next to you

  • 网络在你身边;在你身旁;隔着你

next to younext to you

next to you


next... ... That only heaven can make 只有在天堂里才能看到 Next To You 在你身边 You've got that smile 你拥有了这种微笑 ...


会英文的进来翻译下_百度知道 ... realize 意识到\实现 Next To You 在你身旁 Our Journey 我们的旅程 ...


... and i'm right here 我在这里很好 next to you 隔着你 it feels like you gone too soon 还是无法接受你会这么快就离我而去 ...


April的小站 ... 03假如我住在春天 Long Stay In Spring 2011 04左右 Next To You 2009 06瘾 Yen 2006 ...


Chinese Music *Request Here Only*... ... Artist:Nick Chung( 钟盛忠) Album:Next to You( 在你左右) Album:Republic( 共和国) ...


Next To You 歌词 Petula Clark ※ ... Petula Clark( 佩图拉克拉克) 6.Next To You( 修改) ...

I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. There ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the U. S. A. 我很高兴今天仍站在你身旁并保卫祖国。我毫无疑问地爱这片土地,上帝保佑美国。
You're so close to the people sleeping next to you that you can feel the hair of their mustache on the side of your head. 你是如此接近的人睡在你旁边,你可以感受到他们的胡子头发的一方你的头。
If you need a few minutes to do dishes, you can set her up next to you with a dishpan filled with soapy water and coins. 如果你要花些时间去洗碗,你可以把孩子安置在你的旁边,给她一个装满肥皂水和硬币的洗碗盆。
lt was lying next to you. l opened it to see if there was an ld. 它丢在你旁边,我打开看了下里面有没有身份证
As you roll over in the morning and see him lying next to you, you are struck with a great sense of contentment. 当你早晨翻身看见他躺在你身边时,满足之感油然而生。
lt was lying next to you. l opened it to see if there was an Id. 当时就在你旁边。我打开了想看看里面有没有身份证。
The gentleman next to you wonders if you would care to swap seats with his wife, as they have been seated on different sides of the plane. 坐在您旁边的先生想知道,您愿意跟他的妻子换一下座位吗?他们坐在不同的一侧。
You got to look at the guy next to you. Look into his eyes! 看看你旁边的人!凝视着他的眼睛!
To be clear, items should not be stowed behind your calves, under your feet like a footstool, in the open seat next to you, or in your lap. 明白的说,物品不应该放置在你的小腿后面,或像一个脚凳一样放在你的脚下,或旁边空的座位上,或在你的大腿上。
You will start to feel better, I promise. And of course, you can then ask the bartender or friendly local next to you for some help. 坐下来,喝点酒.我保证你会感到好一点.当然你也可以向酒吧服务生或者挨着的友好的当地人寻求帮助。
Try to keep your pace such that you could easily carry on a conversation with someone running next to you. 尽量保持能够与您旁边人轻松交谈的配速。
If you need to leave the table, excuse yourself from the group or at least with the people sitting next to you. 如果你需要离开餐桌,要跟这一桌的人解释一下,至少要跟坐在你旁边的人说一声。
If you "re willing, I wish I wanted to sit next to you in a little love boat and rowing together to a safe harbor of happiness. " 如果你愿意,在一页爱的小舟中,我能坐在你身旁,和你一起划向安全的幸福港湾。
Lovelace: Turn to the penguin next to you. . . and give him a great big hug! 拉雷丝:转向你旁边的企鹅……然后给他一个巨大的拥抱!
Just saying a simple "Hello" or "Hi" to the person next to you, and offering them a smile, could give you an instant mood-boost. 只要向你旁边的人简单地说声“你好”或者“嗨”,然后对他们报以微笑,那么你的心情马上就会好起来。
The organisers had just said take your lightsaber and go at it with whoever was stood next to you - it was crazy. 组织者当时对我们说,拿起你们的光剑,和你最近的人对打——这可真疯狂。
If you want someone who will never touch the remote, doesn't care about football, and can sit next to you as you watch romantic movies. 如果你要谁永远不碰遥控器,不在乎足球赛,而能坐在你身边陪你看爱情戏。
Lyin' Next To You In The Dark . I Can Feel Your Beating Heart . You've Been Here Beside Me Through The Test Of Time . 黑暗中。躺在你身边。感受着你心脏的跳动。经过时间的考验。你一直在我身边。
You got into the car like a man of wood, not saying a word and completely forgetting I was there next to you. 上了缆车,就像木头人似的,一句话也不说,全忘了旁边还有个我。
Dear Gabriel, I wonder if you found not, the last half year, I always intentionally or unintentionally class to sit next to you. 我不知道你有没有发现,在过去半年里,我总是有意或无意地坐到你的旁边。
I and many others in the beyond are right next to you to help and support you. 我和其它很多在这边的人就正在你的身边帮助你和支持你。
Sign up for an art class, or at yoga, introduce yourself to the woman who's downward-dogging next to you. 参加一堂艺术课,或者瑜珈,把你自己介绍给正在你旁边做向下伸展动作的女士。
Caught, and values? Never mind the students next to you for not cheating, mind your own. Nothing to eat do not suffer problems. 别管你旁边的同学作不作弊,管好你自己。没有什么吃不吃亏的问题。
The guy who's sitting next to you in the elegant restaurant, shouting to his personal assistant on his cell phone is probably a Leo. 在一个极其高雅的餐厅里坐在你身旁,对着电话里他的私人助理大喊大叫的,可能是狮子座。
After a while, you listen to yourself think aloud so you don't have to listen to the soliloquy next to you. 过段时间,你就会听到自己自言自语的声音,这样就不必听邻座的独白了。
Or how he managed to get the girl out of the coffin when she was sitting right next to you? 或者他是怎样使一个正坐在你身边的女孩从棺材里面走出来的吗?
No, thank you, "he said. " I'm not hungry. But I want to sit next to you, wife. Please tell that man to move. “不,谢谢,”他说。“我不饿。但我想坐在你身边,我的妻子。请叫那个人走开。”
Sleep talking, sometimes called somniloquy, might wake up the person next to you, but it's harmless. 说梦话,有时称作梦呓,能吵醒你身边的人,但它是无害的。
"I was standing right next to you, Bella, " he said, his tone serious again. “我就站在你旁边,贝拉。”他说,语气再度严肃起来。
Morning would be better if I woke up next to you. 如果一醒来就能看到你,早晨也会更加美好了。