new style

  • un.新型
  • 网络新样式;新风格;新款

new stylenew style

new style


  你也可以在“新样式New style)”对话框中选择一个现存的样式表来编辑或添加新的定义。   应该连接到External CSS还是导入?


柏星龙 ... 新材料: New material 新风格New style 新工艺: New technics ...


首页-LLEZA-Wildgirl 欧美原单女鞋-- 淘宝网 ... 新款 New style 美靴 Boots ...


PREMIERE 所有中英翻译 - 豆丁网 ... new project 新建项目 new style 新建样式 new title 新建字幕 ...


首页-REMY HAIR-淘宝网 ... front lace wig 半蕾丝假发 新款上市 NEW STYLE 发帘 INDIAN HAIR WEFT ...


Soluciones del Workbook Lecciones |... ... 样式 style 新式 new style 老式 old style ...


new-style是什么意思_new... ... new style name n. 新样式名 new style 新型,新型号 new style pattern 新样式 ...


帝彩 ... 汤姆 TOM 新斯泰 New STYLE 科林 COLIN ...

Despite a desire for individuality, many seem to be following the crowd in whatever new style comes along. 尽管有着特立独行的欲望,但是许多人似乎都在新款上市之时跟随大多数人的脚步。
Log in as the user to which the new style was assigned, and check that the site looks like the default Mozart style site. 以用户身份登录到指定的新样式,然后查看网站是否像默认的Mozart样式网站。
Do not introduce a new coding style in a modification, and do not attempt to rewrite the old software just to make it match the new style. 不要试图在修改中引入一种新的风格,更不要试图重写旧的软件去迎合新的风格。
The non-native characteristic took a dominant place in the initiating stage of new style education in the late Qing Dynasty. 在清末新式教育创始阶段,外来性占主导地位。
The cost of a common new-style down jacket is at least 1000 yuan. Why the price rocketed so high this year? 一件普普通通的新款羽绒服少说也在千元左右,今年的羽绒服价格为何会如此牛气冲天?
'I embrace my family values and heritage, ' says Mr. Cheng. 'But I'm also trying to create a new platform for the family with a new style. 郑志刚说,我信奉我们家族的价值观和传统,但我也在努力为家族创造一个具有新风格的新平台;
It just means the concept of art is exhausted. No new style of art can emerge. There is no direction for art history to go on. 它只是意味艺术概念的可能性已经穷尽了,艺术在风格方面不能再有突破,艺术史也不可能再有发展方向。
I was one of the first artists to begin a new style of music in the United States that is now called New Age Music. 我是最早尝试创作一种新风格音乐(在美国现在叫做新世纪音乐)的艺术家之一。
A sort of new-style slide-way is introduced which can be applied in the continuous heating furnace of steel rolling plant. 介绍了一种用于轧钢厂连续式加热炉中的新型滑道。
She will not be hesitant to try a new style as long as it does not make her look like a fool. 只要看上去不滑稽,她很乐于尝试新潮的穿衣风格。
The result of this transformation is the same XML file with a new style sheet embedded in it. 该转换结果为同一XML文件,并嵌有一个新的样式表。
But Thailand's current crisis doesn't seem to have produced a new style of music, or new bands like Caravan to reflect the times. 然而泰国最近发生的骚乱并未催生新的音乐风格,或是像大篷车乐队一样影响时代的乐队。
Exquisite sweaters in new style and various specifications on exhiBition are for you to choose from at will. 新款羊毛衫精品展销,规格齐全,任你选购。
The clothing factory is almost ready to launch its new style on the market. 这个服装厂即将向市场推出新款式。
Everyone knows I used to play further forward on the pitch and I had to adapt to a new style of game, a new pace, more physical. 每个人都知道,我曾经在球场上更靠前的位置活动,但我必须适应新的比赛风格,还有更快的速度和更强的身体对抗。
Lau said he believed McDonald's would adopt the new style in other strictly kosher branches over time. 劳指出,他相信麦当劳将来会在严格遵守犹太教规戒律的分店里采取新的运营方式。
We have many years of production experience, have special designers of the novel design, and constantly introduce new style. 本厂有多年的制作经验,有专门的设计师进行新颖的设计,不断推出新的款式。
come on ! you ' ll get sick of the style one day . sell the gold back and put the money towards a new style. 得了吧!你总有一天会厌倦同个式样。你应该把黄金卖回去,折现转去买新式样。
As a part of the harmonious society, the university should be harmonious and new-style and manifest the essence of socialist university. 高校作为和谐社会的组成部分,应是体现中国特色社会主义高校本质的、新型的、和谐的高校。
In the Folder List, locate a page that uses the page layout to which you want to apply a new style, and then double-click the page. 在“文件夹列表”中,找到使用要为其应用新样式的网页布局的网页,再双击该网页。
Thanks to the appearance of the new-style ultraviolet lamp-house, the technique of ultraviolet radiation has developed quickly. 由于新型紫外光源的出现,紫外线技术得到了迅速发展。
american investment bankers brought a brash new style to its financial markets , including breathtaking bonuses and early starts. 美国投资银行家们带来了一整套金融市场新的管理方式,包括那令人咋舌的奖金和先进的管理思想。
The switching power supply was the recent years applies the very widespread one kind of new style power source. 开关电源是近年来应用非常广泛的一种新式电源。
The contents are the authors and co-creative travel agent, after several months of planning, now with a new style. of display to tourists. 而内容,都是作者和旅行社共同创作,经过几个月的规划,现在以一个全新的面貌展示给游客。
Check the video after the break to see the new style, and hit the gallery below for a bigger look. 点击下面的视频看看新徽标是什么样,点击图片以便查看大图。
With the rapid development of internet, there has been a new style of intercommunion in campus, we call it "online love affair" 伴随着网络的迅速发展,大学校园出现了一种全新的亲密交往方式,我们称它为“网恋”,
Researchers believe that reciting shortly after learning is better than many new-style educational methods. 研究人员认为,课后立即背诵比许多新的教育方法更有效。
That messianic phrase held the promise of a new style of politics in this time of tweets and pokes. 在社交网络盛行的这个时代,这种救世主式的说法有希望昭示一种新的政治风格。
Exactly what the new-style class _slots_ attribute is supposed to be used for is nowhere made clear. 新式类_slots_属性的具体用途并不十分明了。
Performance appraisal is one of the important managerial content in new-style rural CMS. 绩效评价是新型农村合作医疗管理的重要内容之一。