汇报。
Usually a study participant would be asked to look at an image and then give it a rating based on how well he or she liked it. 通常,会要求研究对象看一样事物,然后他或她给出对该事物的喜爱程度。
Tommy Haas would have had cause to feel distinctly queasy had he taken a look at them before his semi-final at Wimbledon this afternoon. 在今天下午的温布尔登半决赛前,如果哈斯看了看他和费德勒的统计数字,他可能会找到原因导致他感到明显的不安。
When paying for a taxi, do not look at your wallet as you take out a bill just grab one at random and hand it over. 付钱给出租车司机时不用看你的钱包,只要随意抽出一张钞票递过去就行。
We'll look at ways to ask someone to leave a message, information that should be included in a message, and how to offer help. 我们来看下让某人留言的方法,情况应该包含在信息中,并包括如何提供帮助。
We were asked not to broadcast the interview until another government representative was able to look at it. 他们要求我们直到另一位政府代表能看到采访时才能播放。
Let's take a look at what you would do to send one of these messages into the grid and process the result. 下面我们看看要将这些消息中的一条发送到网格中并处理结果需要如何操作
About a block away, I pulled over to the side of the road to look at my face in the mirror. 开了一个街区后,我把车停在路边,拿出镜子看看自己的脸。
People should be able to look at you and say: "Wow, that really is an old timer, he's been playing from the beginning. " 人们应当看到你就会说“天啊,实在是位老玩家,一开始就玩这游戏了”。
Don't we trust that we are alive and able to look at life in a different way then the one of a computer? 难道我们不相信我们充满活力并有能力用一种不同方式去看世界,然后再考虑电脑的方式?
"That's how you can look at a counter-cyclical stock, it is not going to work as well in a strong economy, " Chang said. Chang说,“这就类似反周期性股票,这类股票在经济强劲时不会有好的表现。”
The nutrition experts are taking another look at how much vitamin D and calcium people should get. 营养专家正在重新看待人们需要多少维他命D和钙。
Hearing of a shop near the school is now in discount, Xiaoye would like to have a look at it with Lily. 听说学校附近的一家商店正在打减价,小叶想跟莉莉一起去看看。
I had to look at what was underneath for a long time. My eyes saw it, but it took a while for my mind to catch up. 我看着石头下的东西许久、许久,我的眼睛早就看到了,但是我的脑子得花一点时间,才能真正意识到是怎么回事。
Every time I look at my team-mates at Manchester on the wall at Milanello I have a bit of envy. 每次我看到悬挂在米拉内洛墙上的那张在曼彻斯特的照片,我都有点嫉妒。
Now that you've taken a look at a brief history of OAGi, you're ready to explore what OAGIS is all about. 看过了OAGi的简史之后,您就可以着手研究OAGIS到底是关于什么。
Bird smiled and said: "Friend, you are mistaken. Do not believe that you look at it out of the wellhead. " 小鸟也笑了,说:“朋友,你是弄错了。不相信,你跳出井口来看一看吧。”
In a week after I die, who would look at me. I phase, the memories left in this world to those traces. 在我死后一个星期,谁会看着我的遗相,回忆着我在这个世界上留下的那些痕迹。
Tomorrow I'll come with you, he had 12 points, we would point out the candles, and I promise you to look at you wish. 明天我就过来陪你,当过了12点后,我们就点上生日蜡烛,我要看着你许下你的心愿。
Lets take a look at me for example. If you've never seen the way I look, take a look at my webpage photo here. . . 拿我来举个例吧。如果你从来没见过我的样子,在这看看我的照片吧。
It isn't all that surprising to hear that men take more risks: Just look at all the male executives who loaded up on subprime mortgages. 男人更愿意冒险之说并不怎麽出人意料:只需看看那些制造了大量次级按揭贷款的男性高管就可以了。