
美 [nest]英 [nest]
  • n.窝;鸟巢;巢穴;鸟窝
  • v.筑巢;巢居;嵌套(信息)
  • 网络雀巢

复数:nests 现在分词:nesting 过去式:nested



n. v.

3.[sing]藏匿处;秘密窝点a secret place which is full of bad people and their activities

4.[sing]家;安乐窝the home, thought of as the safe place where parents bring up their children

5.[c][ususing](套叠在一起的)一套物件a group or set of similar things that are made to fit inside each other

人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... night 夜晚 nest 鸟窝, pear 梨 ...

高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... nervous a. 紧张不安的 nest n. 巢; net n. 网 ...


鸟字组词_百度知道 ... 鸟兽散〖 (ofhumanbeings)scatterlikebirdsandanimals〗 鸟巢nest〗 鸟道〖 dangerouslynarrowhillpat…


北斗星 - 北斗星 - 网易博客 ... reassign: 重新分配 nest: 嵌套 feature: 功能,特性 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... nerve 神经;情绪;勇气,胆量 nest 窝,巢 v.筑巢 net 网,网状物 ...


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... night 夜晚 nest 鸟窝,巢 pear 梨 ...




酒吧高级查询结果 ... 愉悦 Enjoy 巢穴 Nest 人群 Group ...

Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches. 从顶部看,体育馆好像是覆盖着一张灰色的钢网,看起来正像是用树枝搭成的鸟窝。
" Little crow like: " This is the next boss will repair, do not they nest so broken, it is possible to live in it? 小乌鸦想:“这下老大一定会修了,难道窠这样破了,它还能住吗?”
The poor Swede found himself in a hornet's nest; everyone in the place hated him, particularly his shipmates. 可怜的瑞典人这才发现自己惹出了大乱子,在场的每个人都恨他,特别是和他在同一条船上的水手。
When they had picked up the food, he caught them and made them return through a different channel, which also led to the nest. 当它们获取食物后,就把它们捉住,让它们通过另一条通往蚁巢的沟返回。
Africa, of course, is not Atlanta, and Coke is, in a sense, sticking its hand into a bees' nest to get some honey. 非洲当然不是亚特兰大,但可口可乐坚持伸进蜜蜂巢里去拿蜂蜜。
Well, maybe it is not the best example of Hudecs work but it was the nest where some of the citys greatest architectural gems were hatched. 它可能并非邬达克建筑的最佳代表,但一些城市建筑珍宝却从这个屋子里孕育成形。
In truth, a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in forest; how much water does a mole can drink? A skinful of water at most. 老实说,鹪鹩在森林中筑巢,牠只需要一根小树枝就够了;偃鼠喝水,最多就是一肚子,牠又能喝多少?
Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff. 很久以前,在一个峭壁上有一个鹰巢,里面住着一只小鹰。
At the end of the sixth week, the parents leave the nest and head toward the shelter with the six offspring walking between them. 到第六周结束时,两只大雁离开了它们的窝,同6个走在它们之间的孩子向窝棚走去。
It's time to leave the nest, but the garden can be a dangerous place. By Dominic Couzens. 该离开巢了,但是花园可能是一个危险的地方。
He's not ready to leave the nest yet, but it is another step forward in his flight to total independence. 雏儿还没做好离巢的准备,但这对孩子来说,却是向完全独立迈出了一步。
'Tony Bill will be so sorry ti leave our nest, 'answered Bright Eyes, 'and he will not qo away from our mother. “离巢的小喙也会很难过”,明眸说,“它也不会离开我们的妈妈。”
What's more, the hornets seems to correlate the business of digging its underground nest with the intensity of the sun. 而且黄蜂挖掘地下洞穴的活动似乎是和太阳的强度相互关联的。
But how could he find one in such cold weather? So he decided to put the snake inside his clothes, right nest to his heart. 但在这个寒冷的冬天上哪找呢?所以他决定将蛇放到怀里,靠近他的心脏
If the female is impressed, she will walk down and join him at the entrance of the nest, to see if it's good enough to breed in. 如果雌鸟被吸引,她会走下来和他一起坐在巢穴入口处,看看是否好到能够繁殖。
I've decided to send in an agent to gather intelligence. but if he gets caught it will stir up a hornet's nest on the diplomatic front. 我已决定派一名特工人员去收集情报。但是如果他被抓住的话。那就会给外交战线带来麻烦。
In the depths of a forest a duck was sitting in her nest. Her little ducklings were about to be hatched. 在森林的深处有一只母鸭子坐在她的巢中,她的小鸭子们即将孵出来。
Others are calling for boycotts of his movies and of a concert next month planned at Beijing's "Bird's Nest" National Stadium. 其他人则呼吁抵制他的电影和计划下个月在北京“鸟巢”举行的演唱会。
In such battles, only fire will purge the enemy form his nest. In such a battle was the Land Raider Redeemer created. 在这种战斗中,火焰是将敌人赶出巢穴的唯一办法,正因如此,救赎者级兰德掠袭者出现了。
He returned to the pet store that afternoon, reasoning that he might as well convert the snake's lair into a rat's nest. 那天下午他又返回宠物店,照此推测,莫不如把蛇窝儿变成养老鼠的地方。
She scraped together the dead leaves till she had formed them into a large heap, making a sort of nest in the middle. 她把一些枯叶扫到一起,堆成一大堆,在中间扒出一个窝来。
He was trying to put a bird back into its nest . 他试图把一只鸟儿放回它的窝去。
No matter how much I try, my hair always looks like a bird's nest. 不管我费多大劲,我的头发老是跟个乱鸟窝似的。
Anxiously, Allen looked at the nest again-to see the wasps flying straight at him. 艾伦焦急地又看了蜂巢一眼——结果只看到大黄蜂径直朝他飞来。
"I had been training hard to gain the chance to compete in the Bird's Nest. It is perfect and gives me a huge shock, " he said. 我一直为争取到鸟巢比赛的机会而刻苦训练着,它是完美绝伦的,它带给我具大的震撼。
To leave the nest from the nest the moment, it looking for the thorn tree, until the wish fulfilled, before a rest down. 从离开巢窝的那一刻起,它就在寻找着荆棘树,直到如愿以偿,才歇息下来。
She shut herself up in the nut cellar while Mr. Jackson pulled out the bees nest. He seemed to have no objection to stings . 当杰克逊先生拔起蜂巢时,她把自己关在储藏坚果的地窟里。他看来不认为螫刺是个障碍。
Buttressing that sort of attitude are the limited ways in which Chinese citizens can put their nest eggs to work. 造成这种心理的是中国居民在将他们的财富进行投资方面所受到的限制。
Now, it was into a hole of vipers that his glance had just been directed, it was a nest of monsters that he had beneath his eyes. 而他现在所注视的正是一个毒蛇洞,摆在他眼前的是个魔窟。
However, I felt that I would become intellectually more independent if I left the nest and had to make it on my own. 然而,我感到如果我离开这个巢穴我可以在思维上更独立,而且不得不完全独立自主。