not yet

  • adv.还没有;也不
  • 网络还没呢;尚未;袅袅夕阳情

not yetnot yet

not yet


我的博客 - 王者天下 - 网易博客 ... 10. Not bad. 还不错。 11. Not yet还没。 12. See you. 再见。 ...


yet_百度百科 ... nor yet 也不 not yet 尚未,还没有 yet awhile (用于否定句)还要一段时间,还要一会儿 ...


英语口语8000句_百度百科 ... The bath is ready.( 洗澡水烧好了。) Not yet.( 还没呢。) Salisbury steak.( 吃汉堡肉饼。) ...


yet_百度百科 ... nor yet 也不 not yet 尚未,还没有 yet awhile (用于否定句)还要一段时间,还要一会儿 ...


...明 \ 没有季节的小墟 1161 \ 黑泽明 \ 袅袅夕阳情(Not Yet) 1162 \ 黑泽明 \ 八月狂想曲 1163 \ 黑泽明 \ 乱(Ran) \ 3vcd 1164 \...


现今,我们生活在“已经”(already)和“还未”(not yet)之间,在“记忆”(memory)与“盼望”之间:也就是在时间当中。我们会一直转变…


快乐说... ... Have you finished already? 你已经浇完了? Not yet. 还不能。 I must water the garden first. 我得先给花园浇水。 ...

He said the Pentagon had not yet assessed the damage that the missiles had caused and would not be able to do so until dawn broke in Libya. 五角大楼尚未评估这些导弹的破坏,也无法这样做,直到利比亚天亮再说。
We are not yet prepared to take the question of sole agent into consideration for the time being. 咱们目前还不预备斟酌有关独家代理的问题。
But those who had loved Marguerite were beyond counting, and those whom she had loved had not yet begun to be counted. 但是那些爱过玛格丽特的人是不计其数的,而被她爱过的人则还没有计算呢。
Mr Zhou said the fund did not yet know how such partnerships would be structured. 周超表示,该基金还不知道这种伙伴关系的结构将是怎样的。
But it found little investor interest in the United States for an early-stage medical device company that had not yet made a profit. 但公司发现,国内没什么投资者对自己这种处于起步阶段还未获得盈利的医疗设备公司感兴趣。
Typically, you add an Assert. Inconclusive statement to a test that you are still working on to indicate it is not yet ready to be run. 通常,向仍在处理的测试添加Assert.Inconclusive语句可指示该测试尚未准备好,不能运行。
The company said it had not yet set a business plan for 2009. 现代汽车尚未订定2009年的业务计划。
Beckham has not yet commented if it was the bracelet that helped him get back to peak fitness and finally back on the field in September. 贝克汉姆并没有发表言论证实,到底是不是能量手环帮助他重回巅峰状态,并最终在九月回到赛场。
He will once more be free to stand, seems to have right of first refusal and has not yet made his choice clear. 如今再次拥有参选自由的普京,似乎有优先决定权,而且尚未表明自己的选择。
Terry vaidya said the exact cause of the accident has not yet been identified, and said he will soon rushed to the scene of the accident. 特里维迪说,事故发生的准确原因目前还未查明,并表示他将尽快赶往事故现场。
You can hardly call them winners, of course, but it's not yet certain just how much they may have lost. 你很难称他们为赢家,当然,也很难确定他们会失去多少。
As a unified national carbon trading market system has not yet been developed, China is at the bottom of global carbon trading chain. 由于尚未建立碳交易市场体系,我国被迫处在全球碳交易产业链的最底端,丧失碳交易定价话语权。
I do not believe you could, said the father, but the agreement was that you are not to know not yet. 我也这样认为,父亲说,但是协议上说你不能知道还不到时候。
The Soviet Union needed no growth in its military capabilities to attack it even if it was not yet strong enough to take on the west. 苏联无需等到自己的军事力量进一步增长,它现在就有能力进攻它,虽说它还没有强大到足以与西方较量的程度。
The turtles have not yet been named. Jacoby has not said how much they were purchased for. 这对乌龟尚未取名,杰克比并未透露水族馆花了多少钱购买这对乌龟。
He said that Joule did not yet have a proved process, but that it had strong research and development capabilities. 他说尽管Joule公司还没有一个被检定的工序,但是它的研发能力很强。
A spokeswoman said the ASRM had not yet been served with the lawsuit as far as she knew. 一位女发言人说,据她所知,ASRM尚未接受诉讼。
And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance. 以色列人中其馀的七个支派还没有分给他们地业。
A Disney spokeswoman the studios had not yet filed for co-production status but did not respond to requests for clarification. 迪士尼的一名发言人说,上述三家公司还没有为该片申请合拍片身份,但她没有回复记者提出的进一步澄清问题的请求。
But companies said it was clear that world leaders had not yet done enough to underwrite a radical change in business strategy. 但企业表示,明显的是,各国领导人在支持商业战略重大转变方面做得还不够。
The sun had been up for several hours and the mist had not yet gone, and the river, like some mysterious being, flowed on. 太阳已经出来了好几个小时,而雾还没有散去,那条河就像某种神秘的存在一样,继续向前流去。
I knew he wanted to ask about a project I had not yet finished. 我知道他要问我一个尚未完成的项目的情况。
As good as the idea sounds, you won't be able to use your iPhone or iPad as a remote for the Apple TV (not yet, at least). 听起来是个好主意,你不可以使用你的iPhone或是iPad来作为苹果TV的遥控器,(至少现在不能)。
It is not yet clear how much worse things will get as existing stocks run down. 随着现有库存的减少,事态会发展到多严重现在仍不明确。
The boat, ready, waiting and capable of transporting you to new shores, is also clearly visible, though the sail has not yet been raised. 船,已就位,等待着、且有能力将你们转移至新的海岸,这也是显而易见的,即使帆还没有升起来。
And gave Rachel one last look of love, knowing (as she did not yet know) that this would be the last look of love I would be giving her. 我满含爱意地最后看了蕾切尔一眼,心里明白(而她还不知道)这就将是我带着爱意看她的最后一眼。
Don Carty, chairman of Dell's audit committee, said the company had not yet come to any conclusions about possible misstatements. 戴尔审计委员会主席唐•卡蒂(DonCarty)表示,公司目前尚未就可能的误报得出任何结论。
all this , be it remembered , was the enterprise of a boy who had not yet reached our school - leaving age. 要记住,所有这些都是一个尚未达到离校年龄的孩子干的事。
When I looked out into the early morning the sky was full of a gray dawn light but the sun had not yet risen. 清晨我向外眺望,但见天空布满灰朦朦的曙光,只是太阳还没有升起。
Mr McCain is certainly the right man for the Republicans, but we are not yet ready to endorse him for the presidency. 麦凯恩无疑是共和党阵营中脱颖而出的最佳人选,但是我们还不能就此对公众宣布他已经是总统职位的继任者。