
英 ['maikrəusɔft]
  • n.微软公司



"At the end of the day, Microsoft does not pay taxes in France, " he said. "They pay the lower taxes through Microsoft Ireland. " “在结账的时候,微软并没有在法国完税,”他说。“他们通过微软爱尔兰公司支付较低的税额。”
Microsoft further extended this idea by putting programs into a sort of menu mode as soon as you click once on any menu. 微软进一步扩展了这种理念,你在任何菜单上单击,程序就转换为一种菜单模式。
cameron knew he had to be able to quickly and easily access all that information or risk disaster, he told a microsoft film crew in 2008. 2008年,卡梅隆对于微软取景组的成员说,他必需可以兴许迅速便捷地获取所有的信息,不然他将面对于灾祸。
Finally, let's take a look at the war of words waged by Microsoft and Google as they try to win the battle of public perception. 最后,让我们看一看为了赢得公众的认可,微软和谷歌发表的一些言论。
Microsoft used to be known as the Great Satan when it came to enterprise operating systems. 微软在进入企业操作系统领域的时候被认为是大恶魔。
The whiteboards in some Microsoft offices have the ability to capture an image and send it up to the computer, almost like a huge Tablet PC. 在微软一些办公室里的白板还能保存下图像然后上传到电脑上,就好像一个巨大的平板式电脑。
A little over a year ago, Apple overtook Microsoft Corp. , grabbing the title of the world's most highly valued technology company. 就在一年多前,苹果公司超越微软(MicrosoftCorp.),夺下了全球市值最高的科技公司的称号。
These reports can be exported to HTML or Microsoft Excel, and filtered to see just the information that you want. 可以将这些报告导出至HTML或MicrosoftExcel,也可对报告进行过滤以便只查看需要的信息。
Bill Gates has just retired from Microsoft, the company he founded and the company that made him the richest man in the world. 比尔盖茨刚刚从微软退休,他创办的公司,该公司使他最富有的人在世界上。
MSBuild introduces a new XML-based project file format that is simple to understand, easy to extend, and fully supported by Microsoft. MSBuild引入了一种新的基于XML的项目文件格式,这种格式容易理解、易于扩展并且完全受Microsoft支持。
Microsoft designed the update rollup to make it easy to keep Windows 2000-based computers up to date. Microsoft设计此更新汇总是为了更容易让基于Windows2000的计算机保持最新。
Microsoft (MSFT) has two massive platforms in Windows and Xbox, and has been thrashing about for a decade trying to build one in mobile. 微软(Microsoft)已经坐拥Windows和Xbox系统两大平台,在过去10年间一直卧薪尝胆,试图在移动终端在搭建一个新的平台。
It's nice to see Microsoft stepping up to the bar and offering its own version. 看到微软也朝这个方向迈出了自己的脚步,这真让人高兴。
Pictured above and below, Microsoft seems to have their top-secret data center organization down to an art. 从上面的和下面的图片来看,微软对他们高度机密的数据中心的组织管理已经驾轻就熟。
The question now is how much, and how fast, Microsoft can capitalize on that market share. 问题在于,微软能在多大程度上、在多快的时间里善用诺基亚的市占率优势。
To put it another way, while Google has been trying to eat Microsoft's lunch, maybe it makes sense to have a bite of Oracle's as well. 换句话说,虽然谷歌一直在尝试争夺微软的地盘,如果和甲骨文(Oracle)拼一拼,或许也是有道理的。
Microsoft's bid for Yahoo is thus a tacit, and difficult, admission that the company did not get its online business right. 微软竞购雅虎如此低调,并且困难,承认公司的线上业务运作不正确。
But beyond specific conditions imposed on the company, the case did seem to alter Microsoft's behavior, taming its ruthless drive. 但是如果在一个特定的状况下强加于一个公司,这个案件的却能够改变微软的行为,并且将其霸道的行为进行一定的收敛。
Despite the skepticism, Microsoft said it was increasing production of the Surface and expanding distribution to more stores. 尽管遭到质疑,但微软表示正在加大Surface平板电脑的产量,让更多商店销售这款电脑。
He said Microsoft did not respond to that price other than to withdraw its offer. 他说,微软没有对这个价格给予回应,直接就撤销了收购。
Goldman put Microsoft on its top stock picks list -- calling it a "conviction buy" last month. 高盛将微软置入其优选股票之列,并在上月将该股纳入“确定购买”名单。
Gates's dream is to make every family and every one has a computer desk, so Microsoft's direction is to make personal computers easy to use. 盖茨的梦想是让每一个家庭和每一张办公桌上都有一台电脑,所以微软的方向是要让个人电脑易学易用。
The security settings affect the ability to call the Microsoft Win32 API or other APIs that cannot be verified by the security system. 安全性设置会影响对安全系统无法验证的MicrosoftWin32API或其他API进行调用的能力。
Watching Microsoft in the company of Google and Facebook is a bit like watching your dad trying to be cool. Goole和Facebook公司看微软就有点像一个年轻人在看他那试图装嫩的老爸。
Microsoft's customers and partners have made it clear that they want Windows on their Netbooks and Nettops, he said. 他表示,微软的消费者与盟友清楚表达,希望他们使用的Netbook和Nettop灌有Windows。
Their centralized management of the company started to break down in the late 1990s as Microsoft grew in complexity. 随着公司结构的日益复杂,他们这种集中化的管理方式在上世纪90年代末开始瓦解。
Microsoft executives left no doubt that they had been forced to act after losing ground to Google in the online advertising business. 微软高管明确表示,在在线广告业务失利于谷歌后,他们被迫采取行动。
Take Microsoft's Bill Gates: he retired in 2008 at the ripe old age of 52 to run his own charity with his wife. 如微软的当家人比尔.盖茨,在他52岁退休时就和他的妻子一起开始经营起了慈善事业。
This ownership of the desktop means that when Microsoft comes out with a new framework, it has a major impact. 台式机系统占用率的绝对优势意味着,当Microsoft推出新框架时,它就会有着巨大的影响。
After more than a year of quiet work, Microsoft is expected to launch a test version of its first Internet search engine later this week. 经过1年多的准备之后,微软公司将在11月11日发布其互联网搜索引擎。