
美 [lʌv]英 [lʌv]
  • n.爱;爱人;爱情;(两性间的)恋爱
  • v.爱;爱戴;有…的倾向 (to do) 〔口语〕欢喜;(两性间)爱慕
  • 网络旧爱;爱过;热爱

复数:loves 现在分词:loving 过去式:loved

true love,deep love,pure love,everlasting love,unrequited love
really love,dearly love,love tenderly,deeply love
find love,love woman,send love,inspire love


Bible Quiz ... )..... when the holocaust was offered 在奉献全燔祭时 )..... loved )..... served 事奉 ...


...7年《游戏》(“The Game”) 1997年《旧爱》(“Loved”) 1997年《雨果池事件》(“Hugo Pool”) 1997年《她是如此可爱》(“She's S…


FIR (Fei Er Yue Tuan) - Music, Songs, Albums ... 15.I love the people 我最爱的人 16.Loved 爱过 17.Colored wings 彩色羽翼 ...


英语 描述心情的小词汇_南京江心洲_百度空间 ... lonely 孤独 loved 热爱 M melancholy 悲伤的 ...


Spotty is a l_____dog._百度知道 ... lame. 无趣 loved. 被爱的。 likable. 可爱的 ...


填past 和中文急急急! - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... looked 看 loved 喜欢 made 制作 ...


每一个人的VALENTINE_白鸽子_新浪博客 ... 不至( Should Not) 上帝爱世人loVed) 甚至赐下( gAve) ...


कान्त - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典 ... desired( 渴望的) loved( 所爱的) dear( 珍贵的) ...

People all sympathized with her as she was married to a rich man and she loved a laborer on the farm. 人们都同情她,因为她嫁了个有钱人,可是她爱的是农场的一个工人。
While dancing, he kept telling her about how much he loved her, but she seemed to be deaf to him. 跳舞时,他不停地告诉她他是多麽爱她,但她似乎对他充耳不闻。
From that it had come upon him, with shocking force, that apart from his parents, he had never loved anyone. 他从这一点得到启发,恍然大悟,原来他除了父母亲,谁也不爱。
Symptomatic of this was the Ford Taurus, once America's bestselling car. By early 2000 it had been reduced to a little-loved rental vehicle. 其中一个标志性的事件就是曾经的公司销售之王福特金牛到了2000年初已然只能当没人爱的租赁车了。
When her father asked her to fill in for a reporter who was on leave, she discovered the work she loved doing: writing. 当她的父亲让她替一个正在休假的记者填表的时候,她找到了自己喜爱的工作:写东西。
When a loved one dies, the death becomes an emotional trauma and coping with it takes a great length of time. 心爱人的死亡所造成的情绪创伤需要较长的时间才能克服。
He said I was too short for him. he said he loved another beautiful girl deeply in mind. 他说我太矮了,不配他。他说他爱上他大学里一位漂亮的女生。
Our friendship had crept up on me gradually, until Don had a place in my heart equal to other people I loved. 我们的友情逐渐渗入到我的心灵,直到唐像其他我所爱的人一样,在心中占据了一席之地。
All I wanted to do today was tell him how much we all loved, cherished and respected him. 此时此刻我想做的就是告诉他我们多爱他珍惜他尊重他
Catherine loved it too: but she said it sounded sweetest at the top of the steps, and she went up in the dark: I followed. 凯瑟琳也很喜欢,但是她说在楼梯顶上去听会更好听,于是她转身走进了黑暗中。我也跟着她出来了。
Female, African-american. I think he is one of the best actors out there! I loved him in Infernal Affairs, one of my favorite movies. 女性,非裔美国人。我想他是目前最好的演员之一!我爱《无间道》里的他,那是我最喜欢的电影之一。
And she told Him she loved Him. Throughout her entire battle, she remained happy and trusting, telling everyone how good God was to her. 在最后的挣扎里,她一直乐观,并坚持的信仰,不断地告诉别人上帝待她如何好。
Men of their dignity than anything important, no matter how much in private, he has loved you, how afraid of you. 男人对自己的尊严看得比什么都重要,不管在私下他有多么宠爱你,多么怕你。
All you loved was Mel B's money , I didn't see that you could never be the type of man to meet my need . 你只是看中了我的财富,你永远都不可能成为心中的标准男人。
There was no other way to go. Margie had plenty of space in her home, and she loved the idea of having them close. 没有别的办法,玛吉家里地方也大,她也愿意让孩子们和她住的近点儿。
In recovery, I realized that although I had looked to Colorado as an escape, it also provided me with an experience of life that I loved. 在康复过程当中,我认识到尽管科罗拉多对我来说是一种逃避,但它也提供了我所挚爱的生活体验。
He had already spent five years in London, which he loved, and was a well-read, deep-thinking, cosmopolitan guy. 他曾经在他所热爱的伦敦生活过五年,他博览群书,见地深刻,是个四海为家之人。
the sea, that piece of full of affection sea, is only the cradle which no longer was we once loved. 海,还是那片多情的海,只是不再是我们曾经爱的摇篮。
"I loved playing games with girls and was happy to be around boys, " he said. “我喜欢和女孩玩游戏,并很愿意做一个离群的男孩。”回忆起往事,小毅颇有感触。
The verdict on Mr Fuld, that he was driven not by greed but by "an overpowering desire to preserve the firm he loved" , seems too gentle. 在写到富尔德的判决时,说富尔德犯罪不是因为贪婪,而是因为“保护自己所钟爱的公司的强烈的愿望”,这似乎过于温和了。
I'm sorry for your loss of Mimi, she was lucky to have spent many years with a family that loved her, My thoughts all with you. 对你失去的咪咪我很遗憾,她很幸运,与一个爱她的家庭一起生活了许多年。祝你平安
Angel's face as she let me upside down, how much I loved her, ah, but the situation unthinkable. 她天使一样的面庞让我神魂倒置,我多么喜欢她啊,可我现在的状况令我想都不敢想。
My life feels so empty. I don't think anyone knew how much we loved each other. The purest most giving love I've ever known. 人们不会了解我们的感情有多么深,这是世间最纯净的爱,上帝啊,我会想死他的。
Is it really any coincidence that at least seven of his biggest movies have been about him gaining revenge for the loss of a loved one? 难道他在七部大片里都上演为失去的爱人复仇的剧情是个巧合?
Every time the patient is hospitalized, her daughter sends words through her husband, telling her how much she is loved and missed. 每次她住院,女儿总是会透过爸爸代为传达对她的关心和想念。
That if you were doing what you loved, you might be able to stay closer to home or work at home. 如果你做你喜爱的事情,你也许可以呆在离家很近的地方工作。
The relationship between our families and loved ones is something that money cannot buy and no one knows how much time we have left! 我们的家庭和我们的爱都是用钱买不到的,而且没有人知道我们还剩下多少时间!
If he were a girl, he would be loved by his parents. 如果他是个女孩的话,他就会得到父母的宠爱了。
She told me how much she loved me and made it clear she and my dad would have no problem if I turned out to be gay. 她告诉我她有多么爱我,并且让我明白,无论最后我是否成为同性恋,她和老爸都不会有任何异议。
Be uplifted by acknowledging you own place in the scheme of things, because each and every one of you is equally loved. 你们通过在已筹划好的事件中接受你们自身的位置而被提升,因为你们中的每个人都是“同等”的被爱着。