
美 [nɜrv]英 [nɜː(r)v]
  • n.神经;勇气;神经质;神经紧张
  • v.鼓足勇气;振作精神
  • 网络胆量;精力;叶脉

复数:nerves 现在分词:nerving 过去式:nerved

sensory nerve,raw nerve,degenerative nerve
lose nerve,touch nerve


n. v.

1.[c]神经any of the long threads that carry messages between the brain and parts of the body, enabling you to move, feel pain, etc.

2.[pl]神经质;神经紧张feelings of worry or anxiety

3.[u]勇气;气魄the courage to do sth difficult or dangerous

4.[sing][u](informal)鲁莽;冒失;厚颜a way of behaving that other people think is rude or not appropriate


be a bag/bundle of nerves

非常紧张to be very nervous

get on sbs nerves

烦扰;使心神不定to annoy sb

have nerves of steel

意志坚强;沉着冷静to be able to remain calm in a difficult or dangerous situation

hit/touch a (raw/sensitive) nerve

触及要害;触动痛处to mention a subject that makes sb feel angry, upset, embarrassed, etc.


神字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 神京〖 capital〗 神经nerve〗 神经病〖 neuropathy〗 ...


见崎鸣_百度百科 ... M - mistery( 神秘) N - nerve勇气) O - ocean( 海洋) ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词 - 豆丁网 ... adj. char 烧焦 vi. nerve 神经;胆量 n. scissors 剪刀 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... appreciate vt. 欣赏;评价,鉴别 nerve n. 神经,勇气,精力 approach vt. 走近,接近, …


地质英语_百度文库 ... neritic sediments 浅海沉积 nerve 叶脉 nesosilicates 岛状硅酸盐 ...


蓝宝GRE笔考词汇突破核心词汇 - 免费文档下载 ... embolden 使大胆 nerve 鼓起勇气 encourage 激励 ...


郑允浩 - 搜搜百科 ... Leader( 队长) Nerve( 魄力;给人勇气) Rap( 饶舌) ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... aux.v. 必须 n.需要物 nerve n. 勇气;沉着 nose n. 鼻子;鼻状物,前端突出部 ...

Speaking out usually involved what was for me a slightly nerve-wracking trip to the front of the class. 口语表达通常还要在全班同学面前用汉语表达自己,这对我来说是个颇有些让人紧张的部分。
I got up the nerve to ask him if his name was Mr. Gillespie, and if he had been in a coma about five years ago. 我鼓起了勇气,问他是否是吉莱斯皮先生,他是否在5年前昏迷过。
Today George Miller actually had the nerve to ask me to go the the Christmas dance with him! 今天乔治米勒居然敢来邀我和他一起去参加圣诞节的舞会。
A denervation of the cardiac sympathetic nerve seems to be the primary genesis of the attack in a patient prone to such events. 阿神经心脏交感神经似乎主要成因攻击病人容易发生此类事件。
I've known that for a long time, even though I didn't have the nerve to speak to you sooner or to come to an understanding with you. 很早我就知道这一点了,尽管我没有勇气早点向你表白,或者求得你的理解。
He found that it took a tenth of a second for a signal to travel down the nerve to the muscle. 他发现一个信号从神经传递到肌肉需要十分之一秒。
So you see, two, an enemy of political bottom line, the bottom line of a missile defense system, Russia extend to the most sensitive nerve. 所以你看,两条,一个敌人政治底线,一个反导系统底线,都触及到了俄罗斯最最敏感的神经。
Branches of peripheral nerve are invaded by nests of malignant cells. This is often why pain associated with cancers is unrelenting. 神经末梢被恶性肿瘤细胞浸润,形成癌巢,这也是癌症病人晚期顽固性疼痛的原因。
I think I need to stop staring at his name. I'm getting punchy. But I still don't have the nerve to ask him out. 我不能再盯着看他的名字,我有点控制不住了,但是我还是害怕去约他。
Jack got up the nerve to ask Ruth to dance with him. 杰克鼓足勇气请露丝和他跳舞。
She thought over this week after week, after the advent of Louise , trying to nerve herself to the point where she could speak or act. 露意丝来过之后,她接连把这事想过几个礼拜,总想能够有勇气说几句话,或者简直行动起来。
If I lend my nerve to you so you dare to make a bit of bore to me ~? 如果我把我的胆借你,你敢再无聊一点吗?
Axons are the long slender projections that transmit nerve-cell impulses to the rest of the body, controlling movement. 轴突是一个细长的传导物质,将神经细胞的脉动传送至身体各部分,从而控制身体的动作。
And sixth, these modular genes seem to be involved in the crucial job of linking nerve cells together through junctions called synapses. 其六,这些模块化的基因似乎涉及了一项重要任务——通过被称作神经突触的区域将神经细胞连接起来。
Moved to touch the hearts of every part of this nerve, the scenes flash of light, life-like eyes flashed. 心底的这份感动触及每处神经,人生中的一幕幕电光石火般的闪现眼前。
In this case of temporary vocal fold paralysis, there was no invasive procedure to directly damage the nerve. 在这种情况下的临时声带麻痹,没有侵入性程序,直接损害神经。
I don't know, I'm really shy. It's really hard for me to get up the nerve to ask someone for help. 我不知道,我非常害羞。对我来说很难鼓起勇气向别人求助。
But relying on allies who do not wish to come forward until the last minute is always a nerve-racking proposition. 但是依赖那些直到最后一分钟才会提出讨论的同盟恐怕是件伤脑筋的事。
The young lady got up the nerve to ask Tiger Woods to dance with her. 那位年轻的女士鼓足勇气请求老虎·伍兹与她共舞。
One night I was out with a friend, and I saw a woman I wanted to ask out, but I just couldn't build up the nerve to do it. 一天晚上我跟一个朋友出去,我发现了一个我很想泡的女人,但我实在不能鼓起勇气去跟她搭话。
But when Tom did finally work up the nerve to call Sara, her roommate told him she was in Santa Fe for the weekend. 但是,当汤姆最后鼓起勇气,给萨拉打了电话,她的室友告诉他,她正在圣达菲过周末。
A fellow would have to be pretty light-footed on the dance floor to have the nerve to ask her for a spin around the room. 只有那些在舞场上的脚步轻盈的小伙子才有勇气邀请她,跟她绕舞厅回旋一曲。
The numbness may also be the result of something more, like an illness, tumor or nerve condition. 麻木也可能是其他原因造成的,象疾病、肿瘤或者是神经问题。
It is often characterized with lymphocyte tumours in peripheric nerve, gonad, iris, muscle, skin and other viscera of chicken. 特点是病鸡的外周神经、性腺、虹膜、各种脏器、肌肉和皮肤等发生淋巴细胞浸润,肿大,形成肿瘤。
After surgery there was no complication except for a change for the worse of unilateral mental nerve hypoesthesia. 手术后没有任何并发症,除非改变恶化的单方面精神神经感觉迟钝。
Electrical activity in the form of nerve impulses being sent and received to and from cortical neurons is always present, even during sleep. 大脑皮层神经元不停地发送、接收神经冲动信号,即使在睡觉时也不例外。
He and I were always kidding around, but he never could get up the nerve to ask me out. 我们俩总是开开玩笑什么的,不过他没敢约我出去。
Crucially, Greek banks also depend on depositors keeping their nerve. So far they have pulled less than a fifth of their money out of banks. 重要的是希腊银行也依赖于储蓄用户,到目前为止,他们从银行取出不足存款的五分之一。
She said doctors hit a nerve in her leg, causing her discomfort and digestive problems. 她说医生触及她腿上的一根神经,导致她身体不适,出现消化问题。
Eventually, she gathered the nerve to ask him on a date, but B. B. coughed into his fist and said he already had a girlfriend. 最后,她鼓足了勇气要和他约会,可是博博用拳头挡在嘴边咳了咳,说他已经有女朋友了。