no one knows

  • 网络没有人知道;没人知道;无人知晓

no one knowsno one knows

no one knows


最常用的英文日常用语_爱问知识人 ... 66. Here you are. 给你。 67. No one knows . 没有人知道。 68. Take it easy. 别紧张 …


生活英语口语 ... Nobody knows. 没人知道 No one knows. 没人知道 No one knows for sure. 谁也不知道确切的情况 ...


沪江博客 - Faye's Monolog - I,... ... Innumerable Antecedents 数不清的前身 No One Knows 无人知晓 No Master Mind 无人主 …


wangming509 - 日志主页 - 半岛博客 ... 66. Here you are. 给你。 67. No one knows . 没有人晓得。 68. Take it easy. 别紧张 …


EmilyTED 的个人博客 ... No one knows 无人知道 I realize... It was only just a dream 然后我意识到 这只是场梦 ...


沪江博客 - 兔子撒欢地 ... 常常 often -- 谁也不知道 no one knows 只是在...的时候 only ...


  DHL快递近日在北京启动了名为“谁更了解”(No One Knows)全新全球推广计划,强调其为出口导向型企业提供时限性强的跨境 …


... “How are you?” 在一些情况下实际是打招呼的另一种说法 52. “No one knows可见没人知道2050年人们的生活状况。故本题 …

No one knows what kind of pleasant surprise may be in store for him around the corner: a uniquely styled and busy cafe? 谁也不会知道在下一个转角中会是怎样的惊喜,会是一家风格独特食客不断的小吃店?
But no one knows by how much. 但是目前为止没有人知道收益是多少。
Imagine that all this caviar could have been bought by people and no one knows what would have been the consequences. 想象所有这些鱼子酱可能会被人们买去但是没人知道要承担什么样的后果。
No one knows quite how much private companies contribute to China's fast-growing economy. 没人确切的知道中国的这些私营企业对中国快速发展的经济到底起到了多大的作用。
"How much is ever enough? No one knows, " he says. “到底要投入多少才够?没有人知道”,他说道。
His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems ; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. 他的眼如火焰、他头上戴著许多冠冕.又有写著的名字、除了他自己没有人知道。
"There is no proper teaching on how alcohol can be dangerous, so no one knows alcoholism as a disease, " he said. 他说:“喝酒可能带来危险,但这方面的教育不到位,所以没有人把酒精中毒当成疾病。”
Because no one knows at the break time, I saw him drying his eyes and nose with his blue handkerchief. I didn't go up and poke him out. 因为谁也不会知道,课间时,透过办公室的大玻璃,我清楚地看到他小心翼翼地用手帕擦着眼睛和鼻子。
No one knows how much it will have to pay. 没人知道该公司将赔偿多少。
Humans were always like this, "they don't give up until they hit the south wall" (stubborn). The problem is, no one knows where the wall is. 人类向来就是这样,不撞南墙心不死,问题是,谁也不知道这堵墙到底在哪儿。
No one knows why, but she may have done it because of Tasha, and splitting up with her boyfriend just a day or so before. 没有人知道原因,不过她有可能是因为塔莎的缘故才自杀的,而且在那之前一两天她刚好和男友分手了。
and their sight was restored. Jesus warned them sternly, "See that no one knows about this. " 他们的眼睛就开了。耶稣切切的嘱咐他们说,你们要小心,不可叫人知道。
The trouble with this conclusion is that no one knows how much water people can safely use. 此种结论的问题在于无人了解多少水资源能够供人们安全使用。
'No one knows what is going to happen here, ' Mr. Persson said, 'but bear in mind that this is just one of many factors affecting our costs. 佩尔松说,没人知道这里将会发生什么事,但要记得这只是对我们的成本构成影响的诸多因素之一。
No one knows who wrote that play, but it is often ascribed to me. 没人知道那个剧本是谁写的,但一般都认为是我写的。
"No one knows what will happen to us, " laments Shamin Khan, one of a few hundred residents of camping besides the ruins. “没人知道会发生什么事”ShaminKhan哀叹道。在Sultanwas有几百名居民露宿在废墟旁,ShaminKhan是其中一员。
No one knows how well he, how thoughtful, no one knows how much I love him, how he loves me, happiness is two things that I. 没有人知道他多么好,多么体贴,没有人知道我是多么爱他,他是多么爱我,幸福是两个人的事情,我才。
No one knows who made the first cheese, but an old legend says that it was an Arabian merchant. 没有人知道谁制成了第一块乳酪,但是一则古老的传奇故事说,那是一位阿拉伯商人。
After all; it doesn't matter how fancy your phone is, or how much room you have on the airwaves, if no one knows your number. 毕竟,如果没人知道你的号码,你的手机再先进,或者是你拥再大空间的电波,也无济于事。
In the past certain time, he made a blunder which he even regret today, but he never told in detail and no one knows what it was. 过去某个时候他一定犯了一个至今仍后后悔不已的大错,但他从不细说,也没人知道究竟是个什么错。
"No one knows how much Windows' licensing fee is, but there is certainly a cost associated with that, " says Mr Gupta. 古普塔表示:“没人知道Windows的许可费是多少,但肯定是有费用的。”
But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth. 但几乎没人知道在这块冰封的土地下究竟有多少原油。
No one knows from which day and which year on he began to sharpen the knife. In the beginning, no one even knew why he did it. 没人记得他是从哪一年的哪一天开始磨的刀,开始也没有人知道他为什么要磨刀。
His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 他的眼睛如火焰,他头上戴著许多冠冕;又有写著的名字,除了他自己没有人知道。
Bible scholars have speculated as to what this thorn might have been, but no one knows for sure. 圣经学者们推测这根刺有可能是什么,但没有人确切地知道。
Mr Obama has often said he favours reform, but no one knows how much political capital he will invest in its pursuit. 奥巴马曾常说他喜欢改革,但没人知道,为了追逐改革,他将会投多少政治资本进去。
No one knows how much support the Muslim Brotherhood and the old-fashioned left have. 没有人知道穆斯林兄弟会和老左派得到了多大的支持。
But no-one knows how much of the Milky Way's mass lies beyond its glittering disc. 但没有人知道银河系的质量里有多少是在它那闪闪发亮的圆盘之外的。
No one knows, no one found that only the wind blowing was aware of the corner of my mind and its secret. 没有人知道,没有人发现,只有吹过的风明白那个角落曾经装着属于我和它的秘密。
It would be great to compile a list of these awesome applications that no one knows about, and then I'll write a post featuring them. 列出这些没人知道的顶呱呱的程序,然后再我的博客上介绍它们,这将是一件棒极了的事。