now that

  • na.由于
  • 网络既然;既然已;现在已经

now thatnow that

now that


大学英语四级常用词组 ... just now 现在,眼下;刚才 now that 既然,由于 a number of 一些,许多 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... just now 现在,眼下;刚才 now that 既然,由于 a number of 一些,许多 ...


新东方笔记 ... in that 由于,因为; 2 now that 既然,由于; 3 except that 除了…之外。59. ...


综合英语下册词汇与短语 -... ... make up 编造 now that 既然已…… 现在已经…… read over /through 很快把……从头到尾读一 …


综合英语下册词汇与短语 -... ... make up 编造 now that 既然已…… 现在已经…… read over /through 很快把……从头到尾读一 …


“现在”的英语翻译_百度知道 ... just now 刚才;眼下;现在;方才 now that 既然;由于;既是;因为 right now 现在;立刻;此 …


词类、句子成分 - wendyedu@126的日志 - 网易博客 ... so that…( 以便), now that…( 现在既然), by the time…( 到…时候), ...

I know now that they were protecting me from the sight of her, but I wish they had told me that, or given me a choice. 如今我才明白他们是在保护我,不想让我看到她的惨样。但是我希望他们能事先告诉我这点,或者让我自己选择。
It seems to me now that he sighed and that I tittered to hide my embarrassment. 在我现在看来,他那时似乎在叹气,而我吃吃地笑是在隐藏我的尴尬。
Now that is all the magic to see, in that strange and silly term in the Urantia Book called fusion. 这就是目前全部的魔法,theUrantiaBook用一个古怪傻气的措词称之为fusion(融合,聚变)。
Now that you've created the deployment plan for your DB2 datasource, you're ready to install it. 现在已经为DB2数据源创建了部署计划并准备安装它。
Now that we have gazed upon the Dark Side, let us return to the path of righteous, simple code . . . 现在我们也看到了不好的那一面,那么,朴素的编程风格才是正道。
Now that you've made your final decision, and I cannot change this fact any more. I will not request to give the commission back. 既然你们已经做了最后的决定,我也没法改变这个事实。我再也不请求把老的佣金支付给我了。
Now that you've been working in that field, you've climbed as far up the ladder as you can go, and you miss the challenges you once faced. 如今,你已经在该行业中工作了,尽自己最大的努力达到了顶峰,这时候你就开始想念你曾经遇到的挑战了。
Now that you know all about May, you can investigate more about other birthday months and seasons on your own. 既然您知道所有关于五月的信息,您可以自行调查更多有关其它生日月份和季节的讯息。
Now that I've got a servlet to pump out a list of Retweets in JSON format, I'm ready to connect that data to my dashboard web page. 现在我已经获得了servlet以便用JSON格式导出一系列Retweet,我准备将此数据连接到我的仪表盘网页。
Now that you have had a chance to examine what we have sent to you, we are enclosing an order form for you to make an order easily. 既然你会检查到我们寄过来的产品,现在我们随寄一张订单表格以方便你确定订单。
Now that everything is set up, it is time to see how much of a difference it makes. 既然一切都已就绪,现在可以观察它带来了多大的差别。
Now that the zippy electrons are ready to roll, when can we expect the spin superhighway to make it to the chips in our laptops? 现在,充满活力的电子已经准备妥当,那么我们什么时候才能企盼自旋高速路将其输入我们的笔记本电脑的芯片之中?
He also offered an insight into his own modus operandi now that he, too, has no hope of having his films shown in Iran. 他还就其电影作品在伊朗上映无望的情况下,披露了自己特有的工作方式。
Augusto Odone: And that would tell you what is obvious right now? That avoiding apple skins and pizza has no effect on this brutal disease? 奥古斯托:用来证明现在已经清楚的事实么?证明不吃苹果皮和比萨对这种可怕的疾病没有效?
Much of their investment is in real estate and now that the property market looks like it might be in trouble, the issue is even more acute. 地方政府投资很大一部分都流进了房地产市场,而目前楼市似乎又处于困境,所以这个问题变得更加严重。
Now that you know the actual command (or method) to call to perform the desired action, you can now create a script to use this command. 既然知道了执行所需操作要调用的实际命令(或方法),现在就可以创建一个脚本来使用此命令。
Now that you have learned about progressive muscle relaxation, you are ready to give it a try. 既然你已经学会了如何进行渐进式肌肉放松,你已经做好了去尝试的准备。
Now that I'm older, I don't spend as much time with them as I used to, so I don't know my younger cousins as well as the older ones. 既然我们一起长大,不会像以前那样有很多时间和他们一起玩。所以那些年纪很小或很老的亲戚,我都不怎么认识。
Now that she's settled into her dorm room in Witte Hall, she said the hardest things to get used to are the language and culture. 现在她已经在威特中心的宿舍安顿下来,她说,最困难的事是适应语言和文化。
Now that youth has ebbed and I am stranded on the bank, I can hear the deep music of all things, and the sky opens to me its heart of stars. 如今,韶华已逝,我的小船搁浅在岸上,我听到了万物的深沉的乐曲,苍穹也向我敞开缀满繁星的胸怀。
But now that he has come. . . and the master was so respected; not to follow him would be disrespectful, and there was no harm. 但是既然已经来了……而且这位大师如此地受人尊敬,不按照他的意思做会很无礼,况且这又没什么害处。
Now that you ve developed an eye for it you ll likely discover at least one or two error conditions in need of correction. 现在再回头看一下,您可能会发现至少有一个或者两个错误情况需要改正。
Now that you know about the existence, structure, and interrelationships of these XML files, the question is, what do you do with them? 既然您了解了这些XML文件的存在、结构和相互关系,问题是,您要用它们来做什么呢?
Now that oil is no longer selling at $150 a barrel, manufacturers are going back to what they used to worry about. 现在石油的售价不再是150美元每桶。制造商们正回到他们过去所担心的问题上。
Now that I've had a little taste, on the receiving end of such email, it quickly became obvious which kind of email works and which do not. 作为这类邮件的接收端,我们既然已具备了一些鉴别能力,那么,对于哪类邮件能够有效果,哪些邮件不能,就显而易知了。
I'm trying to be happy but I think it's pretty obvious by now that it isn't my strongest forte. 我尝试着开心点,但是很明显这不是我的强项。
Let us just assume for simplicity now that the orbits are roughly circular just to get a little bit of feeling for it. 现在为了简便,暂且认为轨道均大致为圆形,大致熟悉一下。
Now that you've finished your argument, listen to the point I'm trying to make. 既然你已经说完了你的观点,听听我的观点吧。
None of this should have come as a surprise to investors now that Mr. Page is in charge. 既然现在是佩奇掌权,这些都不应令投资者意外。
But now that you know when you have the most energy and motivation, it can be pretty hard to justify such a squandering of that time. 但是现在你知道了你什么时候拥有最佳精力和动力,那就很难为你如此地浪费那段时间做辩护了。