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new york times


纽约时报》(New York Times):通过这部电影,会让你对自己往后的行为进行约束,但同时,也会让低迷的你振作起来, …


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这本书在该年6月就进入纽约时代杂志(New York Times)销售排行榜,并且盘据榜上直到该年年底。戴尼提吸引了广大群众使用 …


THE... ... WHAT’S THE SECRET? 什么是秘密?? ◤NEW YORK TIMES 纽约时报书榜冠军 ◤Wall Street Journal 华尔街日 …

Like the journalist he had meant to be, before the New York Times turned him down, he always tried to talk to locals. 他像一名记者一样---他本可以成为一名记者的,纽约时报拒绝了他----总是试着和当地人交谈。
Mr Buffett acknowledged as much in his column for The New York Times and advised investors not even to try to time the market. 巴菲特在为《纽约时报》撰写的专栏上也承认这一点,他建议投资者根本不要在入市时机上费神。
It's as if The New York Times were to stamp its scoops "internal reference reports" and file them to President Obama. 这就像是《纽约时报》给奥巴马总统递上信息,上面盖了章写着“内参报告”一样。
But then, three years later, the murky details of this operation surface on the front page of The New York Times. 不过,三年之后,这项行动中那些不为人知的细节将出现在纽约时报的头版。
It was announced on the New York Times this was happening at least an hour prior to the official live speech during the news. 这是在纽约时代周刊上发布的,至少比澳洲的官方现场演说早了一个小时。
As the New York Times put it, he "struggled for much of his life with his weight, with alcohol and with persistent tales of womanizing. " 纽约时报描述称,“他的一生都在和体重,酒精和女性化的传说做斗争。”
Manhunt is a New York Times Bestseller and is now to be adapted into a forthcoming film starring Harrison Ford. 《追捕》是《纽约时报》上的畅销书,即将被改编成一部由哈里森•福特担纲主演的电影。
And I spent seven years of my life in the Middle East. I was the Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times. 而且作为纽约时报中东办事处的负责人,我在中东地区呆了整整7年。
"Exhibit A, " he said, and my heart rate increased, but all he held up was a rumpled New York Times. “展品A,”他说,我的心率开始加速,不过他举出来的只是一张皱巴巴的《纽约时报》。
The New York Times endorsed that candidate while they sat on this story, and now with utter predictability they are trying to destroy him. 《纽约时报》曾搁置这个故事以支持该候选人,但现在完全可预测他们正在试图毁掉他。
For an app with as much information as the New York Times', users are bound to have their favorite sections. 像NewYorkTimes’这样提供如此之多信息的应用软件,用户一定有自己最喜欢的版块。
"A poem turned into a sword" was the New York Times's verdict, while one critic compared her to James Joyce. 纽约时报称之为“形同一把剑的一首诗歌”,一位评论家将其与詹姆斯.乔伊斯比较。
So said Paul Krugman, the Princeton economics professor and New York Times columnist, long before he took up journalism. 远在投身新闻业之前,普林斯顿经济学教授兼《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)专栏作家保罗-克鲁格曼(PaulKrugman)就说过这样的话。
All the words uttered in his evening newscast would not fill even the front page of the New York Times. 他在晚间新闻里说的话还不够纽约时报头版的篇幅。
If the New York Times description of the military endgame around Tripoli is accurate, NATO air power alone did not win the war. 如果《纽约时报》关于的黎波里最后的战役的描述是准确的,那赢得这场战争不不仅仅是北约的空中力量。
The New York Times scolded puritanically that although the exhibit "might have seemed indulgent a year ago, today it looks delusional" . 《纽约时报》尖刻地批评道,虽然这样的展会“在一年前显得骄纵,但如今去却似妄想。”
The bank on Friday was in negotiations with a collection of sovereign wealth funds in Asia and the Middle East, The New York Times reported. 纽约时报报道说,这家银行周五还在与一些亚洲和中东的主权投资基金谈判。
In June, Shafii told the New York Times that he had not been able to meet with the two men since taking up their case in late 2009. 6月,沙非曾告诉《纽约时报》,自从2009年接手这个案子之后他还没能和自己的委托人见过面。
A statement given to the New York Times newspaper said the family wanted to know why the al-Qaeda leader had not been captured alive. 给《纽约时报》的一份声明说,他的家人们想知道为什么基地组织的领导没有被生擒。
This June, The New York Times reported that about 15 percent of married couples had not done the deed in the past six months to a year. 今年6月,《纽约时报》报道,15%的已婚夫妇在过去六个月至一年内没有性生活。
Eventually it was even written up in the New York Times that this review wasn't getting published, so finally some version of it did appear. 后来,《纽约时代》甚至详细描述了这篇评论如何没有得到发表,最后出现了各种版本的故事。
Increasing evidence shows that the long periods of bed rest can be harmful to the health of a pregnant woman, the New York Times reports. 据《纽约时报》报告:越来越多的证据表明长时间的卧床休息对孕妇的健康有害。
"The Sphinx has thus emerged into the landscape out of shadows of what seemed to be an impenetrable oblivion, " the New York Times declared. “斯芬克斯从此从看似不可摧毁的遗忘阴影中解脱,成为了一处景观。”当时的《纽约时报》如此宣称。
A week later, the New York Times announced that Robert E. Peary had been the first man to reach the North Pole. 一个星期后,纽约时报宣布罗伯特皮尔里是第一个到达北极的人。
One person familiar with the matter said the company was discussing with the New York Times how it could charge for news through iTunes. 一名知情人士表示,该公司正在与纽约时报讨论它可以怎样通过iTunes向新闻内容收费。
It was one of the best-sellers on the New York Times list. 它是纽约时报排行榜上最畅销的一本书
The New York Times conducted its own investigation, producing similar results that seem to implicate He and two other members of the team. 《纽约时报》也展开自己的调查,得出相似的调查结果——何可欣与队中其他两名队员一样未达到参赛年龄。
Arnett is a psychology professor at Clark University whose work was the subject of a recent New York Times Magazine cover story. Arnett是克拉克大学的心理学教授,他的主要研究方向登上了近期的《纽约时报杂志》封面故事。
One warm spring day, he took her to a town house he saw in the New York Times. 阳春三月的一天,他带她去看一所从《纽约时报》上看到的房子。
The New York Times Bestseller List is the list of the top selling books in the United States and is published weekly by the New York Times. 《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)畅销书排行榜是美国地区最畅销图书的排行榜,由《纽约时报》每周发行。