roller coaster

美 [ˈrəʊlərˌkəʊstər]英 [ˈrəʊləˌkəʊstə]
  • n.过山车;〈比喻〉剧烈起伏(的事物)
  • 网络云霄飞车;游乐场过山车;摩天轮

复数:roller coasters

roller coasterroller coaster

roller coaster


1.(游乐场的)过山车,环滑车a track at a fairground that goes up and down very steep slopes and that people ride on in a small train for fun and excitement

2.不断变化的局势a situation that keeps changing very quickly


小学一至五年级英语单词_百度知道 ... robot 机器人 roller coaster 过山车 rain 雨 ...


锦江乐园游乐项目价格 - 上海本地宝 ... 项目 Games 云霄飞车 Roller coaster 儿童天地 Children world ...


英语新闻词汇 - 英语专业 考研论坛 ... 犹太人定居点 Jewish settlement 游乐场过山车 roller coaster 友好城市 sister cities ...


...(Moon Hee Jun) Page Rich 摩天轮 (Roller Coaster) S 神话 (Shinhwa) Sol Flower Super Junior SWI.T t.


请教大家几个游乐园的英语表达_百度知道 ... nightclub 夜总会 roller coaster 环滑车 pirateship 海盗船 ...


roller coaster中文 ... 翻筋斗 tumble 翻滚过山车 roller coaster 翻转 flip- over... ...


牛津初中英语8B单词_百度文库 ... fountain n. 喷泉 7. roller coaster n. 过山车,环滑车 8. speed n. 速度 9. ...

What goes on inside is a mystery, no doubt. Roller coaster ride, I may never work it out. 内心会继续怎么变化是一个秘密,不要怀疑,过山车的刺激,我可能永远都不知道。
Take your dad to the amusement park. Gather your courage and brave a roller coaster with him to show your appreciation. 带父亲去主题公园。鼓起勇气,勇敢地和他一起坐过山车,借以表达你对他的感激。
For as long as he believes that he must plunge to the bottom after soaring to the top, his life will be a dizzy roller-coaster ride. 因为只要他相信他必须在沉到谷底后才能到达顶峰,他的生命就会像做过山车一样,晕头转向。
The last few weeks have been a real roller coaster. 过去的几个星期,形势真是变幻莫测。
While some experts called it a roller coaster kind of day, others were quick to put a calming tone to it. 当一些专家称之为反复不定的一天的时候,其他的人则用平静的口吻来描述她。
For me personally, it was a roller-coaster of a year. 就我个人而言,今年就像做过山车一样。
I worried that the roller coaster would be too scary for her, but she insisted. 我担心过山车对她来说太刺激,她却坚持要玩。
Like a roller coaster, life seems to race into dark valleys of uncertainty, and yet it seems only to inch toward peaks of hope. 人生好像过山车,全速驶向不明朗的幽暗之谷,但面对盼望的高山,却只能寸步而行。
The reason the Keepers give the metaphor of a roller coaster is to make sure you think of this in terms of fun. 保管者以过山车的比喻讲出来是为了让你觉得它很有趣。
Soon you find yourself on an exciting roller coaster ride, known as "dune bashing, " going up and down the dunes. 你很快会发现自己踏上云霄飞车般的刺激之旅,在沙丘间上上下下奔驰,人称这个活动为「飙沙」。
HB: How do you stay grounded and positive when your life has been a bit of a roller-coaster ride the past few years? 在过去的几年中你的生活起起伏伏,你是怎样保持乐观和积极的心态的?(又一个无聊的问题)
It is all planned and for a while it will be a roller coaster ride, but very enjoyable. 这是全部计划好的,暂时它将是一个坐过山车的体验,但很愉快。
We've all had a roller coaster of a time - with the emotions to go with it. 我们都有了一次宛如坐云霄飞车般的经历,情绪也随之大起大落。
The cycle of good and bad fortune is like the rise and fall of a roller coaster: What goes up inevitably comes down. 好运-坏运的周而复始就好像过山车的上升和跌落。上去的必然要下来。
He warned that the moment when the tow plane released us would remind me of going over the top of a roller coaster. 汤普森警告我说,当牵引机在空中将我们释放的时候,那感觉就像是坐过山车到了最高点。
It's scary, exhilarating, and powerful, like the moment on a roller coaster when you're just starting a free fall. 这种感觉,有些不安,有些兴奋,还非常强劲,就象你置身于过山车上,这车刚刚开始自由下降的那个瞬间,你所产生的感觉。
She considered the haunted house to be "highly exciting and entertaining, " like the rush she gets from a roller coaster, Feinstein said. 费因斯坦称,SM女士认为鬼屋之旅“令人十分兴奋和开心”,感觉像坐了一趟过山车一样。
When the roller coaster was at the top, my heart was almost at my throat. 过山车到达最高点的时候,我的心都提到嗓子眼儿了。
The stock market goes up and down like the roller coaster on the beach just up the Pacific from where I am now. 股票市场就如同我现在所处的太平洋沿岸海滩上的云霄飞车一样忽起忽落。
The insight that eventually got me off the roller coaster came from a chance visit to a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. 当我参加一个匿名酗酒者聚会以后,一个深刻的认识让我不再过山车了。
It wasn't great timing, it was like being at the top of a roller coaster and watching it go down. 这并不是一个伟大的时刻,这看起来更像是在过山车的顶端,看着它下去。
HAS this happened to you? You're about to drift off to sleep when suddenly you feel like you're falling or coming down on a roller coaster. 你有否遇到过这种情况?闭眼要睡着的刹那,你突然觉得身体往下掉,就像是从过山车中跌落下去。
The Iraq war has been a nine-year emotional roller-coaster ride for the American people and the military. 九年的伊拉克战争让美国民众和部队在感情上都经历了一种坐过山车的感觉。
I was always the teacher's pet and the quiet type but just between you and me, school was no roller coaster ride. 其实我一直是那种老师很喜欢的安静的学生,但和你们想的一样,上学很无聊,没有过山车等刺激好玩的玩意。
He forced himself to sit next to me on the roller coaster, and I could almost hear his heart beating and racing he was so scared. 在过山车上,他强迫自己坐在我旁边,他非常害怕,我几乎可以听到他心跳的声音。
Suggestions: Think of your voice as a roller coaster ride for your listeners. 把你的声音想象成是在让你的听众乘坐一趟过山车。
He describes releasing the latest book as 'an emotional roller coaster, ' as well as a physically demanding exercise. 他将新书的出版描述成“情感上的过山车”和艰苦的体力活动。
Stock prices took a roller-coaster ride this week -- down one day, up the next. 本周商品价格坐上了过山车-今天下跌,明天上涨。
Try to make your roller coaster ride enjoyable for your particular audience; add some vocal drops, some inclines, and vary your speed. 试着为你这些特别的观众创造一次愉快的过山车旅程;增加一些语调的升降,变化语速。
The company offers an eclectic mix of bargain products and amusements, including a yet-unfinished roller-coaster in downtown Tokyo. 这家公司提供大量各种不同的议价商品和娱乐产品,包括一座建在东京市区但仍未完成的过山车。