let it be

  • 网络顺其自然;让它去;让它去吧

let it belet it be

let it be


奥斯卡金曲_百度百科 ... 《Last Dance》 最后的舞蹈 《Let It Be顺其自然 《Let us Talk About Love》 让我们谈情说爱 ...


经典英文歌曲My Heart Will Go On 我心永恒 ... let it be me (归我所有) let it be (让它去) let me be there (让我在你身边) ...


Paul Mauriat的全部歌曲 - 一听音乐网 ... C'est La Vie 这就是人生 Let It Be 让它去吧 The Fool 爱的痴狂 ...


谚语日常用语 - 免费文档下载 ... Let's start 开始喽! Let it be 随它去吧 Money talks 金钱万能 ...


无米乐LET IT BE)青春拉拉队(YOUNG AT HEART: Grandma Cheerleaders) 巴西 Only When I dance 韩国 Iron Crows …


您最喜欢的歌曲是什么?_百度知道 ... into the west( 深入西部) let it be( 顺其自然吧) scarborough fair( 斯卡博罗集市) ...


世纪环球在线—公映影片 ... 秘鲁大冒险 JADEO JONES 稍安勿躁 Let it be 敢死队2 The Expendables II ...

We need to know, and let it be known, that doubt is just a feeling that comes to us when we are about to step out of our comfort zone. 我们需要知道,并且深刻了解的一点就是,当我们准备踏出自己的安乐窝,寻找另一片天地时,那种踌躇犹豫的感觉总是如影随形,如期而至的。
Love each other, but don't make it a tie. Let it be a moving ocean between the coasts of your souls. 相互爱,但不要让爱变成锁链,让爱变成你们灵魂之岛间流动的海洋。
Nor, let it be swiftly said, are Locke's looks by any means the only thing he has going for him in the Beijing ambassadorial stakes. 或者,我们可以由此迅速得出结论,骆家辉的长相对于他就任美国驻华大使职务在某种意义上会是唯一有用的吗?
and speak as it seems to thee most just, only let it be with a good disposition and with modesty and without hypocrisy. 说你看来是最恰当的话,只是要以一种好的气质、以谦虚和毫不虚伪的态度说出来。
Let it be quick now, was all I could hope as the flow of blood from my head sucked my consciousness away with it. 让一切快点结束,是我现在全部的愿望。从我的头上流下的鲜血带走了我的意识。
Word of advice, me to you: Let it be. You know, there's some wounds that are just too painful ever to be reopened. 我给你个建议:往事已矣。你要知道,揭旧伤疤是很痛苦的事。
We want a sense of responsibility is rooted in the heart, let it be in our minds a strong sense. 我们要将责任感植根于心,让它在我们的脑海里成为一种强烈的意识。
If it has gone bad, let it be a lesson to you to keep a closer eye on your supplies. 如果它变坏了,就让它当做一个教训来提醒自己要密切关注自己的食品供应。
If she wins, let it be with a fair and open vote that will only add to rather than detract from her legitimacy and effectiveness. 如果她最终胜出,让她通过一场公开公平的投票获胜吧,这只会增强、而非削弱她的合法性与有效性。
"I'm just a peasant, " he said in an interview. "If it's unfair, let it be. " “我只是个农民,”他在采访中说,“如果这是不公平的,那就随它去吧。”
With a new man in the White House, regulators in Washington let it be known that they intended to act with greater vigilance. 随着新人入主白宫,华盛顿的监管者们要让人们知道他们会提高警惕。
As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 他爱咒骂,咒骂就临到他。他不喜爱福乐,福乐就与他远离。
Never expect, never assume, and never demand. Just let it be, because if it's meant to be, it will happen the way you want it to. 永不期待,永不假设,永不强求。顺其自然,若是注定发生,必会如你所愿、、
Come, let us make an agreement, you and I; and let it be for a witness between us. 现在,来,让我们在你我之间立约,作你我之间的证据。
It was so common that people did not bother to mention it ; whenever they used it in a paper they let it be understood. 它普遍到人们都不用费心再去提它;每当他们在论文中用到它时它都为人所理解。
Had Mr. Burton lived, Ms. Taylor let it be known, she might have married him a third time. 泰勒曾称,如果伯顿还在世,她也许会第三次和他结婚。
Dear Ones, let it be said that before you dropped down into the lower vibrations, you were fully aware of your origin as a Spark of God. 亲爱的,说实话,在你们跌入低振动之前,你们完全知道你们起初是上帝的火花。
But let it be so! I did not burden you; but, as some of you say, being crafty, I took you by guile. 罢了!我并没有加给你们担子,你们却有人说,我是狡猾诡诈,用诡计牢笼你们。
Let it be sufficient to say that, on this night, he was still my lighthouse and my albatross in equal measure. 让我们这么说吧,这天晚上,他仍是我的灯塔,也同时是我的包袱。
They've been willing to put their self-esteem in a Cuisinart and let it be chopped and diced and crushed to a pulp. 他们是那群愿意把他们的自尊心放在碾碎机里,任由砍剁,切割,碾压成果汁的人。
But I am asking you to get in this fight as a community, and let it be known to your young people that there are lines you will not cross. 但是我要求你们作为一个社区参与这场斗争,告诉你们的年轻人,有一些界限是不能跨越的。
Let it be said by the way, that this abandonment of children was not discouraged by the ancient monarchy. 附带说一句,那种遗弃儿女的事,在古代君主制度下是丝毫不受歧视的。
Let your personal qualities surpass the requirements of your office. Do not let it be the other way about. 是啊,要让你个人的品质超过你的职责需求,而不是相反。
If diplomacy fails and you decide that the military option is in the end the lesser evil, at least let it be our decision, not theirs. 如果外交上的努力失败了,而你又决定军事行动最终不是很邪恶,至少得让它是从我们嘴里出来的,而不是那群夜色猎人。
If Yahoo is to be sold, let it be sold whole to any company that will take on the risk. 如果雅虎被收购,就把它整体出售给某家愿意承担风险的公司吧。
But in a last word to the wise of these days, let it be said that of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. 但是,让我们给如今的聪明人进最后一言:在所有赠送与接受礼物的人里,夫妻俩是最聪明的。无论在什么地方,夫妻俩是最聪明的。
Get to know it a bit and let it be heard. 试着去了解和倾听它。
Let every priest receive the money from one of the treasurers, and let it be used to repair whatever damage is found in the temple. ' 你们当从所认识的人收了来,修理殿的一切破坏之处。
And if this day is not a fulfillment of your needs and my love, then let it be a promise till another day. 如果这一天不是成全你们的需要和实现我的爱,那么就把今天当做另一天到来的诺言吧。
I wanted to destroy it rather than let it be part of a world where beauty and genius and greatness have no chance. 我不想被束缚到任何我想要摧毁它,而不是让它成为一个世界里的美丽和伟大的天才和没有机会的一部分。