no way

  • na.无论如何不
  • 网络不行;不可能;没门

no wayno way

no way


我的博客 - 王者天下 - 网易博客 ... 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! ...


最常用的英文日常用语_爱问知识人 ... It is urgent. 有急事。 No way! 不可能! Sure thin! 当然! ...


单车&音乐~~ - 月白风清 - 网易博客 ... come on 快点行不行 No way 没门 I see 我明白 ...


高中英语必修4单词表_百度知道 ... Mood 心情;心境 No way (俚语)肯定不;没门儿 Congestion 拥塞;堆积 ...


in2english - Community ... no wonder 难怪 no way 决不 none of one’s business 与某人无关,少管闲事 ...


英语口语8000句(转载)_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... Trust me!( 请相信我!) No way!( 不可能有!) He's 38.( 他38岁。) ...


宝儿 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 秘密日记( I'm Sorry) 无计可施( No Way) 狠不下心( Every Breath You Take) ...


提出要求_旺旺英语教学网 ... I don't feel well.( 我觉得不舒服。) No way.( 绝对不行。) No problem.( 没问题。) ...

There was no way to confirm the voice was actually that of bin Laden, but it resembled previous recordings attributed to him. 目前没有办法验证这段录音中的声音是否为拉登本人,但与之前的拉登录音十分相似。
The vast majority of you have had no contact with us, have not seen our ships, have no way of knowing if this true, but for your belief. 你们大多数人并没有与我们接触过,没有看到过我们的飞船,没有任何方式了解到这是真的,而仅仅源自于你们的信仰。
It was a beautiful letter, but there was no way, except for the name Michael, to identify the owner. 这是一封精美的信,但是除了迈克尔的名字以外,没有其他办法确定皮夹的主人。
But sometimes it is not necessarily wide of the mark for all that, because . . . because there is no way here of not seeing it reemerge. 但是尽管那样,有时候,它未必是远离目标,因为它一再出现,我们实在没有办法视而不见。
When it was recognized that there was no way out, he decided to go straight into an oncoming truck and was killed instantly. 当人们认识到,没有任何出路,他决定直接进入一迎面而来的卡车,并当场死亡。
Because that day, the sky suddenly began to rain heavily, so there is no way our whole family to look for chicks. 因为那天,天空突然下起了大雨,所以,我们全家没有办法去找小鸡。
LH: Yeah, when you take a character on a lesbian show and you flip her over to a guy, then there's no way out of this. 是啊,当你在一部拉拉剧里演一个拉拉,然后你把这个角色转去爱男人,那就像是走进死胡同一样。
There was no one there to see who shot first, so there is no way to know. 当时没有人看到是谁先开枪所以我们根本没办法知道
The moment you walked away from me, I knew there was no way I could ever pull you out of your world and into mine. But I couldn't give up. 在你从我身边走过的那个瞬间,我就知道,我没有办法把你从你的世界拉进我的世界。但是我不愿意就此放弃。
Most countries do not know and have no way of knowing how many health workers they employ - even in developed countries. 大多数国家,包括发达国家并不知道他们雇佣多少卫生人员,也无从知晓。
Yongseok Jang, LG vice president of strategy, recently joked that his kids are "begging" him for 3DS systems. "But I said no way, " he said. LG战略副总裁YongseokJang最近开玩笑地说,他的孩子们向他恳求三维动画系统,“但是我说没门”。
There's no way for me to comfortably reply to a post that has no intention of learning about the game. 我没有任何理由回复一个不认真了解游戏的帖子。
No one from here was ever there. There's no way of knowing. This is all bullshit and a waste of your tax money. 从来没有人去过那里,也没有办法去弄清楚。这简直是一派胡言,浪费纳税人的钱!
He is always in the first place in his class, so there is no way for all the other students to catch up with him. 他在班里总是排名第一,对其他同学来说,要赶上他简直是不可能的。
My power will allow me to escape, but I fear there is no way out for the rest of you. 我有能力逃得出这个墓穴,但我恐怕无法带剩余的人逃出去。
And, of course I had no way to verify his story or to try to raise my truck from the dead on my own. 当然我也没有办法核实他的“故事”并且也不能让我的卡车晚点退休。
The dog objected, "What? All day long to sit by the door? No way! I give you back the other 10 years of my life! " So God agreed. 狗反对:“什么?整天坐在门口?绝对不行!我退给你10年寿命!”于是上帝同意了。
I needed the money but there was no way I could proceed with my transaction, and that made for some losses in my small business. 当时,我急需用这笔钱,但无法办理业务,我的小企业因此遭受了一些损失。
He said something and shaked his head a little but there is no way to read his lip. 然后就是摇了摇头,也没有办法读他的唇语啊。
They had had several forums about whether to leave or not, but each time the captain said he could foresee no way across the rough water. 就是否离开的问题他们已经讨论过好几次了,但每次队长都说他无法预见任何穿过惊涛骇浪的办法。
Those were different times. There is no way that sort of borrowing could be obtained now to put that sort of deal together. 现在这种借贷已不能获得金融公司通过,更不用说要完成收购球会的交易。
She says that there is no way I could have caused it, that it's my parents' problem when my mom interrupts her to say "Yes she did. " 咨询师说不会的,这是你父母的问题。我妈打断她,说:没错就是她干的。
Formula in verse cloud: "draws out the hand three not to let, slip proceeds on, three arm two legs, stick on the body have no way anti-" . 歌诀云:“起手三不让,出溜出溜往前上,三节胳膊两节腿,粘在身上没法抗”。
Should such changes occur they will in no way affect your earnings accumulated up to the time of these changes. 如果如此的变化发生,他们在没有方法情绪直到这些变化的时候被累积的你的所得中决意。
He had been a smart boy, even talented in languages and mathematics, but his mother knew these were no way to make a living. 他小时候很聪明,甚至在语言学和数学方面有些天分,可是他的母亲知道这些东西不能拿来谋生。
'I don't know if any money exchanged hands or not. . . . And I suspect the U. S. government has no way of knowing either. ' 我不知道有没有什么资金被转手,我猜美国政府也没有办法知道。
Plus, there's no way to predict an individual's response to removing supplemental oxygen and how much they will suffer. 另外,没有办法能预料到移走供氧引起的个体反应、也无法预料他们将遭受多大的痛苦。
Because that type cannot be known in advance, there is no way to know whether it has an element type or what that element type might be. 因为无法提前获知该类型,则无法知道其是否具有元素类型或该元素类型是什么。
Even allowing for the most generous expenses, there was no way he could have spent more than half of what was coming in. 即使把费用打得最宽,他也无法花掉大半数的收入。
There are no spiritual tunes. If I played a song for you without the words, you'd have no way of knowing if it were a "Christian" song. 也没有所谓“属灵”旋律,因为如果我弹奏一首没有歌词的曲子,你根本无从知道它是否为圣诗。