nine days

  • 网络九天;九月天

nine daysnine days

nine days


9日用英语怎么说_百度知道 ... 第九天,××月九号 ninth day 九天 nine days 如果是指日期,那就是 the ninth ...


... 摇滚小子( Kid Rock - The History Of Rock) 九月天( Nine Days - The Madding Crowd) 超脱合唱团( Nirvana - Nevermind) ...

he was but eleven months and nine days old and , though still a tiny toddler , was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words. 他才十一个月零九天。尽管刚趔趔趄趄地学步,却已开始咿呀学语了。
In May, so far, the bank has intervened on at least nine days -- selling an additional US$1 billion of its currency last Thursday alone. 5月迄今,香港金管局至少有9天进行了干预,仅上周四就再度投放了价值10亿美元的港币。
This event, held in Independence, Kansas, has grown from just a Halloween night celebration to a festival that lasts nine days! 这项于堪萨斯州独立城所举办的活动,已经由原本的万圣节当夜的庆祝活动,变为一个长达九天的大型庆典!
It was nine days since his wife died, killed by falling rubble as they fled their house during China's earthquake. 他的妻子去世已经九天了,在地震中向屋外逃跑时,她被砸死。
As he was going he at least agreed to inform me that I had nine days in which to appeal, but he has left a watchman here! 他走的时候总算对我说了一句话,我可以在九天之内提出反对意见,但是他留下了一个看守!
Forty-nine days after it received a request from the War Department, a complete jeep was ready to go. 四十九天后,收到了陆军部的要求,一个完整的吉普车整装待发。
The satellite that landed in their garden made the family a bit of a nine days' wonder, but no one remembers their names now. 这家人因卫星落在家中花园里而轰动一时,不过现在已没人记得他们的名字了。
He said some progress had been made over the nine days, providing a basis on which talks could resume. 他表示,在过去的9天里,取得了一些进展,这为重启谈判奠定了基础。
Her mother died nine days short of her (mother's) fiftieth birthday. 母亲还差9天过50岁生日的时候也离她而去。
This film star is a nine days' wonder; I doubt whether anyone will remember her in a year's time. 这位电影明星现在红极一时(也指昙花一现),但我认为一年以后人们不见得还记得她。
Xiao Xuan, now nine days Xuannv come has revealed the truth: "Magic of the heart become immortal people shy? " 玄霄,此时九天玄女降临,道出真理:“心已成魔之人岂可成仙?”
The story's author had already had the case against him thrown out by the High Court after nine days in one of Zimbabwe's ghastly jails. 9天后,文章的作者也被高等法院投进了津巴布韦最恐怖的监狱之一。
The arm remained on the groin for nine days before it was reattached to the stump which had recovered from the infection. 小臂在腹股沟上待了9天,然后重新连接到治愈了感染的残肢上。
They fitted a female bear with a radio collar and then tracked her as she swam non-stop for nine days. 他们在一只雌性北极熊身上安装了无线电装置对她进行追踪,记录到她一刻不停地游了九天。
Lady Jane Grey was a beautiful girl who became Queen of England at the age of 16. But her reign lasted only nine days. 珍.格雷郡主十六岁成为英国女王,但这位美丽少女在位前后只有九天。
After the fire burning forty-nine days, the Lord Lao Zi thought the Great Sage must be ashes so he opened the furnace. 火燃烧后四十九天,太上老君以为大圣必须骨灰于是他打开炉。
It's said she'd been trapped in her kitchen with her grandson for nine days. 据信,她和自己的孙子被困在厨房中长达九天的时间。
But nine days later a single electrical splice overheated because it had been badly soldered, and disaster struck. 但9天之后一个简单的电气连接因为焊接不良过热造成伤害。
He set out his views in "Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule, " a book written feverishly, in nine days, in November, 1909. 1909年十一月,甘地仅用九天的时间就急速地写出了一本名叫《欣德斯瓦拉杰或者叫做印度自治》的书,并在其中陈述了自己的观点。
As a pop star she was a nine days'. Wonder: she only made one successful record. 她是个昙花一现的歌手,只录制过一张受欢迎的唱片。
Within nine days, he had been resettled in a one-room apartment in a temporary housing camp. 天之内,他被安置在一个临时收容所的单间内。
A total of 1. 5kg of chilli had been handed out in just nine days, the Chongqing Evening News reported. 据当地的《重庆晚报》报道,仅仅九天,便有总共一点五公斤辣椒被分发出去。
Paige sometimes traveled as many as 30, 000 miles a year and in one streak pitched twenty-nine days in a row! 佩吉有时候一年会旅行3万英里,而且一次连续21天上场投球。
The Doha round of global trade talks, now in its seventh year, broke up without agreement yesterday after nine days of tense negotiations. 多哈回合全球贸易谈判在为期9天的紧张协商之后,昨日未能达成协议,宣告破裂。多哈回合谈判已进行了7年。
After nine days in Alaska, Mr. Sherlund headed home and prepared for his first day back at the office. 在阿拉斯加度过9天后,舍伦德返回家中,开始为他头一天上班做准备。
But tinkering with the virus created a powerful new strain which, within nine days, killed every animal it was injected into. 但在修补病毒的时候创造了一种呛力的新品种,在9天内杀死了所有有注射过的动物。
Estrus: During this period, which also lasts approximately nine days, the female will accept the male and is fertile. 发情期:这段时期,同样持续约九天,母犬可以和公犬进行交配并受孕。
Nine days earlier he had left his estate in Yasnaya Polyana in secret before dawn, accompanied by his doctor. 九天以前,天尚未破晓,他秘密地离开了在亚斯纳亚波良纳的庄园,随行的只有他的医生。
So, were there more harsh words from the gaffer at half-time , as reportedly happened during the FA Cup win over Havant nine days ago? 那么,在半场的时候,相比据报道称发生在九天前打败哈万特的足总杯时,拉法是不是说了更多苛责的话?
Kemerovo's regional governor says the payments will be dispersed in the next nine days. 克麦罗沃地区负责人说,这笔钱将在9天内发出。